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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2 (PSP)
Winnie Chester
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
A guard at Division 47.
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-dark Dark
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 (PSP)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Strangetown

Winnie Chester is a townie residing in Division 47 in Strangetown from The Sims 2 for PlayStation Portable. She has the military rank of Corporal. She has black hair but brown eyebrows; according to her dark secret, she has to paint her eyebrows on every day, which could explain the color difference.


  • Personal (Personal): Likes to yell, 'Attention!' when her date starts to ignore her at dinner.
  • Intimate (Intimate): The only reason she joined the military was for the snappy uniform.
  • Dark (Dark): Lost her eyebrows in the line of duty. Now she has to paint them in every morning.
Personality type
This Sim has a Fire personality type in The Sims 2 for PSP.


  • The name 'Winnie Chester' resembles the word Winchester, meaning her name could be a reference to the Winchester Rifle, a well-known type of gun. She is also referred to as 'Beretta Winchester' in the files.


Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2 (PSP)
English Winnie Chester
Spanish Francesca Peta