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This article is about a neighborhood.
Whiskerton (console)
Name Whiskerton
Game  The Sims 2 Pets (console)
Housed residents 12
4 (PSP)
Townies 13
8 (PSP)

Whiskerton is the neighborhood where The Sims 2: Pets for PlayStation 2, PSP, GameCube and Wii takes place.

Whiskerton is the default neighborhood name and can be changed to another name.

PS2, Wii and GameCube version[]

In The Sims 2: Pets, the center of the neighborhood is a lake surrounded by land. It also features a waterfall with one lot called Lemming Point which is unoccupied, but a little south is a lot occupied by the Hardiman family in Serenity Falls. On the far side to the right is a country like setting with two lots occupied by the Simpson family at Feline Farms and the Newbie family at Cozy Acres. South of the neighborhood is an island with one unoccupied lot called Fishbone Island. Most of the neighborhood is surrounded by pine trees.


Lives In: Cozy Acres

Funds: §3,562

When beginning the tutorial the player will start with Bob and eventually switch to Betty.

Both Betty and Bob have 3 points in cooking, they live in a tidy cozy home near the country fields.

Lives In: Feline Farms

Funds: §1,111

Dottie owns 5 cats and lives in a house dominated with feline features. A rooster crow is heard often at this lot.

Lives In: Dogwood Forest

Funds: §4,315

Buck has 3 dogs and lives in a cabin like home surrounded by pine trees and "Gnarly Carly Hardwood" trees. His home, like most homes in Whiskerton, is located in front of the lake.

Lives In: Serenity Falls

Funds: §4,498

The Hardimans live in a lavish classical theme home with the waterfall located behind their home. North West from the home there is a bridge. West of the home is a beige coloured home with a red tile roof. Also East from the home is a tunnel that leads probably to Lemming Point, though it is uncertain.

Lives In: Paw Valley Road

Funds: §8,986

The Townsends lives with 2 dogs. Their home is modern and features a beautiful view at the back of the lake and the waterfall, in the far side most of the sim's homes can be seen here (not interacted with though). In front a mountain range can be seen.

Lives In: Firefly Lake

Funds: §2,328

The May household consists of 4 different Sims, meaning they're not all "May's", as it's Mira's home and the others are her tenants. The lot features a tiny beach behind the lot with an outstanding view of the lake. The home is surrounded by shrubs. Much north to the view of the lake is the country side and a canyon of sorts.

Unoccupied lots[]

In order of price:


As the player progresses through the game by raising relationships and fulfilling wants, other Sims are unlocked. Players cannot start a game with these Sims but they can move them into already inhabited households by marrying them or simply increasing their relationship points with them enough to ask them to move in. Until a Sim is unlocked they will not appear around the Town Square or visit/be seen walking by their home. The last known Townies to unlock are Eddie and Joyce Howard and their 2 dogs and 1 cat.

Here are a list of the townies unlocked and the aspiration points totals:

Town Square[]

The Town Square in Whiskerton is basically a park. The currency here is Pet Points and the town square introduces pet stores and drink/ice cream stalls.

The more pet points are spent the more the town square expands as well the shop that was shopped in. For example, if the spends enough pet points in the Pet Emporium, it will grow bigger and more objects will be available.

The Town Square has a chess table, drinking fountains, vending machines, a park fountain (which will expand), bathroom stalls and a statue (also will expand). It is unknown where it is located in Whiskerton as it doesn't show it in the neighbourhood view, but it is known to be near the lake as it sits on the edge of it and can be seen in the background.

PSP version[]


PSP version of Whiskerton

The PSP version is smaller and only features four lots or sections and very few families. The town square is also a bit degraded. The four sections consists of Ruff Woods and cabin like section. Birmatown a city-like theme similar to Bridgeport. Pupville is a peaceful neighbourhood. Lastly, Kitty Heights, a very upscale section with a home that has two simoleon signs on top.


Lives In: Ruff Woods

Funds: §12,543

Like all homes with preset families in the PSP version, the home is small and uses Bedroom set 1, studio, Layout 1. The scenery behind the home is similar to the home in Dogwood Forest. Also Falafel & Presto which were in the May family are now in the Townsends. Presto has a brown fur colour rather than the black one in the other console versions and Linda wears a different outfit.

Lives In: Pupville

Funds: §16,632

The lot is surrounded by neighbourhood homes with white walls and black or red tiled roofs and is fenced.

Family bin/real estate office families[]

Most families which appear in the PS2, GameCube, Xbox & Wii versions are in the family bin. These are:


  • The name of the neighbourhood is a reference to whiskers, which are long, thick hair around the mouth of some animals, mostly mammals such as cats and mice.
  • If the player leaves the neighbourhood screen for a while, the screen will change from morning, to noon, to evening.
  • A portion of the lake can be seen in the PSP version on the neighbourhood screen.
  • The chess table is replaced with a dining table and the tiles in the bathroom are replaced with red carpet in the Town Square in the PSP version.