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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2: Seasons
Weather Neighborhood
The New Seasonal Neighborhood
Name Weather
Game The Sims 2 Seasons Icon The Sims 2: Seasons
Housed residents 0
Family bin Sims 8
Townies 9

Weather is a secret sub-neighborhood introduced in The Sims 2: Seasons. It is automatically added to every neighborhood loaded after Seasons is installed. Its main purpose is to add the Garden Club members to an existing neighborhood.

The neighborhood image is the same as Riverblossom Hills.

The neighborhood biography was never translated as it never was supposed to be visible, as stated in the translation description. It is always in English, regardless of languages.


Family bin families[]

Dora Ottomas, Peter Ottomas, Samantha Ottomas, David Ottomas, Sharla Ottomas, Tommy Ottomas
Large families have a lot of love to share, but also require a lot of work - especially with more children on the way! Will grandma's help be enough to keep this family strong?
Sanjay Ramaswami, Priya Ramaswami
Sanjay and Priya are ready to settle down and start their life together! Will they settle in the beautiful town of Riverblossom Hills or find a new place to make their happy home?

Townies and NPCs[]


Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Weather
Brazilian Portuguese Clima
Chinese (Simplified) 天气
Chinese (Traditional) 天氣
Czech Počasí
Danish Vejr
Dutch Het weer
Finnish ja luodataan säätä
French Météo
German Wetter
Hungarian Időjárás
Italian Tempo
Japanese 天気
Korean 날씨
Norwegian Vær
Polish Pogoda
Portuguese Tempo
Russian Погода
Spanish Clima
Swedish Väder
Thai สภาพอากาศ