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The Sims 2 The Sims 3: Supernatural
Titania Summerdream
Titania Summerdream
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Though devoted to her adopted children Puck and Bottom, Titania is feeling restless. Can she again find the peace, love, and happiness she used to share with Oberon or will she look for attention elsewhere?
Education and employment
Career Slacker career Party DJ
Family Summerdream family
Parents Elvin Summerdream, Fae Summerdream Both Deceased
Marital status Single
Romances Oberon Summerdream Lover, Kent Capp Crush
Children Puck SummerdreamAdopted Son, Bottom SummerdreamAdopted Daughter
Zodiac sign Sagittarius Sagittarius
Aspiration Family Family
Hair color TS2 Red Hair Red
Eye color TS2 Green Eyes Green
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Icon The Sims 2
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Veronaville
Titania Summerdream
Titania Summerdream (Moonlight Falls)
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Young-Adult Young Adult
Life state CAS Fairy icon Fairy
Family Summerdream family
Marital status Married
Romances Oberon Summerdream Husband
Traits Trait Slob small Slob
Trait Loner small Loner
Trait Night Owl small Night Owl
Trait Commitment Issues small Commitment Issues
Trait Grumpy small Grumpy
Zodiac sign SagittariusLN Sagittarius
Favorites Fav Kids Kids
Fav Grilled Salmon Grilled Salmon
Fav Red Red
Hair color Haircolor4-TS3 Red
Eye color Eye-green Green
Skin color Tan skin-TS3 Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3SN Icon The Sims 3: Supernatural
Playability Townie
World Moonlight Falls

Titania Summerdream is a member of the Summerdream family featured in The Sims 2. She is an NPC fairy, however, in The Sims 3: Supernatural.[1] The other Summerdream family members are not present, but it is possible to create them in the game.


Life leading up to The Sims 3[]

In The Sims 3: Supernatural, Titania Summerdream is a homeless fairy living in Moonlight Falls. She can be recognized by her flamboyant red crown braids. Since fairies have delayed aging, this could explain how Titania can still be alive in The Sims 2. Strangely she and Oberon are married in The Sims 3: Supernatural, while they are not married in The Sims 2, which is supposed to be the sequel.

Her personality traits from her The Sims 3 self seems rather different to her personality from The Sims 2. In The Sims 3, she has the loner trait, whereas in The Sims 2, she is relatively outgoing and seems to enjoy hosting parties. In The Sims 3, she has commitment issues, whereas in The Sims 2 she is very committed to marriage and family values, as she has the Family Aspiration. In The Sims 3, she has the grumpy trait, where as in The Sims 2 she is rather playful. Only her slob and night owl traits technically match her Sims 2 personality. These are most probably just the lack of the developer's concern regarding little details.

Life leading up to The Sims 2[]

Titania Summerdream is a pre-made Sim living in Veronaville in The Sims 2. She is the daughter of Fae Summerdream and Elvin Summerdream, the adoptive mother of Puck and Bottom Summerdream, and the lover of Oberon Summerdream. Oberon and Titania are unmarried at the start, but both of them wish to get engaged. Titania's appearance, like her family, is similar to that of an elf or a fairy. She and her family have high relationships with both the Capp family and the Monty family, making them the neutral party in the feud. When is first played, she is 28 days from becoming an elder. Titania is voiced by Zoe Galvez.

She had WooHoo with Oberon before they adopted their children, which could mean that she or Oberon may have discovered that they were infertile, causing Puck and Bottom's adoption. Being an infertile Sim is technically impossible, but for a storyline it may have been intended for Oberon and Titania to seem infertile. Alternatively, it may be a reference to Titania's adoption of a changeling child in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," which causes a rift between her and Oberon, reminiscent of the problems in the characters' relationship at the beginning of the game. Titania has the same level of attraction for males and females, meaning that she is bisexual. Most other Sims' preferences are either heterosexual or undetermined.

Strangely Titania has no memories of her children growing up. Even more unusually, her memories state that Bottom was a toddler at the same time Puck was. This was probably a mistake by the creators. Titania has 0 mechanical points, while Slacker jobs from Convenience Store Clerk (level 3) up require at least 1 mechanical point. This may have been an error by the game's creators, since she has the creativity and charisma levels that her job requires. Because Titania has reached level 5 of the Slacker career, she has a Slacker career reward available for her to purchase. If The Sims 2: FreeTime is installed, Titania's predestined hobby will be arts and crafts.

Strangely, if Titania's appearance is extracted with SimPE to Body Shop, she will be thin instead of fit. The reason for this is because she has the fitness texture for thin Sims instead of the one for fit Sims. This implies that she was originally thin and her fitness level was subsequently modified with a program like SimPE. The only way for her to have the fitness texture for fit Sims without hacks is by having her overeat until she becomes thin, and then have her workout until she is fit again. This also happens with many other pre-made Sims in The Sims 2.

All the names come from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, following suit with the rest of the Veronaville characters.


Skill Charisma Charisma 2
Skill Creativity Creativity 1

Albany Capp Albany Capp Friend Friend
Ariel Capp Ariel Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Consort Capp Consort Capp Friend Friend
Cornwall Capp Cornwall Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Desdemona Capp Desdemona Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Goneril Capp Goneril Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Hal Capp Hal Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Hermia Capp Hermia Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Juliette Capp Juliette Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Kent Capp Kent Capp Romantic Interest Crush
Miranda Capp Miranda Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Regan Capp Regan Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Tybalt Capp Tybalt Capp Friend Friend
Antonio Monty Antonio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Beatrice Monty Beatrice Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Benedick Monty Benedick Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Bianca Monty Bianca Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Isabella Monty Isabella Monty Friend Friend
Mercutio Monty Mercutio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Patrizio Monty Patrizio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Romeo Monty Romeo Monty Friend Friend
Bottom Summerdream Bottom Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance
Oberon Summerdream Oberon Summerdream Partner Lover
Puck Summerdream Puck Summerdream Best Friend Best Friend
Albany Capp Albany Capp Friend Friend
Ariel Capp Ariel Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Consort Capp Consort Capp Friend Friend
Cornwall Capp Cornwall Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Desdemona Capp Desdemona Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Goneril Capp Goneril Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Hal Capp Hal Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Hermia Capp Hermia Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Juliette Capp Juliette Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Kent Capp Kent Capp Romantic Interest Crush
Miranda Capp Miranda Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Regan Capp Regan Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Tybalt Capp Tybalt Capp Friend Friend
Antonio Monty Antonio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Beatrice Monty Beatrice Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Benedick Monty Benedick Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Bianca Monty Bianca Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Isabella Monty Isabella Monty Friend Friend
Mercutio Monty Mercutio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Patrizio Monty Patrizio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Romeo Monty Romeo Monty Friend Friend
Bottom Summerdream Bottom Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance
Oberon Summerdream Oberon Summerdream Partner Lover
Puck Summerdream Puck Summerdream Best Friend Best Friend

Sloppy 3 Neat
Shy 6 Outgoing
Lazy 2 Active
Serious 7 Playful
Grouchy 7 Nice
Sign / personality mismatch
A Sim with this personality would normally be a Libra.

Politics Politics 3
Crime Crime 5
Food Food 6
Sports Sports 0
Work Work 1
School School 0
Money Money 6
Entertainment Entertainment 10
Health Health 2
Paranormal Paranormal 7
Weather Weather 8
Toys Toys 2
Environment Environment 7
Culture Culture 9
Fashion Fashion 9
Travel Travel 7
Animals Animals 6
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 2

Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Met Sim Met Oberon Positive
Made Best Friends Made Best Friends with Oberon Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Oberon Positive
First Kiss Kissed Oberon for the First Time Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Did WooHoo Did WooHoo with Oberon Positive
Adopted Sim Adopted Puck! Positive
Adopted Sim Adopted Bottom! Positive
Sim Died Fae Died Negative
Sim Died Elvin Died Negative
Potty Trained Potty Trained Bottom Positive
Learned to Walk Taught Puck to Walk Positive
Learned to Talk Taught Bottom to Talk Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Met Sim Met Oberon Positive
Made Best Friends Made Best Friends with Oberon Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Oberon Positive
First Kiss Kissed Oberon for the First Time Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Did WooHoo Did WooHoo with Oberon Positive
Adopted Sim Adopted Puck! Positive
Adopted Sim Adopted Bottom! Positive
Sim Died Fae Died Negative
Sim Died Elvin Died Negative
Potty Trained Potty Trained Bottom Positive
Learned to Walk Taught Puck to Walk Positive
Learned to Talk Taught Bottom to Talk Positive


Other Languages[]

Language The Sims 2 The Sims 3
English Titania Summerdream Titania Summerdream
Brazilian Portuguese Titânia Veranossonho Titania Sonho-de-Verão
Chinese (Simplified) 提坦亚 绮梦
Chinese (Traditional) 蒂塔妮亞 夏夢
Czech Titanie Svatojanová
Danish Titania Sommerdrøm
Dutch Titania Zomerdroom
European Portuguese Titânia Sonhodeverão
Finnish Titania Unelmala
French Titania Songedété Titania Summerdream
German Titania Sommertraum
Hebrew טטיאנה סאמרדרים
Hungarian Titánia Éjszentiváni
Italian Titania Sognodestate
Japanese ティターニア サマードリーム
Korean 티타니아 섬머드림
Norwegian Titania Sommerdrøm
Polish Tytania Jutrzenka
Russian Титания Купало/Титания Саммердрим Титания Летний сон
Spanish Titania Deunanoche Titania Deunanoche
Swedish Titania Sommardröm
Thai ไท•ทา•เนีย ซัมเมอร์ด•รีม


The Summerdream family
Brillante - Pistol - Fae - Elvin
Oberon - Titania - Puck - Bottom