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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 4: Get Famous
Thorne Bailey
Thorne Bailey
Gender Male Male
Age Age yadult selected Young Adult
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Sim
Education and employment
Career TS4 Career Entertainer Serious Musician
Family Bailey-Moon family
Marital status Married
Romances Octavia Moon Wife
Children Orange Bailey-Moon Son
Traits Trait TS4 Self-Assured Self-Assured
Trait TS4 Active Active
Trait TS4 Music Lover Music Lover
Trait TS4 Dastardly Dastardly
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Musical Genius Musical Genius
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Warm tone 12
Body shape Fit Fit
Social standing
Celebrity status
4 stars
Reputation TS4 Reputation Bad Bad
Other information
Game TS4 EP6 GF Icon The Sims 4: Get Famous
Playability Playable
World Del Sol Valley

Thorne Bailey is a pre-made playable Sim residing in Del Sol Valley, the world shipped with The Sims 4: Get Famous. He lives with his wife Octavia Moon and son Orange Bailey-Moon. He is a four star celebrity with a bad reputation. His preset fame quirks are "Paparazzi Darling" and "A Stan".

Thorne is a young adult, 28 days away from becoming an adult. He works in the musician branch of the entertainment career at level 6 (serious musician) and has the Musical Genius aspiration. He has three skill points in charisma, five in guitar, three in piano and two in violin.

His family biography states that Thorne's reputation is faltering because of a recent social media scandal. It also said that he is famous for his music, but more and more people are starting to wonder if his wife, Octavia, is the real talent. This could suggest that his overall fame and position in the limelight might also be under threat, especially since he already has a bad reputation.

Thorne shares his surname with Buddy Bailey from Twinbrook, Ricky Bailey from Bridgeport and Kirk Bailey from Oasis Landing, although they do not appear to be related to him.


Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma 3
Skill TS4 Guitar Guitar 5
Skill TS4 Piano Piano 3
Skill TS4 Violin Violin 2

Octavia Moon Octavia Moon Spouse Spouse, Romantic Interest Sweetheart
Orange Bailey-Moon Orange Bailey-Moon Family Son, Friend Friend
Octavia Moon Octavia Moon Spouse Spouse, Romantic Interest Sweetheart
Orange Bailey-Moon Orange Bailey-Moon Family Son, Friend Friend


  • Thorne's eyebrows and facial hair are black, indicating that he may have dyed his hair.
  • Despite starting out with the Musical Genius aspiration, he has dastardly as a bonus trait instead of muser.
  • His party attire is a hidden suit that can't be found in Create-A-Sim until the Sim reaches level 10 of the acting skill.

