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Pages for Deletion → Fanon:Juliette Capp (Ocean O'Connell Fixing-Wiki-Burg)
This page is for discussing deletion of one or more pages on The Sims Wiki.

Page(s) for deletion: {{{1}}}

Any member of the wiki may participate in a deletion discussion. Comments during discussion should focus on why the article should or should not be deleted, merged, or modified. Users should explain their reasoning sufficiently. Deletion discussions are not votes; strength of argument matters more than the number of people in favor or opposed to deletion.

This could easily qualify for FA2, fanon of very poor quality, or even A2, meaning article of little to no content, as it consists of one sentence: "filler words for future article". However, of course its creator desereves the time to improve and expand it. RedWizard98 (talk) 16:03, 15 January 2024 (UTC)
