The Sims Wiki

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The Sims Wiki
The Sims Wiki

This page is used to discuss pages on The Sims Wiki that are being considered for deletion.

Note that this page is not meant to discuss speedy deletion candidates. Articles must meet specific criteria to qualify for speedy deletion, and such deletions are not subject to community discussion. However, articles that have been mistakenly marked for speedy deletion may be re-marked for normal deletion and discussed here instead. For more information about speedy deletion, please see The Sims Wiki:Criteria for speedy deletion.

Guidelines for deletion[]

If you encounter a page on The Sims Wiki that you think does not belong on the wiki, you can propose that the page be deleted. When nominating a page for deletion, please consider the following guidelines:

1. Check to see whether the page fits speedy deletion criteria. If an article clearly fits one or more criteria for speedy deletion, nominate it for speedy deletion instead.
  • Articles that can be speedily deleted may include articles consisting purely of vandalism, articles which are wholly irrelevant to The Sims Wiki, fanon articles nominated for deletion by their authors, or other examples.
2. Consider whether a potential candidate for deletion could be merged into another existing page, or if multiple potential candidates for deletion could be combined into a single page instead of deleting them outright. If this is the case, you may want to mark the articles with {{Merge}} templates instead.
3. Check the page history to see if the page was recently created. It is possible that a very short article has only recently been created, or is still being written by the original author. As a general courtesy, consider giving the original author some time to finish writing the page before nominating it for deletion, or reach out to the original author on their talk page to learn of their plans.
4. If a page is very short but otherwise would be a good fit for the wiki, consider expanding the page with additional information or merging it with other pages about similar content instead of deletion. If a page is poorly-written but otherwise would be a good fit for the wiki, consider editing the page to improve the writing rather than nominating the page for deletion.

If a page warrants deletion, please follow the instructions below to nominate the page for deletion and to start the deletion discussion.

Deletion procedures[]

Nominating a page for deletion[]

1. Nominate a page for deletion by adding the {{Delete}} template to the top of a page. Only pages which have been nominated for deletion are discussed for deletion.
  • Do not blank the page or remove its contents. A deletion nomination does not guarantee deletion; it simply means that a discussion will be held to decide whether the page should be deleted. Blanking the page may be seen as vandalism and will be reverted.
2. Create a subpage for the deletion discussion. To do this, start a new page with the title "The Sims Wiki:Pages for deletion/<name of page for deletion>."
  • If you are nominating multiple related pages for deletion at the same time, consider using a unique subpage name to describe the pages you're nominating.
3. On the deletion subpage, explain why the page should be deleted. Note that if your reason(s) for deleting a page all fit speedy deletion criteria, you should consider nominating the page for speedy deletion instead.
4. Consider notifying interested users about a proposed deletion; an "interested user" might include the original author of the article, or a user who has made significant edits to a nominated article. If a page that has only one author has been nominated for deletion, it is recommended that the author be contacted via their talk page to inform them of the pending deletion.

During deletion discussions[]

1. Deletion discussions have no set time limit. Deletion discussions should be open for at least seven days to allow the community to have sufficient opportunity to comment on deletion; unless there is no reasonable chance that a discussion will result in deletion.
2. Any member of the wiki may participate in a deletion discussion. Comments during discussion should focus on why the article should or should not be deleted, merged, or modified. Users should explain their reasoning sufficiently. Deletion discussions are not votes; strength of argument matters more than the number of people in favor or opposed to deletion.
3. The decision to delete, merge, or modify a page is determined by community consensus.
4. When a page is deleted, all talk pages and other subpages of the deleted page will also be deleted unless the community decides to keep them. If there is a large amount of discussion on a page's talk page, for instance, it may be worth keeping that page even if its parent page is deleted.
5. While a page is nominated for deletion, it should remain unlocked to allow editors to edit the page. Editors may not remove the {{Delete}} template while a deletion discussion is ongoing. Editors may work to improve the page as a substitute to deleting the page.

After a deletion discussion[]

1. If there is consensus to delete a page after sufficient discussion, the page will be deleted. If there is no content on the page's talk page that is worth retaining, the talk page will also be deleted.
2. If there is no consensus to delete, merge, or modify a page after sufficient discussion, the proposed deletion will be declined and the {{Delete}} template will be removed from the page. {{Old PfD}} will be added to the page's talk page to indicate that the page had been considered for deletion, with a link to the relevant discussion.
3. If a page has been deleted through discussion and then re-created, that page may be subject to speedy deletion under speedy deletion criterion #5.
4. Members of the community may propose that a previously-deleted page be un-deleted. These discussions should take place in the Community Discussions forum.
5. If a page has been kept from deletion, it should not be immediately re-nominated for deletion for the same or substantially similar reasons as before. However, a page that has been kept from deletion in the past may still be eligible for deletion in the future.

Current deletion discussions[]

See Category:Candidates for deletion for a list of all pages currently tagged for deletion

The deletion discussions listed here are unresolved. Any user is allowed to participate in a deletion discussion.

Discussion page name Date started
Gallery of recreated Sims &2024-29-0612 November 2024
Template:No resurrect &2024-29-067 November 2024
Viola (Veronaville) &2024-29-0629 June 2024
District relationship &2019-10-1818 October 2019

Past deletion discussions[]

For older resolved deletion discussions, see Category talk:Candidates for deletion.

Past deletion discussions are listed here, with the outcome of the discussion also included.

Discussion page name Date closed Outcome
Peeping NPC's &2024-11-1919 November 2024 Deleted
Ball &2024-11-099 November 2024 Kept
Category:Sims mentioned in The Sims 4 movie Hangout &2024-11-022 November 2024 Deleted
File:Clothing concepts-The Sims 2 Apartment Life.png &2024-11-022 November 2024 Kept
File:Anitta Sims Sessions.png &2024-11-022 November 2024 Kept
Adventure/Shang Simla &2024-11-022 November 2024 Deleted
Young adult nancy Landgrabb (fanfiction story) &2024-11-022 November 2024 Deleted
Farm_Llamas &2024-11-022 November 2024 Deleted
The Sims 3: World Adventures/cheats &2024-11-022 November 2024 Redirected
Comparison_between The Sims and The Sims 2 &2024-11-022 November 2024 Redirected
Category:Sims named after real people &2024-11-022 November 2024 Deleted
Fanon:Daniel &2024-11-022 November 2024 Deleted
Fanon:-TAW- t3h 1337 &2024-11-022 November 2024 Deleted
File:Ayana is kissing matthew tellmer.png &2024-10-3030 October 2024 Deleted
Laundry objects &2023-11-1717 November 2023 Kept
Laguna Vista Instant Pond &2023-11-022 November 2023 Merged
Throwing the Bouquet &2023-07-1616 July 2023 Deleted
Rags to riches &2023-06-2828 June 2023 Deleted
Fanon:Bigwallet Family &2023-06-2828 June 2023 Deleted
Money Makers Legacy &2023-06-2828 June 2023 Deleted
The Sims Series Java (mobile) &2023-06-2727 June 2023 Deleted
Namani Murana &2023-06-2525 June 2023 Deleted
Lady Gaga &2023-06-2424 June 2023 Speedily deleted
BlossomSimmer &2023-06-2424 June 2023 Speedily deleted
List of Forgotten Hollow lots &2023-06-2323 June 2023 Redirected
Singer (service) &2023-02-1313 February 2023 Deleted
Farm Animals &2023-02-1313 February 2023 Deleted
Template:TS4Neigborhoods &2022-01-099 January 2022 Deleted
New Buckington &2021-07-088 July 2021 Deleted
The Sims 4: Grim's Ghoulish Guitar &2021-03-1717 April 2021 Deleted
List of skills (The Sims 4) &2021-03-1717 April 2021 No consensus (page[s] kept)
Christy Monif &2020-07-2222 July 2020 Deleted
Two Create a Sim redirects &2020-07-1010 July 2020 Deleted
Nervous Subject (hidden) &2020-06-3030 June 2020 Kept
Shouji &2020-06-3030 June 2020 Deleted
Booty &2020-06-3030 June 2020 Deleted
Brigette Bateman &2020-01-2929 January 2020 Speedily deleted
Game guide:How to run a successful suicidal service ? &2020-01-2828 January 2020 Deleted
Erewhon &2019-12-2121 December 2019 Deleted
Peeping Tom &2019-10-2323 October 2019 Deleted
Fanon:The Sims 4 (RobloxRulesEst2019) &2019-07-1515 July 2019 Deleted
Fanon:Drowning &2019-07-1515 July 2019 Deleted
Fanon:Adrian Duncan &2019-06-0606 June 2019 Deleted
Lola Duff &2019-05-2828 May 2019 Kept
Various Get to Work Sims &2019-05-2828 May 2019 Kept
Attic &2019-05-2828 May 2019 Deleted
Ambitious &2019-04-0707 April 2019 Redirected
Benali family and Lobo family &2019-02-1414 February 2019 Redirected
Career expansion comparisons &2019-02-0505 February 2019 Redirected
Game guide:How to know if your Sim is pregnant &2019-02-0505 February 2019 Deleted &2019-01-2626 January 2019 Deleted
Category:Guest Sims &2019-01-0101 January 2019 Deleted
List of Moodlets or Moodlet List &2019-01-0101 January 2019 Deleted
Fanon:Dina Goth (Doons99p) &2018-10-2727 October 2018 Deleted
Fanon:An indie alternative to the Sims?? what if?? &2018-10-2626 October 2018 Deleted
File:The sims 4 1 &2018-10-0909 October 2018 Deleted
Template:Standard Sim &2018-10-0909 October 2018 Deleted
Template:Aries &2018-07-2727 July 2018 Deleted

See also[]
