The 80th update to The Sims 4 was released on April 19, 2019. It updated the game to version for PC and version for macOS.
Patch notes[]
Hi Simmers,
We wanted to swiftly address some unintentional issues that popped up following the 4/16 game update.
- Fixed an issue where custom text was not always displaying properly in-game.
- Fixed an issue where NPC invites to festivals or to residences were sending Sims to an incorrect destination.
- There is still a lingering issue regarding invites to events in Get Famous, such as the talent showcase, and celebrity sightings. We are continuing to investigate those for a future update.
- Fixed an issue where Mac players on certain older versions of OS X were unable to launch the game. As a result, we rolled back a fix that was done for Mac players on 64-bit systems that eliminated a false error message which said, “The Sims 4 is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated.”