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The Sims Wiki

There seems to be confusion over Yuki and Candy's heritage, thinking they're Japanese based on their looks and Yuki's name, and German based on the surname Behr. Have you never seen a Scandanavian person before in your life? A large number of them have "asian eyes" and germanic names. Windenberg is basically Sims Sweden, and Sweden is very multicultural. A parent with a sense of humor might have named her "Snow Bear" because the internet has existed for over a whole generation and a cursory Google Japanese translation is Yuki=Snow. Or it could be a name in the Laplander language, or just something a parent heard and liked without knowing or caring what it meant. My input is that Yuki and Candy are ethnic Scandanavians, likely descended straight from vikings, and their genetics probably haven't touched Asia in over 800 years. --Ruzho