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Talk:Eleanor Alto

This is a page for discussing improvements to Eleanor Alto

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She is not a Mixologist[]

She is playable and thus cannot be a Mixologist. In Bridgeport, Harvey and Takala are mixologists, while in the other 'hoods, it seems like townies become the mixologists. Kaiko Mikkusu (talk) 21:39, December 18, 2014 (UTC)

Well I was just wondering that myself. I've learned not to be so quick to trust anons. I don't really know much about the individual Sims 3 Sims - I'm more of a Sims 2 person. But if you say she's not a mixologist, until further evidence turns up, I must believe you. You seem to know more about the individual Sims 3 Sims than I do. -- C.Syde (talk | contribs) 21:43, December 18, 2014 (UTC)
Even if you do not know them individually, playable sims just cannot be mixologists... same for the bouncers, paparazzi, and tatoo artists. The Consignment Store specialists and stylists are playable, instead. OFC she can still serve stuff at a bar\lounge and have mixology skills, BUT depending on how the lot is actually set, it won't be a mixologist manning them, but one of the playable sims! Kaiko Mikkusu (talk) 15:40, December 23, 2014 (UTC)
Well, there are several explanations to this, but I hope this whole mixologist problem will not cause any misconception or confusion:
  • A "mixologist" is a role Sim (different from service NPC—more on that later), assigned to a random Sim in the game. These random Sims could be a townie or an inactive resident aka neighbor. Your saying that "playable Sims can't be a mixologist" is a bit biased... and not really exact. It's true that Sims in your household may never be assigned to a role Sim, but once you change household, these Sims can be assigned to a role Sim. This is dependent by how the game set the roles up (you can change it if you know how to make a tuning mod). For example, a consignment register is always assigned to an inactive resident, while a mixologist / bouncer is always assigned to a townie.
  • A role Sim is different from a service NPC. As I explained earlier, a role Sim can be anyone, but a service NPC is a specific Sim. A service NPC is just like how you know them in TS2. For example, Russ Bear is a burglar no matter what. When you meet him at a community lot, he's still a burglar but he's not stealing anything yet. But once you move him in, he will become a regular Sim.
  • Mixologist is both a role and a service, but these two instances of mixologist are very different. A mixologist role is the Sims who tend the bar at the community lots. When you throw a party, you can call a mixologist service who will tend the bar at your home. But these two mixologists are never the same Sims.
  • This concludes that only Bridgeport has premade mixologist service NPCs, and there are never premade mixologist role Sims. Eleanor is definitely not a service, and a role Sim doesn't have a place for any categories.
As always I explained more than needed and am confusing, but hopefully anyone is interested in reading that. Nikel Talk Vote! 12:44, December 25, 2014 (UTC)
Oh, so it's the same as in TS2, where there were service Barista's you could call at a party and were always the same ones until moved in (and could not be met at community lots) but if you put a bar in a community lot, ANYONE could man it. (anyone can be a role sim) Kaiko Mikkusu (talk) 15:48, December 25, 2014 (UTC)
If we assume it's inactive Sims / townies who tend the community bar (not the currently played Sims), then yes, it's like that. Nikel Talk Vote! 06:29, December 26, 2014 (UTC)
Yeah but then anyone can be a Mixologist. At least anyone teen and up. (or YA and up, even?) Just like how you can send your sims to do stylist makeovers and tatoos. But there's only one Premade that became the main Stylist, and only a certain townie became the Tatoo Artist. Kaiko Mikkusu (talk) 18:49, December 26, 2014 (UTC)