This is a page for discussing improvements to Edna Bell
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Can anybody tell my why and how exactly Edna causes corruption if she is resurrected? OoppDecks (talk) 09:42, October 6, 2014 (UTC)
- I'm not sure. That template has been there for at least a year now, but no one has ever addressed it before. But you have definitely made your point. I would have expected there to be some source of evidence to prove this. Even if she does cause corruption, it probably just means that she's glitchy.
- I wouldn't know if she was glitchy / prone to cause corruption since I've never played as her. I guess someone should confirm whether the statement is true. -- C.Syde (talk | contribs) 09:53, October 6, 2014 (UTC)
- (edit conflict) Game_guide:Avoiding_corruption#Avoiding_neighborhood_corruption discourages resurrecting dead pre-made Sims, since most of them usually contain incomplete character data. --I am k6ka Talk to me! See what I have done 10:49, October 6, 2014 (UTC)
- Not all of them are known to cause issues, just the odd ones here and there. --I am k6ka Talk to me! See what I have done 10:55, October 6, 2014 (UTC)
- Actually most pre-made deceased Sims do NOT cause problems. Players are just advised to take caution, because some of them cause glitches, but not actual corruption. The most I've ever seen is when their faces glitch up, and they grow up badly if they have the power aspiration, because if a Sim has the power aspiration, the game mechanics just assume that their aspiration meter is in the red, even if it's in platinum!
- Even if you have to back your games up, I'd advise you to resurrect some of those Sims you are talking about, because you can't just assume that resurrecting any deceased Sim will be problematic.
- There are probably more deceased Sims who aren't glitchy, than ones who are. I seriously doubt Sims like Melissa Sims or the hidden Bluewater Village townie Jeannie Chen (who isn't actually deceased) actually cause hood or game problems. If they do cause problems, they're only going to affect themselves, it won't cause problems for any other Sim, or the game. As far as I'm aware at least. -- C.Syde (talk | contribs) 01:59, October 7, 2014 (UTC)