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Death by aspiration failure?[]
I have stumbled upon the following statement regarding a supposed death by aspiration failure.
"If left unattended for 7 days far in the red, though it's very rare, aspiration failure can kill a Sim. The ghosts are dark pink and cry about their aspiration."
I doubt this is true, since I have never seen it in game, nor did I read about it anywhere else. Could somebody please shed some light about this.
UthralStillplant (talk) 21:27, September 20, 2014 (UTC)
- I haven't seen anything on this either. The Internet is full of Sims undergoing aspiration failure, but they never died from it. --k6ka (talk | contribs) 21:29, September 20, 2014 (UTC)
- It seems that a pink ghost represents death by fright. Could it be that if a sim dies while his aspiration is low, that the ghost will then whine about his aspiration while haunting?
- My theory is that this supossedly "death by aspiration failure" came to be when a sim with low aspiration died by fright, but the player didn't notice him being frightened.
- UthralStillplant (talk) 21:40, September 20, 2014 (UTC)