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Talk:Agent household

This is a page for discussing improvements to Agent household

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It's been bugging me for ages that this family doesn't have a presence on the Wiki yet, so I went ahead and created the page for them. Unfortunately I don't have my computer with a copy of them to hand right now so I can't start character pages straight away; I'll hopefully find the time to start working on them within the next few days if no-one else decides to do it first. In the meantime, if anyone can remember the name of the sixth agent - I believe it's Special Agent, and that's what I've put as a placeholder in the article there, but I'm less sure on that one than on the other five - please correct it on the main page. Beatrice Monty (talk) 12:28, April 13, 2014 (UTC)

Does anybody know how to import this family, as well as the Hatfields, Jones's and what have you? OoppDecks (talk) 07:06, November 10, 2014 (UTC)

Not Entirely Certain This is a Maxis-Made Family[]

I tried installing this family on a copy of the Complete Collection, and was told that there were items that couldn't be loaded. I went to the old Sims site (timestamped December 2004) on the Wayback Machine, and couldn't find it under Get Cool Stuff. Are we absolutely sure this is a Maxis-made household? Mitzirocker (talk) 08:43, February 23, 2017 (UTC)

The White House was available for download on the site around May 2000 and was pulled for unknown reasons. Yes, it's a Maxis house, and the TSR White House is not related to it, except both are based off the real world's White House. -- Ryo205 21:54, June 29, 2019 (UTC)