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The Sims 2: Open for Business
Sullivan Buckingham
Sullivan Buckingham
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Child Child
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Education and employment
School School Public School
Grade C
Family Buckingham family
Zodiac sign Cancer Cancer
Aspiration Grow Up Grow Up
Hair color TS2 Red Hair Red
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Open for Business Icon The Sims 2: Open for Business
Playability Townie
Neighborhood Bluewater Village

Sullivan Buckingham is a pre-made child townie residing in Bluewater Village, the shopping district sub-neighborhood shipped with The Sims 2: Open for Business. He can be made playable by befriending and aging him up with another child[TS2:FT], and sending him off to college[TS2U]. His relationships with other townies are usually randomized at the start of the game. He bears a likeness to Luc Shin from Belladonna Cove. Both have the same hairstyle and facial structure.

Sullivan's interests are randomized at the start of the game. It is only referenced in the game files that he has no interests. The game files also reveal that he starts off with no School enrollment or school grade. When he is first spawned in-game, he will be a C student enrolled in public school. His name is randomized when Bluewater Village is generated. The name "Sullivan Buckingham" is only referenced in the game files.


Sloppy 6 Neat
Shy 3 Outgoing
Lazy 6 Active
Serious 4 Playful
Grouchy 6 Nice

Other languages[]

As his name is randomized, the names from the game files will be used.

Language The Sims 2
English Sullivan Buckingham
French Stanislas Lemaistre
German Niklas Willems
Italian Sullivan Buckingham
Spanish Santiago Palacios
Dutch Sjors Bockinghoven
Danish Thibaut Jordt Petersen
Swedish Sylvester Burlin
Norwegian Syver Borgen
Finnish Tino Pulkkinen
Russian Sullivan Buckingham
Portuguese Hélio Cunha
Japanese Sullivan Buckingham
Polish Lech Światowiec
Chinese (simplified) Sullivan Buckingham
Chinese (traditional) Sullivan Buckingham
Thai Sullivan Buckingham
Korean Sullivan Buckingham
Czech Viktor Šťastný
Hungarian Sullivan Palotás
Brazilian Portuguese Silvio Buckingham

By tracing his name "Sullivan Buckingham" in the Live.package, the missing translations of his name are obtainable:

Language The Sims 2
Russian Ильдар Конопля
Japanese サリバン バッキンガム
Chinese (simplified) 沙利文 白金汉
Chinese (traditional) 沙力安 白金漢
Thai ซัล​ลิ​แวน บัค​กิ้ง​แฮม
Korean 설리번 버킹검
