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The Sims Wiki
The Urbz: Sims in the City (Console) The Sims 3: Late Night

A subway is a rabbit hole that allows Sims to travel from one location to another and is a form of free transportation. Sims who do not own vehicles will autonomously use subways as a substitution for taxicabs. Sims can travel to or from a different subway. Teen and older Sims can use the subway, as well as cats and dogs[TS3:P].

There is a 3% chance Sims will get mugged while using the subway. Sims will get the "Mugged" moodlet and lose §25 - §250. Sims with level 5 instrument skills can play for tips inside the subway, with the exception of the violin. Sims are more likely to earn tips with higher skills, and the more compositions Sims have performed, the bigger the tips they will earn. Playing for tips in the subway will also increase the Sim's experience if they are self-employed in the Band career[TS3:A]. Sims are still at risk of being mugged while playing for tips.

In The Urbz: Sims in the City, the Central Station represents a subway station.

Bridgeport stations[]

There are nine premade subway stations in Bridgeport.



Custom stations[]

Player-built subway station with MoveObjects example

An example of a custom station

Under normal circumstances, subway stations in Late Night have only one design, and its color palettes cannot be changed with Create a Style. However, through the use of the MoveObjects cheat, stations can be placed inside walls with stylish designs, leaving a 3- or 2-sq wide space for Sims entering or exiting the station.


  • Subways provide bathrooms; if a Sim has the "Has to Pee" or "Really has to Pee" moodlet, they will autonomously use it.[confirmation needed]
  • Even though there is a turnstile inside, Sims do not have to pay a fare to ride the subway.
  • When Late Night was initially released (with Patch 1.17), Kleptomaniacs could steal the subway stations. This was patched out in patch 1.18 five weeks later.
  • Multiple subway stations can be placed on the same lot. When traveling to such a lot, which station on that lot they will arrive at appears to be random.

See also[]
