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See also: Barbecue, Toaster oven, and Microwave oven

Stoves are used for cooking certain meals. In The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 3, and The Sims 4, Cooking skill points can be earned from using stoves, toaster ovens, microwaves and grills. Stoves can be found in buy mode under "Appliances → Cooking".

Although these appliances appear to have controls, dials, and knobs, they cannot actually be used.

The Sims[]

Game The Sims
Buyability Buy mode
Object type(s) Appliance

In The Sims, toaster ovens, microwaves, cooktops, and stoves all share the same capabilities. They are not clickable objects; one will be automatically used while cooking if it is available and accessible. If more than one is available and accessible, the Sim will choose one randomly, and the player has no control over which one the Sim will use.

Due to the way objects work in The Sims, recolors of Maxis objects are separate objects. Therefore, recolors of Maxis stoves may have prices and Hunger values that are different from the originals.

While most stoves/ranges appear to have ovens, Sims cannot actually use them.

List of stoves[]

Object name Game Buyability Price Size Description Notes
Dialectric Free Standing Range
Dialectric Free Standing Range
The Sims Icon
Buy mode §400 1x1 Have you ever been shopping in a traditional appliance store and looked at ovens? The similarities are almost incredible. They all look the same. Like the new Dialectric electric range. The Dialectric makes cooking a snap! Familiar design. SemiTuph heating elements. Grease waiter. Contradiction of opposite heat currents synthesizes perfect meals...every time. Hunger: 5
The "Pyrotorre" Gas Range
The Pyrotorre Gas Range
The Sims Icon
Buy mode §1,000 1x1 Shiny Things Inc.'s slide-in gas ranges feature commercial styling and gourmet features. These include a glass, front-mounted control panel, flush-to-cabinet installation and keen, modern edges to complement every kitchen. Automated controls make our ranges easy to use. Gas heat ensures superior food quality and taste. Hunger: 7
CiaoTime 360 Moderna Cooktop
CiaoTime 360 Moderna Cooktop
The Sims Livin' Large Logo
Buy mode §1,100 1x1 The CiaoTime is an interpretation of the 4-burner cooktop with a free dial sweep, drop-in flexibility and a pronounced technological personality for the 21st century. "Our stoves are expressions of superlative engineering. And they always make themselves and their food desired. Hunger: 7

Note: Must be placed on a counter

Olde Thyme Restored Oven
Olde Thyme Restored Oven
The Sims Livin' Large Logo
Buy mode §1,600 1x1 The kitchen stove was the canvas on which the Victorian iron artists cast their masterpieces. Olde Thyme restores them to their former beauty. Rivaling modern stoves for efficiency and ease of use, these ovens surpass all others in terms of beauty and sophistication. Nickel trim. Lard drawer. Hunger: 9

Note: Must be placed against a wall

Dawnette Hooded Stove
Dawnette Hooded Stove
The Sims Hot Date Logo
Buy mode §2,488 2x1 Known by chefs as the “Colossal Cooker,” the Dawnette hooded stove is ideal for feeding the masses. Five-star restaurants and burger joints alike will benefit from the immaculate cooking surface, easy-clean panels and 10-gallon[note 1] grease trough. The SuperSuction exhaust fan prevents the smell of over-cooked accidents from seeping out of the kitchen. Keep food production rolling and Sims eating with Dawnette Stoves! Hunger: 10

Note: This is a 2-tile stove that is mostly used in Downtown restaurants, but it can also be placed on residential lots.

Thermacotta Dual-Fuel Range
The Sims Makin' Magic Logo
Buy mode §1,900 1x1 Tired of cold food and lukewarm decor? Nothing brings warmth to a kitchen like a stove! Exciting dual-fuel design allows this marvel to utilize both the explosive power of natural gas AND new-fangled electrical currents to warm and prepare your food! Includes a stylish display rack - complete with your very own assortment of aged copper pots and pans! (Disclaimer: Pots are for decorative use only. Do not eat.) Hunger: 9

Note: Can only be placed on residential lots.

The Sims 2[]

Game The Sims 2
Buyability Buy mode
Object type(s) Appliance

Since The Sims 2 has a full 3D environment, Sims can now use the ovens in stoves/ranges, and will use them when appropriate. Unlike The Sims, stoves, microwaves, and toaster ovens cannot all cook the same dishes — some foods must be cooked on a specific type of appliance, or on one that has a specific type of cooking area. Stoves in The Sims 2 are now clickable objects, but a stove's menu will only show meals that it is able to cook.

List of stoves[]

Object name Game Buyability Price Size Description Notes
Dialectric ReadyPrep Range
The Sims 2 Icon
Buy mode §400 1x1 It's big! It's metal! It's completely utilitarian. When you need a good, reliable stove, you need the ReadyPrep Range. Dialectric skips all the bells and whistles and gets right down to the meat (and potatoes) of the matter. Cooks with real heat. Hunger: 1

Available colours: Green, Yellow, White, Orange, Pink

Ciao Time "Mondo Fuego" Gas Stove
The Sims 2 Icon
Buy mode §650 1x1 The Mondo Fuego has five burners so your Sims can simmer, steam, stir-fry, scorch and scald to their heart's content. Its self-cleaning interior makes clean-up a snap. "Mondo Fuego", it's one oven that really cooks! Hunger: 4

Available colours: Black, White

ShinyTyme Cooktop
The Sims 2 University Icon
Buy mode §700 1x1 Constructed from a mixture of stainless steel and damage-resistant cooktop coating, this super stove can take anything you can dish out. You'll look like a pro when you're using a ShinyTyme. Hunger: 10

Available colours: Stainless Steel & Stainless Steel, Stainless Steel & Copper, Yellow & Stainless Steel, Yellow & Copper
Note: Does not have an oven, and can only be used for foods which do not require an oven. Spawns a cafeteria worker if used in a dormitory or on a community lot outside the primary neighborhood, such as on college lots or downtown.

Tempest Cooktop from Cuas
The Sims 2 Nightlife Icon

The Sims 2 Open for Business Icon
Buy mode §2,500 2x2 For the fastest and most efficient cooking experience, generations of professional Chefs have relied on the Tempest Cooktop. What may look like a flurry of chaotic cooking action is really organized, systematic culinary perfection in the making. No, really! Community lot only. Used in restaurants to prepare food for customers. Cannot catch on fire.

Hunger: 10

Cowpoke Stove from Cowboy Cookin'
The Sims 2 Seasons Icon
Buy mode §750 1x1 Cowboy Cookin' is constantly working to evolve they ways of the West to accommodate your modern lifestyle. Cowboys used to cook beans and meat over rustic campfires in the middle of nowhere -- that's just dumb. With the Cowpoke Stove, you can cook your beans indoors surrounded by walls. If that doesn't deserve a yee-haw, we can't do anything for you. Hunger: 7

Available colours: Cream, Rose, Blue, Green

Elegant Chef FlameBay Gas Range
The Sims 2 Icon
Buy mode §900 1x1 Do your Sims' guests bring their own takeout food when they come over to the house for dinner? The FlameBay's unique SpectruScald technology gives your Sims the precise culinary touch whether they're heating up TV dinners or whipping up lobster thermidor. With the FlameBay, guests will be hurling compliments instead of your Sims' cooking! Hunger: 10

Available colours: White

You Got Feets Stove
The Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff Icon
Buy mode §1,000 1x1 Whoa, whoa, let me check you out. You look like someone in control. Someone who's got life all figured out. Have you looked at your stove lately? I bet you have one of those new-fangled machines with so many dials and knobs and autocleaners that you can't even figure out what half the stuff it does. Does it cook food? Most importantly, does it got feets? Now, check this beauty out. Hunger: 10

Available colours: Black, Orange

EliteChef Home Range
EliteChef HomeJ
The Sims 2 FreeTime Icon
Buy mode §1,050 1x1 Every aspect of this Stove's design is informed by the equipment used by professional chefs. With its professional-grade convection oven, microconductive cooktop, and sleek design, the EliteChef range is the best possible choice for your pizza reheating needs. Hunger: 10

Available colours: Stainless Steel, Red, Blue, Green

Fire 'Em Up by Sleek Sensations
The Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff Icon
Buy mode §1,200 1x1 Every kitchen needs more slick surfaces and chrome finish. The slick surfaces help you clean up messes and all that chrome just looks good, you know? Fire 'Em Up gives you both and a reliable cooking machine, ready to cook up the most stylin' concoctions your little mind can think up. Hunger: 10

Available colours: Orange, White, Black, Yellow

The Sims 3[]

Game The Sims 3
Buyability Buy mode
Object type(s) Appliance
Size 1x1

In The Sims 3, a stove is required for most meals, except Quick Meals, Autumn Salad, and Peanut Butter and Jelly. Most entry-priced houses come with the SimChar Dual-State Stove, despite it being an extreme fire hazard (likely only matched by the Scraptronic™ Workbench[TS3:A] in the Sims 3 era).

Expensive stoves often have automatic top cleaning, making the chance of fires virtually zero depending on the chef Sim's traits.

List of stoves[]

Object name Game Buyability Price Size Description Notes
SimChar Dual-State Stove
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
TS3WII icon
Buy mode §400 1x1 Most stoves use analogue dials for heat settings. Who needs infinite options?! Keep things simple with the SimChar Dual-State Stove! Our low-low and high-high settings are perfect for most everyday applications. Recolorable channels: 2

Cooking Speed : x0.8
Hunger: 4
Notes: Catches fire easily. Randomly gives Sims the uneven cooking moodlet.
Cowpoke Stove
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
TS3WII icon
Buy mode §650 1x1 We're constantly working to evolve the ways of the west to accommodate modern lifestyles. Cowboys cooks beans and meats on rustic campfires outdoors - That's just dumb. With the Cowpoke Stove, you can cook your beans indoors! If that's not yee-haw worthy, there's just no pleasing you. Recolorable channels: 2

Cooking Speed: x1
Hunger: 5
Tri-Forge Stove
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
TS3WII icon
Buy mode §1350 1x1 Most modern stoves' heat output is limited because they use only one heating technology. But the Tri-Forge Stove gives you nearly limitless heat, thanks to its unique combination of electric, gas, and infrared heating technologies. Now you're cooking with electric, gas, and electromagnetic radiation! Recolorable channels: 3

Cooking Speed: x1.1
Hunger: 7
Notes: Teaches the Cooking skill faster (15%) than all other stoves. Is self-cleaning without an upgrade.
Festus 44
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
TS3WII icon
Buy mode §1425 1x1 This is a Festus 44, the most powerful cooking stove in the world. Its even heating (never causes fires!) and self-cleaning mode with blow you away. So you've got to ask yourself one question. Do you feel lucky? Well... do you, punk? Recolorable channels: 3

Cooking Speed: x1.2
Hunger: 9
Notes: Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Landgraab Industries MaxBTU Cooktop
Buy mode §1450 1x1 New from Landgraab Industries is the MaxBTU Cooktop and Oven. Designed by all three of the world's rocket scientists that ended up as successful head chefs, the MaxBTU has been rated to cook at temperatures that are seriously out of this world. Don't overcook the waffles too long in this one, or you'll have rocket dust! 'Recolorable channels: 2

Cooking Speed: x1.1
Hunger: 9
Notes: Teaches the Cooking skill faster (15%) than all other stoves.
Streamlined Stove
TS3LN Icon
Buy mode §1850 1x1 The flat top surface of the Streamlined Stove cooks food evenly using the latest technology in inverted induction heating. A helping hand in the kitchen, even the least talented chefs will find it impossible to burn their food! Recolorable channels: 3

Cooking Speed: x1.2
Hunger: 10
Environment: 6
Notes: Teaches the Cooking skill faster (15%) than all other stoves. Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade.
Faux Stove
Faux Stove
TS3P Icon
Buy mode §800 1x1 "Faux Stove? Faux Sure!" That catchy markting idiom adorns the windows of the appliance stores, and fills the airwaves until you feel compelled to learn more! And learn you shall! Is it a cabinet? Well... one thing is certain, it's the absolute perfect fit for the kitchen of your dreams! Buy one today and you'll be cooking in "faux" time! Recolorable channels: 4

Cooking Speed: x1
Hunger: 6
Antique Stove
TS3SN Icon
Buy mode §550 1x1 Some things just don't get better with age - like technology! And when it comes to cooking technology, trust us. You can pretty much stop when you get to heating things up. This antique stove heats things up, and it looks really cool while doing it. Do you need more than that? Recolorable channels: 2

Cooking Speed: x0.9
Hunger: 5
Venusian Stove by Corebital Designs
Venusian Stove
Buy mode §1650 1x1 Venus is both a beautiful goddess and a scalding wasteland of a planet. This stove's gorgeousness recalls the former, and its insanely powerful oven resembles the latter. Recolorable channels: 2

Cooking Speed: x1.2
Hunger: 9
Notes: Teaches the Cooking skill faster (15%) than all other stoves. Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Coal Burning Stove
Coal Burning Stove
TS3MH Icon
Buy mode §1000 1x1 Hunger: 9
Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade.
Excessinator Stove
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §650 1x1 Every man whose car has an oversized engine knows: it's better to have extra capacity, and never need it. That's why Vorn's Excessinator Stove has six burners -- so you'll never even come close to running out! Hunger: 6

Cooking Speed: x1.2

Notes: Teaches the Cooking skill faster (15%) than all other stoves. Is fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Retronator Stove
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §475 1x1 People may think this is old-fashioned, but what's wrong with that? The Retronator will provide you a retro way of cooking, but it will make your food taste grand. Hunger: 5

Cooking Speed: x0.8

Notes: Randomly gives Sims the uneven cooking moodlet.
Aromatic Stove
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §1525 1x1 Anyone can cook with this simple to use Aromatic Stove. You’ll be cooking up delectable dishes that are 4-star restaurant quality in no time! Hunger: 9

Cooking Speed: x1.2

Notes: Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Pastoral Perfection Stove
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §1525 1x1 Even making mac and cheese will feel like you’re preparing a gourmet meal with this stove. Hunger: 9

Cooking Speed: x1.2

Notes: Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Cosmic Culinary Range
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §1550 1x1 Sims of the future might call this range's style archaic, but Sims of the past will consider you the Sims of the future. Hunger: 10

Cooking Speed: x1.2

Notes: Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Grandmother's Cooktop
Grandmother's Cooktop
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §675 1x1 Cook a roast the same way your grandmother did with this rustic woodland stove. Buy now and we'll throw in the smell of fresh bread for free! Note: Fresh bread smell contains chemicals known to the state of Simopolis to cause nose bleeds. Hunger: 6

Cooking Speed: x1
Grapes of Nectary Stove
Grapes of Nectary Stove
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §1500 1x1 No kitchen is complete without your very own mural of plastic fruit. Hunger: 10

Cooking Speed: x1.2

Notes: Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Alvar Vintage Shine On Stove
Alvar Vintage Shine On Stove
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §1525 1x1 Even a classic doesn’t always have to look old to live up to its vintage heritage! Take the Shine On Stove for example. This Alvar guy makes some great stuff! Hunger: 10

Cooking Speed: x1.2

Notes: Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Toasty Fine Flame Finish Stove
Toasty Fine Flame Finish Stove
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §1500 1x1 Fall back to an era of elegance and show a little more of your majestic side with this charming Edwardian Expression kitchen collection. Hunger: 10

Cooking Speed: x1.2

Notes: Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Caliper Flame Control Cinerator Stove
Caliper Flame Control Cinerator Stove
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §1500 1x1 Like the gears of a magnificent machine, the polished metal and gilded gumption of the Steampunk kitchen interlock flawlessly to make your meal preparation feel like an adventure that's both forward, and backward, in time. Hunger: 10

Cooking Speed: x1.2

Notes: Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Old Town Oven
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §950 1x1 The hand-crafted art style and old town charm of the Haute Hacienda Kitchen will surely add some spice to your Sims' lives. Hunger: 6

Cooking Speed: x1
Quaint Cooker Stove
Quaint Cooker Stove
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §1450 1x1 Need a new, charming look for your kitchen? If so, use this beautiful set to turn it into something you would find described in fairy tale storybook. Hunger: 9

Cooking Speed: x1.2

Notes: Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).
Gretel's Revenge Stove
Gretel's Revenge Stove
TS3Shop Icon
Buy mode §1450 1x1 Eclectic furniture for the wayward traveler! Let your Sims' dreams of wanderlust come to life at home with these pieces that are sure to inspire even the most dedicated nomad to settle down. Build a home that speaks to your Sim's free spirit with the Drifter's Desire set! Hunger: 9

Cooking Speed: x1.2

Notes: Is self-cleaning and fireproof without an upgrade. Will never burn food (Horrifying quality).

The Sims 4[]

Game The Sims 4
Buyability Build mode
Object type(s) Appliance

Like in previous games, most stoves have a size of 1x1. However, the chef stations introduced in The Sims 4: Dine Out are much larger, at 3x2 and 3x3, respectively. Chef stations are also the only stoves that Sims can use to cook experimental food. All stoves can be found in the appliances section of build mode, but some need to be unlocked first.

A household can hire a caterer for §800 to cook for them, and they will work for four hours before leaving.

In The Sims 4: Discover University, stoves are forbidden from being placed on university housing lots; placing a stove on such a lot will prevent students from moving into that particular lot.

List of stoves[]

Object name Game Price Description Notes
The YumCooker
TS4 stove1
TS4 Icon
§400 With the streamlined design of this economy model oven, you can feel the simple joy of cooking again. Who needs fancy, complicated controls like a "timer' or "distinct temperature settings?" You turn a dial, the stove gets hot. That's all you need! Ready for cooking to be fun again? Here comes the YumCooker!

Food Quality: 3
Power Consumption Rating: 2
Reliability: 3
Functional Off-the-Grid

Cooking-U Pro
TS4 stove2
TS4 Icon
§1,050 Did you know that you can tell the quality of an oven by the size of its viewing window? This oven might not have the largest window on the market, but it is definitely not the smallest, either! For an oven with a respectably-sized viewing window, consider the Cooking-U Pro, by Glassworth's.

Food Quality: 4
Power Consumption Rating: 2
Reliability: 5

Auld Crow Wood-Burning Cookstove
Ts4 stove3
TS4 Icon
§2,745 Everything old is new again with this cast-iron wood-burning cookstove. Wood provides a welcome touch of smoke; iron provides durability and allows for even heating. And then there's the thrill of working with live fire. Modern ranges just can't compete.

Food Quality: 6
Power Consumption Rating: 4
Reliability: 8
Functional Off-the-Grid

London's Choice
Ts4 stove4
TS4 Icon
§3,940 This oven is anything but "conventional!" Each built-in burner is slightly oversized with a BTU range between 6,000 to 16,000 to maximize your cooking potential. The interface features a new, clean and easy design, and our pro-clean surface actually repels spills and messes. (All joking aside, though, it is actually a conventional oven.)

Food Quality: 7
Power Consumption Rating: 5
Reliability: 8

The Schmapple Oven
Ts4 stove5
TS4 Icon
§13,000 Every consideration was given to making our stove a revolutionary product. Getting the colors right. Making the curves sexy enough. And wait until you see the box it comes in. Introducing: The Schmapple Oven. It's Ovens to the Power of You.

Food Quality: 10
Power Consumption Rating: 10

Pancake Pro Free-standing Grillie
Ts4 stove6
TS4 Icon
§1,975 This highly specialized appliance cooks up pancakes so fluffy, they float on thin air. Makes it easy to tell when they're done. This stove unlocks for purchase at level 10 of the Culinary career, while in the Chef branch.

Food Quality: 5
Power Consumption Rating: 3
Reliability: 5
Inspiring Décor: 4

The YumCooker (Used)
The YumCooker (Used)
TS4 City Living Icon
§235 A slightly used version of The YumCooker, don't be surprised by the little dings and dents that come with it. You might also be missing some dials, but at least it still works.

Food Quality: 2
Power Consumption Rating: 1
Reliability: 2 Functional Off-the-Grid

Four Top All Day Stove
Four Top All Day Stove
§1,415 If a Sim walked into a kitchen appliance store and ordered four Four Top All Day Stoves, what should the expeditor call out to the stockroom to fulfill the purchase? Four Four Top All Day Stoves all day. Simple!

Food Quality: 4
Power Consumption Rating: 2
Reliability: 5

Throwback Stove
Throwback Stove
Parenthood Icon
§1,555 Some styles never go out of style. This is one of them. Folks seem to love the classic look of the early models. Of course the magic of modern technology has made these units even more reliable and desirable.

Food Quality: 5
Power Consumption Rating: 2
Reliability: 7

"I Dream of Sous" Chef Station
I Dream of Sous Chef Station
TS4DO Icon
§3,300 "Order's Up!" will be screamed out in delight at blistering speeds never before seen in a professional kitchen. This free standing chef station unit is a one stop shop that creates an efficient workspace for chefs of all shapes and sizes.

Food Quality: 6
Item size: 3x2

Full Disclosure Chef Station
Full Disclosure Chef Station
TS4DO Icon
§3,350 When the chef wants to hide behind a wall and only hand food through a small hole like pushing a tray into a prison cell, well then look no further than this beauty. Delivers all the grace and functionality of the most professional kitchen unit while still being able to hide even the most hideous chef in a back room.

Food Quality: 6
Item Size: 3x3

Classic Modern Stove
Classic Modern Stove
TS4AT Icon
§2,700 Classic? Modern? What is it (besides confusing)? Well, it's the best of both worlds! Built with the form and function of the past in mind, but with all the improved modern day amenities, this stove can almost cook the food itself... and look great doing it.

Food Quality: 6
Power Consumption Rating: 4
Reliability: 8

Kitchen Witch Stove
Kitchen Witch Stove
Realm of Magic icon
§2,800 Like all good kitchen witches, this stove encourages productivity and safety in the kitchen. Modeled after traditional wood-burning stoves but comes pre-enchanted with several fire spells.

Food Quality: 6
Power Consumption Rating: 4
Reliability: 8 Functional Off-the-Grid

Hinoki Accent Stove
Hinoki Accent Stove
TS4 EP10 Snowy Escape Icon
§1,250 We know what you're thinking — wood accents on a stove?! Rest assured that our team of stove engineers worked tirelessly to design and test this lovely cypress accented appliance. Yes, they spent time away from their families, friends, and pets to lock themselves in a lab with your safety in mind. This stove has been singed, blazed, burnt, toasted, and sizzled with a flamethrower to ensure the ultimate fireproof cooking experience! Note: while the wood paneling will not directly catch fire, our stove engineering team cannot be held responsible for other stove-related fires.

Food Quality: 4
Power Consumption Rating: 2
Reliability: 5

Electric Baker's Dream
Electric Baker's Dream
TS4 GP10 Dream Home Decorator Icon
§525 Ever dreamed of electricity, cooking your food to a fragrant, crisp perfection? The Electric Baker will not fail you or your mutton pot roast. Entirely harmless if used as directed. This stove can only be used to cook oven meals.

Food Quality: 4
Power Consumption Rating: 2
Reliability: 6

TS4 GP10 Dream Home Decorator Icon
§580 If fire isn't your thing or if you would like to benefit from safe and renewable power sources, look no further than the Inducto'Matic! This stylish induction stove will cook any meal you throw at it with only low chances of burning down the house. This stove can only be used to cook stove-top meals.

Food Quality: 4
Power Consumption Rating: 2
Reliability: 6

Standard Gas Oven By Blazin' Ladles
Standard Gas Oven By Blazin' Ladles
TS4 GP10 Dream Home Decorator Icon
§840 This fiery beast will set your meals ablaze - in a good way. Here at Blazin' Ladles we believe if you're not cooking with gas, well, then you're not cooking at all! This stove can only be used to cook oven meals.

Food Quality: 6
Power Consumption Rating: 2
Reliability: 8

Modern Gas Stove By Blazin' Ladles
Modern Gas Stove By Blazin' Ladles
TS4 GP10 Dream Home Decorator Icon
§890 It has been said that the key to some cuisines is firepower. We're not big on ancient philosophy but here at Blazin' Ladles we believe in a good, steady flame to warm your heart and your stomach. Whether you're just sauteeing some veggies or stir-frying up a gourmet storm - look no further than this modern take on an old classic. This stove can only be used to cook stove-top meals.

Food Quality: 6
Power Consumption Rating: 2
Reliability: 8

Food Forge Iron Stove
Food Forge Iron Stove
TS4 EP11 Cottage Living Icon
§600 Forged in the early 1900s, this antique iron stove can cook anything you throw at it, from curries to crumpets. Though you probably shouldn't throw curries or crumpets around so frivolously. One-eyed Rob lost his eye due to a crumpet misfire, but that's a story for another day. Anyway, enjoy this tank-like behemoth of a cooker. They don't make 'em like they used to.

Food Quality: 4
Power Consumption Rating: 2
Reliability: 5 Functional Off-the-Grid

The Urbz: Sims in the City[]

Game The Urbz: Sims in the City
Buyability Buy mode
Object type(s) Appliance

Stoves can be purchased at South Side Bridge.

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List of stoves[]

Object name Game Buyability Price Size Description Notes
The "Frequent Fryer" Range
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
The Urbz Logo
Buy mode §450 1x1 "Yes!!" From: Bob F. Laguna Suburba, CA. "Finally a (censored) oven that has the awesome look of the ovens i grew up with! Good-bye and good riddance to my (censored) microwave! With the Frequent Fryer I'm (censored) cookin'!" Hunger: 3

Notes: It can be purchased at South Side Bridge.

Bottch Reactor-Range
This article needs a picture to illustrate what it is about. Find an image or upload one and add it.
The Urbz Logo
Buy mode §1,200 1x1 Cold fusion cooking made easy! So simple in design, it practically makes dinner on its on. Once installed and configured, it accurately predicts how to cook dinner for maximum satisfaction- every time. Hunger: 5


  1. 37 liters.