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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2: Open for Business
Stephen Tinker
Stephen Tinker
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Stephen is very likable but somewhat bumbling. He was the mascot for his college's football team.
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family Tinker family
Parents Ron Tinker, Lauren Tinker Both Deceased
Marital status Married
Romances Wanda Tinker Married
Children Melody Tinker Daughter
Zodiac sign Capricorn Capricorn
Aspiration Family Family
Lifetime want Become Captain Hero Become Captain Hero
Turn-ons Hats Hats
Black Hair Black Hair
Turn-off Glasses Glasses
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Eye color TS2 Dark Blue Eyes Dark Blue
Skin color Skin-dark Dark
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Open for Business Icon The Sims 2: Open for Business
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Bluewater Village

Stephen Tinker is a pre-made playable Sim who resides in Bluewater Village with his wife, Wanda Tinker, and daughter, Melody Tinker. He and his wife have just founded a home toy shop. Stephen's wife is just as skilled at making toys as he is, but his daughter Melody Tinker, who is supposed to take over the shop one day, lacks both the skills and interest in toy-making. He has a bronze badge in toy making. When first played, Stephen is 11 days from becoming an elder.

He is very neat and likes to organize his shop, but is very shy and lazy otherwise. Stephen is slightly more playful than his wife. His fitness bar indicates that he is supposed to be thin, even though his actual body shape is fat. If Stephen exercises, he will immediately become thin; however, if he overeats, he will remain fat.

At the start of the game, Stephen will want to have another baby, and will also want for his daughter to become an overachiever. He doesn't have any memories of both of his parents. He also doesn't recognize them as deceased, because he has no memory of his parents death.

Stephen, as well as Checo Ramirez, are both mentioned in the descriptions of various objects from The Sims 4: Movie Hangout Stuff, where they are said to travel through several towns from The Sims 3, in which they meet some their residents.

When editing in SimPE Stephen's zodiac sign is not recognized. He is voiced by Stephen Kearin. Stephen's facial structure is almost, if not identical to the 5th Maxis face template in Create a Sim.


Wanda Tinker Wanda Tinker Spouse Married
Melody Tinker Melody Tinker Best Friend Best Friend
Ray Bui Ray Bui Acquaintance Acquaintance
Wanda Tinker Wanda Tinker Spouse Married
Melody Tinker Melody Tinker Best Friend Best Friend
Ray Bui Ray Bui Acquaintance Acquaintance

Talent Badges
Toy Making Toy Making bronze
Talent Badges
Toy Making Toy Making bronze

Sloppy 7 Neat
Shy 2 Outgoing
Lazy 3 Active
Serious 8 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice

Politics Politics 4
Crime Crime 5
Food Food 4
Sports Sports 3
Work Work 9
School School 5
Money Money 5
Entertainment Entertainment 9
Health Health 3
Paranormal Paranormal 2
Weather Weather 2
Toys Toys 10
Environment Environment 6
Culture Culture 5
Fashion Fashion 4
Travel Travel 4
Animals Animals 2
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 8

Met Sim Met Wanda Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Wanda Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Wanda Positive
First Kiss Kissed Wanda for the First Time Positive
Fell in Love Fell in Love with Wanda Positive
Got Engaged Got Engaged to Wanda Positive
Got Married Got Married to Wanda Positive
First WooHoo Had Very First WooHoo with Wanda Positive
Did WooHoo Did WooHoo with Wanda Positive
Had Sim Had Melody! Positive
Met Sim Met Wanda Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Wanda Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Wanda Positive
First Kiss Kissed Wanda for the First Time Positive
Fell in Love Fell in Love with Wanda Positive
Got Engaged Got Engaged to Wanda Positive
Got Married Got Married to Wanda Positive
First WooHoo Had Very First WooHoo with Wanda Positive
Did WooHoo Did WooHoo with Wanda Positive
Had Sim Had Melody! Positive


Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Stephen Tinker
French Stéphane Lautomatt
German Werner Tüller
Italian Stefano Balocchi
Spanish Toni Cambrils
Dutch Steven Broddelaar
Danish Steffen Fuusker
Swedish Stefan Meckare
Norwegian Stefan Trondsmoen
Finnish Urmas Ratakka
Russian Стивен Тик-Тик
Portuguese Estêvão Artesão
Japanese スティーブン ティンカー
Polish Stefan Blaszka
Chinese (simplified) 斯蒂芬 丁克尔
Chinese (traditional) 史蒂芬 汀可
Thai สตี​เฟน ทิง​เกอร์
Korean 스티븐 팅커
Czech Stephen Tinker
Hungarian Stephen Tinker
Brazilian Portuguese Estevão Latoeiro
The Tinker family
Melody - Stephen - Wanda - Ron - Lauren