- For the Specter family, see Specter family.
Specters first appear in The Sims 4: Paranormal Stuff. Specters can be summoned using a Séance table, at Paranormal Investigator Gigs or appear naturally in Haunted house residentials at night or when visitors show up.
Specters are also featured in the Crow's Crossing neighborhood of Ravenwood in The Sims 4: Life & Death. They are unique specters that will offer help with grieving and mourning.
Types of specters[]
In Paranormal Stuff, There are three regular kinds of specters Sims can encounter while being on a haunted house lot or by summoning them via a Séance table. There is also a fourth rare specter. The appearance of specters depends on their mood.
In Life & Death, there is one type of specter Sims can encounter in Crow's Crossing in the playground area. One mourning specter has a unique name that Sims can interact with independently.
Specter | Type | Notes | Pack |
Friendly Specter | Gives Sims around them a playful moodlet. | ||
Mysterious Specter | Interactions with them can cause them to scare the Sim. | ||
Mischievous Specter | High chance to scare Sims. | ||
Dina | Gives Sims around them an embarrassed moodlet. | ||
Mourning Specter | Helps Sims who are grieving. | ||
Freddy | Find for quest. |
The Sims 4: Paranormal Stuff[]
Friendly specters[]
Happy, smiling specters which will hop through the air, giving Sims around them a playful moodlet. They are the easiest to talk to, especially in terms of gameplay, since making Sims communicate with specters is a bit difficult sometimes - a specter's presence distracts them (like being around skeletons or spellcasters doing magic) and causing their action queue to reset. Happy specters can be persuaded to leave rather easily.
Mysterious specters[]
Sad specters with a neutral facial expression which spin trough the air. They can be seen sending out some sort of waves from their mouths while holding their arms up front - like a silent scream or howl. They can be talked to as well, but chances are high that the conversation or request to leave will fail, causing them to terrify the Sims and make them flee (which also tends to happen when blue specters are met at all). Gifting them objects or a piece of your Sims' soul leads to better results.
Mischievous specters[]
Angry specters that rush around rapidly, breathing fire through their sharp teeth. While doing so, their eyes will glare. In some cases, red specters are even able to set objects on fire. Sims will flee them in panic, even the "Brave" reward trait seems to have no effect on this reaction. Therefore and especially when they appear in groups, red specters are extremely difficult to interact with. Only gifting them a part of one's soul is a realistic approach, both quick enough to be done without distractions and powerful enough to convince them. However, this is rather unhelpful for paranormal investigators trying to get rid of multiple red specters during work. When a large number of red specters haunts a client's house, the paranormal investigator is best advised to set up a Séance circle at the edge of the lot and do as many ceremonies as possible before the night is over.
Dina is a special yellow specter that will spawn on haunted lots with a chance of 1%. This specter wears square glasses and has a bored facial expression. Due to its color, this specter can easily be mistaken for a regular green one when seen against a green background (like grass) or from a distance. One way to notice Dina's presence is the fact that it will make Sims feel ashamed. Also, unlike other specters, Dina will not perform some kind of rapid movements by default. It is just floating in one place or move around in straight lines and a calm, almost bored manner. Observing Dina will trigger a notification, saying that "you have several questions" and "just the presence of the specter makes you uncomfortable"... but "at least it doesn't make an unfriendly impression".

Don Lothario feeling uncomfortable around the yellow specter Dina.
Unlike other specters, Dina will actually respond verbally when talked to or receiving gifts. These responses vary from awkward rejection to affection and suggest an interesting personality behind this specter, as some responses show:
- Wow... uh... thanks. I will treasure it until the day I die I guess.
- Maybe this will help me forget my troubles.
- Are we like... dating now? Do you want to make out or something?
- Um... okay. I'm gonna go... float over here I guess.
- Are you asking me out? I'm single in case you're wondering and I'm willing to get weird.
- Hi. How are you? Oh I'm just here, hovering and stuff.
- I never knew I wanted this but I love it.
- Does that mean we're soul mates now? Should I move in or do you move in with me?
- Am I supposed to eat this. Because I will. Maybe even right now.
Despite the tone, there is no kind of actual relationship that the player can establish with Dina. Probably not because specters are objects, rather because meeting this particular specter is simply too rare: Not only is its chance to spawn extremely low, it will also disappear after most interactions like any other specter. Also, Dina cannot be obtained as a reward like it is the case with regular nameless specters in a jar.
- There are methods to make it spawn on demand with the help of mods and cheat codes, for example AllCheats by Tmex and the cheat "objects.gsi_create_obj 263812".
- When Sims react to Dina, a picture of the rare specter will show up in a thought bubble above their head. It misses the iconic square glasses though.
- It is possible for a Sim to have a nightmare where "a round yellow Specter with glasses" proposes marriage. This nightmare can occur even if the player does not have the Paranormal Stuff pack.
The Sims 4: Life & Death[]
Mourning specters[]
Two mourning specters are seen only around the festival grounds of Crow's Crossing around and nearby the playground area. They are generally playful and can have conversations with Sims. Mourning specters can also offer two other interactions based on helping Sims emotionally; Sims can "Seek Catharsis" which can be used to help Sims in negative emotions such as being uncomfortable or sad by giving them a +2 Happy "Spectral Catharsis" moodlet. Sims can also ask to be consoled which is only available once Sims are going through one of the four types of grief.
Freddy is a unique mourning specter with a different appearance to the other two mourning specters. He is the son of Alice and the sibling of Edith. Freddy has the same interactions as the other mourning specters but he also has extra interactions; "Ask about Alice's Sorrow" can be asked the Sim is actively doing the Alice's sorrow questline, and "Ravenwood Rumors" can be asked to deliver a message:
I'm about to info-dump on you, so I hope you're ready! Specter-kind, the blue type, exist for one purpose and one purpose only-to lift spirits! Not in a literal, necromantic way, but in the emotional way! We might not be the best talkers out there, but we are the best listeners. If you're ever feeling down, come talk to a Specter, I say. I know I can't remember much about being a Sim, but I do remember one thing clearly: My Clown Degree and my mission in life...well, and now in the afterlife I suppose!