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Game mechanic · Featured in: The Sims The Sims 2 The Sims 3 The Sims 4

The Sims Wiki's Featured Article - April 2013
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Skill Bar

Skills are talents that Sims need in their everyday life and to advance in their working career.

In The Sims, only adults can earn skill points. In The Sims 2, The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, however, any age group from toddlers and up can gain at least some skills.

In The Sims 2, certain aspiration reward objects such as Smart Milk, the Thinking Cap, and the SimVac can also aid in the building of skills, as do the career reward objects which focus on one skill. All 7 main skills (Cooking, Cleaning, Mechanical, Logic, Creativity, Body, and Charisma) are covered by at least one object. If Seasons is installed, drinking a veggie cocktail will aid in skill building, and drinking eggplant juice will give a random skill point. All skill building is also boosted during the fall season. If a Souvenir Rack has five Far East Souvenirs on it, all nearby sims will build skills faster.

In The Sims 3, skills have been expanded, and something roughly similar to the talent badges from The Sims 2 has been worked into the skill system. Skills still have 10 levels of proficiency. Sims who have maxed out any skill receive a certificate which can be sold for §1,000 (price will drop after some time) or hung up proudly on their wall. The interface for The Sims 3 was redesigned, so that information about a skill, statistics and challenges can now be found in the skill journal. Additionally, classes in all the skills can be taken at various community buildings. Another difference from previous games is that Sims can learn skills on any lot. Previously, Sims could not gain skills on community lots, though some expansion packs for The Sims 2 had limited exceptions to this.

In The Sims 4, skills work similarly as they do in The Sims 3. Skills usually have the max level of 10, and unlike previous games, there is no "level zero" with skills. Instead, Sims will immediately start at level 1. After a Sim has started learning new skills, the information regarding those skills along with the statistics will be stored in the skills panel. As in The Sims 3, Sims can learn skills on any types of lots such as community lots, if the required conditions is met. Toddlers and children also have their own unique set of skills that are not available to teens and older — known as fundamentals since patch 142. If a toddler has mastered all of their skills, the Sim will gain a special reward trait after aging up. If a child has mastered their skills, they can start learning normal adult skills, which will be transferred after aging up into a teen.

Skills by game[]

Skills and secret skills, including talent badges, learned in each game or expansion pack.

Regular skills[]

Skill The Sims The Sims 2 The Sims 3 The Sims 4 Age Notes
Cooking X X X X Teen and older
Mechanical / Handiness X X X X Toddler

[TS2:FT] and older

Charisma X X X X Toddler[TS2], teen and older
Body / Athletic / Fitness X X X X Child

[TS3:G] and older

In The Sims 2 and its expansions, children can use some methods of building this skill (see body). In The Sims 3, this changed to child and older in Generations.
Logic X X X X Toddler and older
Creativity X X X Toddler and older, child only[TS4] Was split into many skills such as piano, writing and painting in The Sims 3 and The Sims 4. However is available as a child skill in The Sims 4.
Cleaning H X Child and older
Painting H X X Child[TS3], teen and older
Guitar X X Teen and older In Generations, it changed to child and older, since it can be gained while on boarding school.
Fishing B X X Child and older
Writing H X X Child[TS3], teen and older
Gardening B X X Teen and older In Generations, it changed to child and older, since it can be gained while on boarding school.
Pottery B X Teen and older
Photography X[TS3:WA] X Child and older
Nectar making X[TS3:WA] X[TS4:HR] Teen and older
Martial arts X[TS3:WA] Teen and older
Sculpting X[TS3:A] Teen and older
Inventing X[TS3:A] Child and older
Tattooing H[TS3:A] X[TS4:B&H] Teen and older
Mixology X[TS3:LN] X Teen and older
Drums X[TS3:LN] Teen and older In Generations, it changed to child and older, since it can be gained while on boarding school.
Piano X[TS3:LN] X Teen and older In Generations, it changed to child and older, since it can be gained while on boarding school.
Bass X[TS3:LN] Teen and older In Generations, it changed to child and older, since it can be gained while on boarding school.
Riding X[TS3:P] X[TS4:HR] Teen and older
Racing X[TS3:P] Horse only
Endurance X[TS4:HR] Horse only
Jumping X[TS3:P] X[TS4:HR] Horse only
Agility X[TS4:HR] Horse only
Temperament X[TS4:HR] Horse only
Hunting X[TS3:P] Cat and dog only
Gambling X[Store] Young adult and older
Alchemy X[TS3:SN] Teen and older
Science X[TS3:UL] Teen and older
Social networking X[TS3:UL] Teen and older
Street art X[TS3:UL] Teen and older
Violin X[Store] X
Dancing H[TS3],X[Store] X[TS4GT]
Scuba diving X[TS3:IP]
Advanced technology X[TS3:ITF] Child and older
Bot building X[TS3:ITF] Teen and older
Laser Rhythm-a-con X[TS3:ITF] Teen and older
Artisan X[Store] Teen and older
Comedy X Teen and older
Gourmet cooking X Teen and older Requires level 5 in base cooking skill.
Mischief X Teen and older
Programming X Teen and older
Rocket science X Teen and older
Video gaming X Teen and older
Herbalism X[TS4:OR] Teen and older
Baking X[TS4:GTW] Teen and older
Wellness X[TS4:SD] Teen and older
DJ mixing X[TS4:GT] Teen and older
Singing X[TS4:CL] Teen and older
Pipe organ X[TS4:V] Teen and older
Vampire lore X[TS4:V] Teen and older
Bowling H X[TS4:BNS] Child and older
Parenting X[TS4:PH] Young Adult and older
Veterinarian X[TS4:C&D] Teen and older
Pet training X[TS4:C&D] Child and older
Archaeology X[TS4:JA] Teen and older
Selvadoradian culture X[TS4:JA] Teen and older
Flower arranging B X[TS4:S] Teen and older
Acting X[TS4:GF] Teen and older
Media production X[TS4:GF] Teen and older
Robotics B X[TS4:DU] Child and older
Research & debate X[TS4:DU] Teen and older
Fabrication X[TS4:EL] Teen and older
Juice fizzing X[TS4:EL] Teen and older
Knitting X[TS4:NKS] Child and older
Rock climbing H[TS4:FS],X[TS4:SE] Teen and older
Skiing X[TS4:SE] Child and older
Snowboarding H[TS3:S] X[TS4:SE] Child and older
Medium X[TS4:PS] Child and older
Cross-stitch X[TS4:CLV] Child and older
Entrepreneur X[TS4:HSY] Teen and older
Gemology X[TS4:CCS] Teen and older

Other skills[]

Skill The Sims The Sims 2 The Sims 3 The Sims 4 Age Notes
Walking / Movement X X X Toddler only This trait only has one level, and after reaching it, it is considered learned.[TS2][TS3]
Talking / Communication X X X Toddler only This trait only has one level, and after reaching it, it is considered learned.[TS2][TS3]
Potty Training / Potty X X X Toddler only This trait only has one level, and after reaching it, it is considered learned.[TS2][TS3]
Nursery Rhyme X[TS2:FT] Toddler only
Study / Homework X H Child or Teen In The Sims 2, it is learned only once and can't be improved upon after the first level.
Dancing H H Child and older
Meditation H (X) Teen and older Merged with wellness in The Sims 4: Spa Day.
Yoga H (X) Teen and older Merged with wellness in The Sims 4: Spa Day.
Pool H[TS2:U] H[TS3:ST] Teen and older
Tai Chi H[TS2:BV] Child and older
Magic / Spellcasting X[TS2:AL] X[TS3:SN] X[TS4:ROM] Teen and older Witch/spellcaster only
Parenting L[TS2:FT] Teen and older
Fire Prevention L[TS2:AL] Teen and older
Anger Management L[TS2:AL] Teen and older
Lifelong Happiness L[TS2:AL] Teen and older
Physiology L[TS2:AL] Teen and older
Couple Counselling L[TS2:AL] Teen and older
Driving X[TS3:G] Teen only
Ballet H[TS3:G] Child only
Scouting H[TS3:G] Child only
Sandbox H[TS3:G] Child only
Hopscotch H[TS3:G] Child and older
Mental X Child only
Motor X Child only
Social X Child only
Imagination X Toddler only
Thinking X Toddler only
Skating H[TS3:S] H[TS4:S]

Skill benefits[]


A Sim training her cooking skill.

A few examples of skills that are needed in everyday life:

  • Sims will be less likely to set ablaze their kitchen or burn their food when they know how to cook.
  • If a Sim is experienced in the mechanical or handiness skill, they can repair broken things in the household faster and the chance of electrocution while repairing objects (e.g. a trash compactor or TV) decreases significantly. Sims also save money by repairing items themselves instead of hiring the repairman.
  • Skills can affect the job performance of a Sim, specifically skills related to that job.
  • Sims with high charisma tell better stories and jokes. They are also not too likely to be rejected for these interactions by other Sims they might want to make friends with.
  • Sims will clean things in the household faster if they have gained enough cleaning skill. It also depends on a Sim's neatness.
  • The body skill is built by using treadmills, weights, or swimming. Active Sims build this skill faster.[TS2] Training will decrease a Sim’s body fat and increase their muscle size. A higher body skill gives a Sim the advantage in a fight.
  • The creativity skill, when high enough, will lead to Sims who create masterpieces on the easel which that sell for a lot of money (in The Sims 3, up to several thousand simoleons for master painters). Alternatively, creative Sims can also write novels (in The Sims 3, a masterpiece by a truly talented and experienced writer can fetch over 10,000 per royalty payment, which adds up to over 70,000 Simoleons). Sims with high music skill can earn tips when they play an instrument in front of an audience; in The Sims 3, a virtuoso with maxed out guitar skill can make a couple of thousand Simoleons per session.
  • If a Sim has every skill maxed they will also begin a career halfway into it. Also when they pick up a job at this stage the career reward usually becomes immediately available, enabling them to achieve all the rewards within a few days.[TS2]
  • Perfecting a skill unlocks new abilities; for example, a high logic skill lets a Sim tutor other Sims, new cooking skill levels unlock new recipes, and new fishing skill levels lets Sims catch new types of fish.[TS3][TS4]
  • Sims get a "Power Study" moodlet if they study at the library.[TS3]
  • Gaining a skill would unlock new social interactions. By simply taking to others, a Sim with particular skill (don't need to be maxed), they can help others gain skills, also gaining friendship at the same time.[TS4]

Skill-related wants and wishes[]

This section describes features that are only available in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3.

In The Sims 2, Sims of any age and aspiration may roll wants to gain a skill point or to gain a point in a specific skill. These wants are more common for Knowledge Sims, and Knowledge Sims may also have wants to increase a specific skill to a certain level, to maximize a specific skill, and to maximize all skills. These wants have higher values, and are also influence wants. Also, Fortune and Family Sims have a somewhat higher chance of rolling skill-related wants. Fortune Sims will frequently want to gain skills needed for promotion, while Family Sims will often want to gain cooking and cleaning skill.

The Sims 2: FreeTime changes this somewhat, in that Sims who do not have Knowledge as a primary or secondary aspiration may have wants to increase a specific skill to a certain level. Sims with hobby enthusiasm may have wants to increase skills related to their hobbies.

In The Sims 3, Sims above the toddler age may also wish to gain a particular skill point or to increase their skill in a particular area. These wants are influenced by a Sim's traits or lifetime wish (artistic Sims will want to gain points in the painting skill, Sims who wish to be monster makers will want to gain points in the inventing skill).

Skill journal[]

Skill finish

A Sim mastering his skill.

This section describes features that are only available in The Sims 3.

Players do not see a skill in the Sim panel until the first point is unlocked, then they can view the skill journal. Each skill has a tab in the skill journal detailing the level of the skill, statistics, what the challenges are, and sometimes other special information. For example, the athletic skill journal shows the statistics: hours of cardio workout, hours of strength workout, distance jogged. The skill journal is viewed by pressing the J key in-game or selecting the skills tab and clicking the small document that appears at the end of the skill bar after unlocking the first point.

Various challenges are also available in the skill journal. For example, in the painting skill journal, a challenge to paint thirty paintings is available. When completed, the Sim earns a reward of being able to paint significantly faster than normal Sims.

There are multiple skill challenges for each and every skill, as well as collections. All of them earn some kind of benefit, such as quicker completion, better results, etc.

Community lot skill buildings[]

This section describes features that are only available in The Sims 3.

There are certain rabbit holes where Sims can go to learn skills:

Skills Rabbit holes
Advanced Technology Stellar observatory
Alchemy Vault of Antiquity
Athletic Stadium, plumbot competition arena(Plumbot only)
Bass Theater, college of arts
Bot Building Plumbot competition arena
Charisma City hall, college of business, plumbot competition arena(Plumbot only)
Cooking Diner, bistro, college of arts
Drums Theater, college of arts
Fishing Grocery
Gardening Science lab, college of science
Guitar Theater, college of arts
Handiness Military base, annex
Inventing Science lab, college of science
Laser Rhythm-a-con Theater
Logic Science lab, college of science
Mixology Bistro, college of arts
Painting School, college of arts
Piano Theater, college of arts
Riding Equestrian center
Science Science lab, college of science
Scuba Diving Science lab
Sculpting College of arts
Social Networking Office building, college of business
Street Art College of arts
Writing Office building, college of arts, college of business

These lessons take a few hours to complete, and are available to children and older. The lessons may cost around 300 - 600 Simoleons. They are also a much more efficient way to train skills, due to their price. Sims can only be trained once for each skill. They'll need to use other methods (read books, practice, etc.) after the class.

Moodlet eureka
If The Sims 3: Generations installed, children and teens can also learn skills from certain afterschool classes or field trips.


  • There were originally going to be object-specific skills in The Sims 2 as evidenced by strings in the files referring to scrapped skills for Garden, Music and Literacy. The idea would be repurposed as Talent Badges in subsequent expansions but would come to fruition in The Sims 3.
  • In The Sims 2: Apartment Life, there's a glitch where learning Physiology would often cause Sims to be able to learn skills extremely fast.
  • In The Sims 4, Reaping was a semi-visible skill that was present at the game's launch, but was removed in an unknown patch. It went up to level 10, and it was maxed out in every generated Grim Reaper. It had no known purpose.[1][2]
    • This skill was reimagined into the Reaper career introduced in The Sims 4: Life & Death, similar to how Sims were able to woohoo Grim, only for an update to remove that feature, and then Patch 170 re-added the ability to woohoo Grim before the expansion release as well as the Life & Death expansion adding the ability to try for a baby with Grim.


See also[]

TS4 star trophy icon
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This article is a featured article. Its layout and content is an example of excellence on The Sims Wiki.

Dates featured: April 2013.
