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The Sims Wiki
The Sims Wiki

A sink is a plumbing object in The Sims series. They are typically used by Sims to wash hands—which provides a slight hygiene boost—as well as dishes in the absence of a working dishwasher. Sims that cannot reach a working sink or dishwasher will throw the plate[TS2] or the meal[TS4] into the garbage.

Certain games and expansion packs include additional interactions, such as taking sponge baths, getting a glass of water, brushing teeth, or washing one's face. While these interactions are typically faster and quicker than using a shower or bathtub, they restore less hygiene than a proper shower or bath.

Sinks are available in buy mode in the Plumbing and Bathroom section. Some sinks are standalone, while others must be placed on a counter. Sinks will become dirty over time, and may occasionally break and need to be repaired.

The Sims[]

Sinks in The Sims are very simplistic compared to other games. Sims will typically wash their hands in a sink after messy activities, such as cleaning or using a toilet, unless they are very messy. Sims will also use sinks to wash dishes. Unlike later games, Sims do not need to brush their teeth over a sink.

Object name Price Size Description
Savage Salvage Sink §229 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 2
Hydronomic Kitchen Sink §250 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 2
"Hygiene Machine" by ExcreSys §311 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 2
"Andersonville" Pedestal Sink §400 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 2
Claymore Ceramic Sink §413 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 3
Epikouros Kitchen Sink §500 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 3
Stonewash Sink §600 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 3, Room: 1
Chrøme Faucet System §622 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 3, Room: 2
Really Rustic Kitchen Sink §699 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 3, Room: 2
Fontis Publicus §749 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 3, Room: 3

The Sims 2[]

Sim bathing a baby in a sink, The Sims 2

A baby being bathed in the sink.

Sims can get drinks from sinks, which can be used to lower their body temperature on a hot day.[TS2:S] Babies can be bathed in the sink by older Sims. If a medicine cabinet is placed in front of a sink, Sims will be able to brush their teeth and wash their face using the sink.

Object name Price Size Description Game
Superlative Sink by "The Greatest Designer Alive"
Superlative Sink by The Greatest Designer Alive
§250 1x1 (counter) With meticulous attention to detail evident in every facet of this beautiful basin, The Greatest Designer Alive has once again proven why he is internationally known as a master craftsman. His global renown has spanned continents and defied every single traditional style expectation, bringing his extraordinary flair into a myriad of homes.

Hygiene: 5

The Sims 2 Icon
Simple Sink from Krampft Industries
Simple Sink from Krampft Industries
§275 1x1 (standalone) Krampft's Simple Sink is a pedestal sink with hot AND cold water controls, handy soap scallop, and wide washing basin. "Plenty to drink, and babies that won't stink, think Simple Sink."

Hygiene: 5

The Sims 2 Icon
Shinytyme Kitchen Sink by Gurglomics §300 1x1 (counter) Tired of unwanted vegetables, filthy plates and sticky hands? Get yourself shined up with the Shinytyme Kitchen sink! The Shinytyme harnesses the ancient water-containment technology of the basin and marries it to modern fixture and drain concepts to produce a timeless classic that not only holds water but also actually permits it to drain away into an underground plumbing system! Astounding! The Shinytyme kitchen sink puts the power of water at your command.

Hygiene: 5

The Sims 2 Nightlife Icon
Floral Sink §330 1x1 (counter) Treat yourself to a floral wash without the mess of wet petal residue. This floral designed bathroom sink provides the feeling of being adrift on a lake of flowers, yet it is just as easy to clean as any other sink, and the flowers stay looking fresh day after day after day

Hygiene: 5

The Sims 2 Icon
Moon Hopper Sink by Atmos Furnishings §340 1x1 (counter) These days, only fools are satisfied with sinks that are just sinks! Those who plan to see the stars and blast off won't be "go for launch" until their home has a Moon Hopper Sink by Atmos Furnishings. Built with reinforced, nova resistant alloys, this sink stylishly enhances your home and prepares you for your journey amongst the cosmos.

Hygiene: 5

The Sims 2 Pets Icon
"Garden Fresh" Pedestal Sink
Garden Fresh Pedestal Sink
§355 1x1 (standalone) This picture-perfect porcelain sink livens up any bath with the beauty of a spring garden. Lovely enamel flowers ring the facebowl for a gentle "splash" of color!

Hygiene: 5

The Sims 2 Icon
Hydronomic CleenSheen Basin §410 1x1 (counter) Wash away all of the horrors of the workday in this cutting-edge wash basin from Hydronomic. Stylish hammered faux brass, dull near-iron fixtures... you and Hydronomic: what else do you need?

Hygiene: 6

The Sims 2 Icon
The Simple Washer from Kountry Pipes §475 1x1 (standalone) Settling down to give your hands a good scrub ain't always easy. To be perfectly honest, what's the point of washing your hands when they're just going to get dirty a few minutes later? The Easy Washer aims to make the transition simple. Kountry Pipes: A name you know and trust, because it ain't country if it ain't spelled with a K.

Hygiene: 5

The Sims 2 Seasons Icon
Imperial Plumbing Works Tivoli Basin §560 1x1 (counter) Cold and shiny: It's what all the cool kids want. The Imperial Tivoli self-rimming basin features radiant supercooling and water so cold it'll make your teeth ache. Frosty, sterile, delicious... Tivoli.

Hygiene: 6

The Sims 2 Icon
Filigree Facebowl by Imperial Plumbing Works §610 1x1 (counter) This reproduction makes hand-washing a pleasure. The sink itself is made of imitation materials that can fit almost any taste. The brass hardware is painstakingly hand-crafted from brass-produced modules. The Filigree Facebowl is not just a sink; it's a work of plumbing art.

Hygiene: 6

The Sims 2 Icon
Imperial Lyon Basin §640 1x1 (standalone) This lavatory pedestal sink from Imperial Plumbing features a 24" wide basin, cheery shape, and almost fluorescent undercounter -- great for hand washing, or for getting your baby squeaky clean.

Hygiene: 6

The Sims 2 Icon
Victor Victorian Pedestal Sink §700 1x1 (standalone) Add a bit of style to your washroom with this fancy-schmancy face bowl. The lovely Victor Victorian fluted pedestal sink features nifty brass and ceramic hardware and a scalloped design. Hygiene has never been so classy.

Hygiene: 6, Environment: 2

The Sims 2 Icon

The Sims 3[]

Sinks function similarly to those in previous games. Sims, with the exception of slobs, will wash their hands after messy activities, such as using the toilet. They are also used to wash dishes in lieu of a dishwasher, and can be used for brushing teeth. Neurotic Sims can check sinks to make sure they are off, which will provide a positive moodlet.

In Generations, children and teens can booby trap the sink to spray water at Sims who try to use it. The booby trap will not be activated if a neurotic Sim checks the sink, or if a Sim brushes their teeth over the sink, as neither of these activities involve turning the taps on. Sims with the Inappropriate trait can "Sponge Bath" at sinks.

Officially, wall-based sinks can indeed only be placed onto a sink, even if the sink resembles a standalone counter. However, if such sinks are placed elsewhere with MoveObjects, they can indeed still be used by Sims.

Icon Object name Price Type Description Notes Content pack
Plain Basin Sims 3
Plain Basin §120 Wall Sometimes a sink is just a sink. No hidden agendas, no murky subtext. Just a nice place for running water to puddle up and drain. That's all the Plain Basin sets out to be, and the results are strangely molliflying. Hygiene: 2
Slots: 0+3
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
TS33DS Icon
Squatter's Sink
Squatter's Sink §150 Counter Sometimes good things come in cheap packages, and the Squatter's Sink is as cheap as they come. Frugal benefits include a rust-prone faucet, so expect a little extra oxide in your water during cold the cold season. Hygiene: 2 &BG
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
TS33DS Icon
Pepper Pot Sink
Pepper Pot Sink §215 Counter There's a funny story behind the Pepper Pot's meteoric climb to best-selling success. And if you ever meet Mrs. Pepper in person, she'll chew your ear off about it for hours. Hygiene: 3 &BG
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
The Unsinkable Sink
The Unsinkable Sink §240 Counter Comprised of the most buoyant materials known to science, the Unsinkable Sink literally cannot be sunk. Several efforts to submerge this model have failed miserably, making the Unsinkable the most flood-resistant plumbing fixture on the market. Hygiene: 3 &BG
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
Rinky Dinky Kitchen Sinky
Rinky Dinky Kitchen Sinky §290 Counter Don't let the delightful name fool you, the Rinky Dinky Kitchen Sinky is the only full-sized basin tough enough to tackle the most disgusting kitchen jobs. So go ahead and do your worst. The Rinky Dinky Kitchen Sinky can take it. Hygiene: 3 &BG
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
TS33DS Icon
Volcanor Sulphorous Sink
Volcanor Sulphorous [sic] Sink §315 Counter Forged in the fires of our synthetic, in house volcano, the Volcanor Sulphurous Sink is the most pleasurable plumbing device available. Brushing your teeth and washing your hands is now an exotic visit to the spa, in the comfort of your own home! Volcanor, forever more! Hygiene: 4 &BG
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
Fontainebleau Fountain Sink
Fontainebleau Fountain Sink §390 Wall The centerpiece of any stately bathroom is the sink, and few compare in opulence to the Fontainebleau Fountain. Imported spring water pours luxuriously from its faucet, while a self-cleaning basin prevents hand lather and toothpaste clumps from sticking. Hygiene: 4
Environment: 2
Slots: 0+3
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
TS33DS Icon
Sink in Despair
Sink in Despair §500 Wall Like all tortured artists, legendary sinksmith Cletus Manheim creates his greatest works when suffering a broken heart. Fortunately for us, the love of his life just left him… and he's been cranking out masterpieces like the Sink in Despair ever since. Hygiene: 5
Environment: 3
Slots: 0+3
TS3 Icon
The Sims 3 console for Eraicon
TS33DS Icon
LeSink Omni
LeSink Omni §600 Wall This fancy schmancy unit from L'eau Furnishing will amaze with its ability to perform all sink-related tasks with uncanny automation. Its impressive sensor array allows the water flow to bend towards hand proximity, set the appropriate temperature via atmospheric sampling, and dispense soap through the water jet. Hygiene: 5
Environment: 3
Slots: 0+3
Brash Bowl Sims 3
Brash Bowl §75 Wall Sometimes an ordinary sink just won't do. Kick it up a notch with the Brash Bowl and show the world just how XTREME sinks can be! Warning: those Sims with a fear of porcelain should avoid all contact with the Brash Bowl. Hygiene: 2
Slots: 0+4
TS3LN Icon
Industrial Sink Sims 3
Industrial Sink §500 Counter Add a touch of industrial design to your decor by installing the Industrial Sink. Its simple, unadorned design will make it look like you ripped your sink out of an industrial kitchen. Hygiene: 6 &EP03
TS3LN Icon
New Loew's Sink
New Loew's Sink §500 Wall Old-fashioned sinks got you down? Upgrade now to the New Loew's Sink and double your sink power! Note: any reports of excessive flooding and pipe leakage from previous Loew's models are unsubstantiated. Hygiene: 4
Environment: 2
Slots: 0+3
TS3LN Icon
The Hydrogenator
The Hydrogenator §315 Counter Rather than being hooked up to a water main or a well, the Hydrogenator uses a scientifically advanced process of infusing hydrogen molecules with oxygen to create water. The scientists spent years programming what they call the perfect water “recipe” into this sink: two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen. Now you can enjoy “perfect” water at home or in your backyard! Hygiene: 4 &SP03
E2.10 Standing Laundry Tub
E2.10 Standing Laundry Tub §205 Wall Made from cast iron and coated with a special proprietary polyblend, this industrial strength laundry tub can withstand water, dust, grime, calcium deposits and so much more. Get scrubbing with the E2.10 Standing Laundry Tub. You'll love chores now! Hygiene: 2
Slots: 0+3
The Flow sink Sims 3
The Flow §450 Wall The Flow! Not one but a TWO handled Faucet? Oh yea! Hot AND cold water? Of course! A wash basin WITH a drain? Why not. WOW, The Flow has got it all! And you know what? YOU WANT IT! And if you act now, we'll throw in, at no extra cost to you, a money back guarantee(guarantee offer subject to be discontinued at any time). Hygiene: 4
Environment: 2
Slots: 0+3
TS3P Icon
Gentle Hands Sumptuous Sink
Gentle Hands Sumptuous Sink §625 Wall Can you fall in love with plumbing? You will with the Gentle Hands Sumptuous Sink. The faucet will automatically adjust the temperature to your body's needs, releasing a stream of water designed especially for you. Without any guesswork, you can just sit back and relax. It's true love and clean hands all in one! Hygiene: 5
Environment: 4
Slots: 0+3
Flawless Sink By Immaculate Living
Flawless Sink By Immaculate Living §460 Wall There’s washing your hands, and then there’s cleansing them. For Sims who demand the latter, may we suggest the Flawless Sink? With its perfectly smooth surfaces and classic beauty, your hands won’t just look clean – they’ll feel clean down in your very soul. Never settle for less than Immaculate Living. Hygiene: 4
Environment: 2
Slots: 0+3
TS3SN Icon
Tuttle’s Counter Sink by Corebital Designs
Tuttle’s Counter Sink by Corebital Designs §425 Counter Built to the specifications of Master Plumber Barry Tuttle, this futuristic countertop sink gives you ample space to chop veggies or wash your dishes! Hygiene: 4
Environment: 2
Krytenite Pedestal Sink by Arasika Industries
Krytenite Pedestal Sink by Arasika Industries §455 Wall One day, curved surfaces will be seen as relics of an indulgent past. Arasika Industries prepares you for the future with these finely machined spigots and faucet. Hygiene: 4
Environment: 2
Slots: 0+4
Step Right Up Pedestal Sink
Step Right Up Pedestal Sink §140 Wall Don't let your kids be afraid. This is the dragon that definitely won't bite. Hygiene: 2
Slots: 0+3
TS3DV Icon

The Sims 4[]

Sinks in The Sims 4 retain most of the functions from previous games. Sims can use it to wash their hands, brush their teeth, and wash empty dishes. The player can also "wash" dishes by dragging them into the sink. Sims with the clumsy trait may drop dishes while washing them in a sink.

Sinks have a water consumption rating that impacts the household's bills. Sinks with a higher water consumption rating will have a greater impact on the bills; however, they will also break down less often. Sinks will also affect the rate at which a Sim's hygiene motive decays; sinks with a higher hygiene rating will reduce a Sim's hygiene decay.

Object name Price Size Description Game
The Patrician §120 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 3; Reliability: 3; Water Consumption Rating: 3; Functional Off-the-Grid &BG
TS4 Icon
Retro Big Basin Sink §135 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 3, Reliability: 2 &GP05
Parenthood Icon
DIY Sink §140 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 5, Reliability: 5 &SP13
TS4 Laundry Day Stuff Icon
Brut Pedestal Sink §145 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 3; Reliability: 3; Water Consumption Rating: 3 &BG
TS4 Icon
Blivet Basin §150 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 3, Reliability: 3 &SP11
The Sims 4 Fitness Stuff Icon
Single Pipe Sink with Wooden Cabinet §175 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 3, Reliability: 3 &GP05
Parenthood Icon
Gothic Pedestal Sink §195 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 4, Reliability: 5 &GP04
The Sims 4 Vampires Icon
Clean Machine Sink §215 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 4 &GP01
TS4OR Icon
Bai l'Est Galvanized Sink §140 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 5, Reliability: 5 &SP13
TS4 Laundry Day Stuff Icon
The Amaranth §230 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 4; Water Consumption Rating: 4; Reliability: 5 &BG
TS4 Icon
The Water Falls Sink §240 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 4, Reliability: 5 &GP02
TS4SD Icon
RAW Pedestal Sink §250 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 4; Water Consumption Rating: 4; Reliability: 5 &BG
TS4 Icon
Solent Sink §250 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 4, Reliability: 5 &EP03
TS4 City Living Icon
Industro-sink §255 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 3, Reliability: 9 &GP03
TS4DO Icon
Gets the Job Done Commercial Metal Sink §275 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 4, Reliability: 7 &EP01
Mid-Century Wash Basin §280 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 6, Reliability: 4 &EP06
TS4 EP6 GF Icon
Opulent Hand Carved Sink §285 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 5, Reliability: 5 &GP06
TS4AT Icon
Bureau Sink §290 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 5; Reliability: 5; Water Consumption Rating: 4 &BG
TS4 Icon
Wide Basin Sink §300 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 5, Reliability: 5 &GP06
TS4AT Icon
All-purpose Pebbled Sink §305 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 5, Reliability: 5 &GP01
TS4OR Icon
Ain't That A Slate Sink §310 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 5, Reliability: 5 &EP05
TS4 Seasons Icon
The Wash Basin §315 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 6, Reliability: 6 &EP02
TS4GT Icon
Cru Cabinet Sink §335 1x1(standalone)

Hygiene: 5; Water Consumption Rating: 5; Reliability: 8; Functional Off-the-Grid

TS4 Icon
Poulton Footed Sink Vanity §500 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 6; Water Consumption Rating: 9; Reliability: 8 &BG
TS4 Icon
A Tasteful Sophisticated Sink §650 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 6; Water Consumption Rating: 10; Reliability: 8 &EP04
TS4 Cats and Dogs Icon
Sumptuous Swan Sink §900 1x1(standalone) Hygiene: 7, Reliability: 4 &EP06
TS4 EP6 GF Icon
Ovum Bath Sink §125 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 3; Water Consumption Rating: 3; Reliability: 3 &BG
TS4 Icon
Pure Simplicity Sink §130 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 3; Reliability: 3; Water Consumption Rating: 3 &BG
TS4 Icon
The Divine §165 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 3; Water Consumption Rating: 3; Reliability: 3 &BG
TS4 Icon
Wunda Kitchen Sink §195 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 4; Water Consumption Rating: 3; Reliability: 3 &BG
TS4 Icon
Less is Moar® Sink §200 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 4, Reliability: 3 &SP03
Sensa Counter Sink §205 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 4; Water Consumption Rating: 3; Reliability: 5 &BG
TS4 Icon
RAW Industrial Sink §240 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 4; Water Consumption Rating: 4; Reliability: 5 &BG
TS4 Icon
Last Resort Sink §275 1x1(counter) Hygiene: 4; Water Consumption Rating: 4; Reliability: 5 &BG
TS4 Icon
Umber Kitchen Sink §370 1x1(counter) Unlocked by reaching Level 4 of the Culinary career.

Hygiene: 5; Water Consumption Rating: 3; Reliability: 3; Inspiring Décor: 2

TS4 Icon