- For the first game in the series, see The Sims.
- For the series, see The Sims (series).
A Sim is a virtually simulated person. Sims are the primary focus of The Sims series, and are considered the main life state in nearly every game in the series.
Sims are complex creatures, capable of desires, fears, and physical and mental needs. Sims can have a unique appearance with different hair and eye colors, skin colors, body sizes, and more. A Sim's personality is equally as complex, with Sims having their own aspirations or traits, allowing for countless variations between Sims.
Sims live out their day-to-day lives, while also living out a full life cycle, stretching from birth to death. The progress of a Sim's life is inexorably tied to the decisions of the player; while Sims may be provided with certain amounts of autonomy, ultimately their lives are under the control of the player. This bond between player and Sim is symbolized by the Plumbob, which shows the Sim that is currently under the player's active control.
Based on their playabilty, there are three main Sim types: CAS (aka OCs), Pre-mades and Townies.
The evolution of Sims[]
Sims were first mentioned in the first edition of SimCity, but aside from little dots in the sports stadium, they were never seen. Their first known appearance was in SimAnt (1991); there was only one owner in the yard and the ant colony he lived upon. Players can also see a stray or wandering cat outside the yard that the dog frequently scares away.
Further interaction was given to the Sims in SimTown (1994), and was the base of many concepts that later went into The Sims. Among these was a very basic mood meter which only contained "sad" and "happy" and had relatively few factors that go into it. Players could choose certain Sims' favorite things (somewhat like Aspiration in The Sims 2), and could peer into all houses (only one floor could be revealed, however).
After that, no game quite got as close to The Sims as the game itself. However, Streets of SimCity (1997) introduced Simlish for the first time in the radio music. The first game with spoken Simlish was SimCopter (1996).
- See also: Anatomy of Sims
Sims are a bipedal, humanoid species,[1] found in SimNation. Most Sims are omnivores, however vampiric Sims exhibit hematophagy, and some Sims, who get sick from eating meat, exhibit vegetarianism[TS3][TS4]. Sims have four limbs: two arms and two legs. It is unclear how intelligent Sims are; although they have the ability to use tools and create works of art and technology, they lack direction and often require a guiding hand, that of the player, to manage some of the simplest of tasks. Sims tend to be social creatures, and can hallucinate if left alone for too long, or if they become too depressed from having their desires neglected.
The Sims[]

Sims in The Sims.
The characteristics of Sims in The Sims, The Sims for consoles, The Sims Bustin' Out for consoles and The Sims Bustin' Out handhelds.
- A Sim's Needs affect their Mood.
- A Sim's Personality determines what activities they prefer and how they interact with other Sims. It is affected by their Zodiac signs.
- Interests are what Sims like to talk about.
- Age affects the interactions a Sim can perform
- Relationships with other Sims
- Employment and Education
- Skills determine how well Sims perform certain tasks
The Urbz: Sims in the City[]
The characteristics of Sims (here called Urbz) in The Urbz: Sims in the City.
- A Sim's Needs affect their Mood. Urbz only have five of the usual eight motives.
- Relationships with other Sims
- Skills determine how well Sims perform certain tasks. Urbz only have three skills instead of six.
- Reputation is based on how well a Sim gets along with others and increases when completing tasks for them.
The Sims 2[]

Sims in The Sims 2.
The characteristics of Sims in The Sims 2, The Sims 2 (console), The Sims 2: Pets (console), The Sims 2: Castaway, The Sims 2: Apartment Pets, and The Sims Stories. Some characteristics are only available with Expansion packs.
- A Sim's Needs affect their Mood. Their needs are based on their Life state and age.
- A Sim's Personality determines what activities they prefer and how they interact with other Sims. It is affected by their Zodiac signs. Their sign and their Turn-ons/offs[TS2:N] also determine their romantic compatibility.
- Interests are what Sims like to talk about.
- Age affects the interactions a Sim can perform.
- Memories of what has occurred in their lives.
- Relationships with other Sims
- Employment and Education
- Life state
- Aspirations that determine a Sim's short- and long-term goals
- Wants and fears, determined by a Sim's aspiration.
- Skills & Talent Badges[TS2:OFB] determines how well Sims perform certain tasks.
- Hobby enthusiasm[TS2:FT]
- Reputation[TS2:AL] is based on how nice a Sim is to others.
The Sims 3[]

Different Sims in The Sims 3.
- A Sim's Needs affect their Mood as well as Moodlets from what is occurring in their lives.
- A Sim's traits determines how they interact with other Sims and what activities they prefer.
- Favorites affect their favorite aspects of everyday life.
- Zodiac sign affects their romantic compatibility with other Sims.
- Memories are collected in a scrap book when major events take place.
- Opportunities
- Reputation is affected by public actions Sims make.
- Celebrity status is affected by careers, public actions, relationships, and household funds.
- Life states vary.
- Lifetime Wish are determined by their traits.
- Genetics are influenced by both parents and previous generations.
- Wishes are also determined by their traits, their lifetime wish and what is happening in their life and environment.
- Age affects the interactions a Sim can perform.
- Relationship with other Sims.
- Employment and Education.
- Skills determine how well Sims perform certain tasks.
- Midlife crisis[TS3:G]
Prior to The Sims 3: Supernatural, human Sims were the main species, and they had no major limitations to what they could do. SimBots,[TS3:A] vampires,[TS3:LN] and genies[TS3:ST] had special abilities, but humans' lack of them posed no significant limitations on what humans could do, besides sleeping on a vampire altar.
Starting with Supernatural, certain new things were ones humans couldn't do (e.g. enter fairy houses, talk to plants, use wands), or which humans were uniquely susceptible to (e.g being bit by an autonomous zombie, become a Toad Sim through an alchemy station)
The Sims 4[]

Sims in The Sims 4.
- A Sim's needs affect their mood and emotions as well as moodlets from what is occurring in their lives.
- A Sim's traits determine what emotions they can feel during their lives and how they interact with other Sims and what activities they prefer. Traits also offer Sims unique interactions.
- Emotions are affected by in-game events and affect a Sim's moodlets and interactions.
- Memories are stored in a scrapbook interface, which also store the Sim's emotion.
- Age affects the interactions a Sim performs.
- Sims can become certain life states.
- Sims can have a multitude of aspirations in which when chosen gives the Sim a unique trait. Sims can also change their aspiration but not their unique traits unless they complete them.
- Wants and fears are also determined by traits, aspiration, and what is happening in their life and environment.
- Relationships with other Sims of two varieties, friendship and romantic.
- Employment and education.
- Skills determine how well Sims perform certain tasks.
- Sentiments determine how two sims see each other, which will add certain moodlets when a sim is around a certain sim. Sentiments do not last forever. These can either be one sided or two sided.
- Likes and dislikes affect how a sim thinks of something, which will make them either happy or annoyed of the certain thing chosen.
- A Sim's sexual orientation.
- Character values[TS4:PH] affect children's journey to adulthood and can determine their future traits.
- Childhood phases[TS4:PH] affect children and teens temporary which affects their emotions and how they act.
- Child Confidence[TS4:GTO] affects how confident a child Sim is.
- Fame influences their income, careers, as well as interactions with other Sims on community lots.[TS4:GF]
- Reputation[TS4:GF][TS4:JTB]
- Lifestyles[TS4:SE]
- Milestones[TS4:GTO]
- Midlife crisis[TS4:GTO]
- Attraction[TS4:L]
The normal life state[]
Generally, a Sim is born with the normal life state.[2][3] Prior to The Sims 3: Supernatural, the normal life state was the only one that could be created in Create a Sim.[4]
Unlike the other life states, being normal does not offer any advantages or disadvantages, although, that can be seen as an advantage or disadvantage.
With the exception of alien-Sim hybrids[TS2], which are the result of genetics, Sim-hybrids are not possible. A normal Sim who is transformed to another life state ceases to be normal.
Sim as a Taxonomic Category[]
In The Sims universe, a normal Sim is categorized under the Human life state. This means that "Sim" as a category is something broader than a species. Witches are Sims who have gained the ability to use spells. A werewolf is a Sim who has two forms, and has the ability to switch between these. Vampires are Sims inflicted with a viral illness that grants them heightened abilities at the cost of needing nourishment from agents that are present in Human Sim blood. PlantSims are Sims who have acquired some qualities of plants, such as the ability to photosynthesize, and who therefore have different needs.
While Fairies, Genies, Bigfoots, Aliens, and Mermaids can be categorized as Sims, they are not humans, and are different species on their own. Speculatively, a Genie could be a purple-hued humanoid with the ability to manipulate spacetime, a Bigfoot could be a highly evolved ape on the cusp of sapience, Aliens could be a species that evolved light years away from the human Sims' planet, Fairies could be mischievous humanoids that affect nature.
Zombies are either dead Sims who have been partially restored to life, or Sims changed from a transformation. Similarly, ghosts are the spirits of dead Sims who are visiting from the Netherworld. Mummies are cursed Sims in a state which can be considered a derivative of Zombieism. Servos, SimBots, and Plumbots are considered as Artificial Sims.
Gypsies are treated as regular Sims with no occult abilities. The Store description for Dragon Valley describes many of its residents as "elven Sims", but they're actually just regular Sims with pointy ears and occasionally blue/green/orange skin colors.
See also[]
- ↑ However, whether or not Sims are considered a species has never been stated.
- ↑ PlantSim toddlers in The Sims 2: Seasons are not born, but are produced from spores. In The Sims 3: University Life, PlantSim babies are grown from forbidden fruit seeds.
- ↑ In The Sims 3, many occult life states are genetic, and can be passed from parent to child.
- ↑ In The Sims 2, testingcheatsenabled allows the player to enable Debug Mode in Create a Sim. Enabling Debug Mode makes alien and mannequin skins available.
Dates featured: July 1–15, 2012.