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The Sims 2: University
Shifting Paradymes household
Shifting Paradymes Household
The Shifting Paradymes have bonded over their love of music and moved into their own place to focus on their art. Will living outside the dorms inspire them enough to create the masterpiece they desire?
Name Shifting Paradymes household
Members Gunnar Roque, Jasmine Rai, Zoe Zimmerman
Family connections Fraternity household, Sorority household
Other information
Game The Sims 2 University Icon The Sims 2: University
Playability Playable
Neighborhood La Fiesta Tech

The Shifting Paradymes household contains the musically-inclined young adults Gunnar Roque, Jasmine Rai and Zoe Zimmerman, who are attending La Fiesta Tech. They appear to be a great band, yet they need practice and have never tried music before. They also seem to have arguments, which is referred to in one of their bios. All three are history majors.

According to the picture on the neighborhood photos, Zoe plays the bass, Gunnar plays the electric guitar, and Jasmine plays the drums.

While they all have good relationships with one another, Gunnar has a better relationship with Jasmine than with Zoe.

They appear to have different ethnicities. Gunnar and Jasmine both have tattoos on their bodies and Gunnar's hair is black and done in a pony tail.

Their household name, the Shifting Paradymes, is most likely the name of their band.


The name probably refers to the idea of a "paradigm shift."

