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The Sims 3 The Sims 3: Island Paradise The Sims 3 Store The Sims 4: Island Living
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A Sim being attacked by a shark in The Sims 3: Island Paradise

W watch a shark

A shark is an aquatic animal that appears in The Sims 3: Island Paradise and The Sims 4: Island Living.

The Sims 3[]


The shark's icon in an inventory.

A relatively small-sized breed of sharks are potential catches during regular fishing. It is ranked as Uncommon, its required Fishing skill level as 7, and its preferred bait as Red Herring. They do not pose any noticeable threats to a Sim.

Werewolves[TS3:SN] and mermaids[TS3:IP] are able to eat this breed of sharks raw.

The Sims 3: Island Paradise[]

Sims may encounter sharks on the surface or while they are diving in a dive spot. These sharks are different than those encountered underwater. Sharks will only appear on lots that have a shark spawner. By default, only Isla Paradiso has pre-placed shark spawners, so players need to manually place shark spawners themselves. There are 4 types of shark in the game, which are the blacktip reef shark, tiger shark, lemon shark, and great white shark.

When a Sim notices a newly spawned shark underwater, they may wet themselves if their scuba diving skill is lower than 7. Sims can hide in an underwater cave to avoid sharks. There is a 5% chance that sharks may attack Sims, an additional +2% chance for each meat and fish inside the Sim's inventory, and an additional +20% chance if the Sim watches the sharks. When a shark attacks the Sim, the chance to win the fight is based on how many skill points the Sim has in athletic, martial arts,[TS3:WA] and scuba diving skills. Having 0 of them will guarantee a loss while having 10 of each will guarantee a victory. If the Sim has the loves to swim trait, there's a +30% chance they will win the fight.

If the Sim loses the fight, they will get the "Mauled by Shark" and "Gasping for Air" moodlets. If the Sim is attacked while having either of these moodlets, they will die by shark attack and the ghost of the Sim will be purple. If the Sim wins against the shark, they will receive a shark tooth and get the "Pumped" moodlet.

Mermaids cannot be attacked by sharks, since they're friends with all sea creatures, which also includes the Kraken. Mermaids with the evil or mean spirited traits can summon sharks.


The Sims 3 Store[]

Shark small Sky High Roller Coaster Broken Track

Sky High Roller Coaster Broken Track from the The Boardwalk set, has a small decorative shark try to jump after the cart while the cart if flying over the gap.

The Sims 4: Island Living[]

While swimming in the deeper ocean waters around Sulani, Sims can experience several frightening events, one of which is a shark encounter. In this case, a shark will appear near the Sim and swim across before diving down and disappearing again. Its fins are always visible while the rest of the body, which is about twice the size of a grownup Sim, can only be seen in clear water areas. Besides swimming next to the Sim (and through objects and even other Sims), the shark is completely passive and can not be interacted with.

The shark encounter event is an individual occurrence, meaning that other Sims around will not be affected or frightened even if the shark swims within their direct reach. On the other hand, swimming with a group of Sims can lead to multiple sharks appearing at the same time.

Sims with the Child of the ocean trait will not be frightened by a shark encounter. Instead, they get a happy moodlet which says that they are impressed by their big fish friend.


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