The semester is the academic term for Sims attending a university in The Sims 2: University, The Sims 3: University Life, or The Sims 4: Discover University. Semesters take the place of lifespans and life stages for Sims enrolled at a university. Each semester has its own classes and class schedules, which are dependent on the Sim's progress towards graduation and on the Sim's chosen major.
The Sims 2: University[]
Sims commit to eight semesters of three days each, for a total of 24 days. Sims can also be told to repeat semesters they have failed, for a potential maximum of 16 semesters (48 days). Students are enrolled in a single class per semester, and can attend class once per day at a scheduled time. The class and class schedule that the student is enrolled in is determined by the student's major and their progress towards graduation.
A student's class performance meter resets at the start of each new semester. Attending classes, completing homework assignments, conducting research, writing a term paper (once per semester), and other activities can boost a Sim's class performance. At the end of the semester, a final exam is scheduled; not attending the final exam is detrimental to the Sim's class performance for the semester. The grade the Sim receives for the semester is calculated based on their class performance and their final exam grade.
A new semester begins immediately after the end of the previous semester's final exam. Sims live in the university sub-neighborhood for the duration of their student enrollment, and can stay in the university sub-neighborhood for up to three days following graduation.
The Sims 3: University Life[]
Sims commit to one-term (six days) or two-term (13 days) stays at a time, and will go back to their home world between the stays.
Before enrollment, Sims can pick six-credit, 12-credit, or 18-credit terms (48 credits are needed to graduate for a major), which determines if Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will have one, two, or three classes each (three classes in quick succession will make it difficult to rebuild the Fun motive, unless the student has brought with them a VR headset or similar). Tuesdays and Thursdays will have one class each, regardless of the credit choice.
Highly excelling in the Sims University Aptitude Test, which is determined from a combination of skill levels, traits, and current career level, can give a Sim a six- or 18-credit head-start for a major, which can help reduce the amount of terms needed to graduate.
The Sims 4: Discover University[]
Terms last five weekdays each, with one class taken for one term giving one credit (12 credits are needed to graduate).[1] This results in the university enrollment lasting between 19 and 82 days. Sims are free to travel to and from worlds as they wish during their enrollment.
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