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The Sims 2: Seasons
Samantha Ottomas
Samantha Ottomas
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
It's been a challenge to take care of so many children and Samantha is very grateful to have such a caring mother-in-law. Even with Dora's help, will Samantha be able to handle two more?
Education and employment
Career Education career Elementary School Teacher
Family Ottomas family
Marital status Married
Romances Peter Ottomas Married
Children David Ottomas Son, Sharla Ottomas Daughter, Tommy Ottomas Son, Unborn twins
Roommates Dora Ottomas, Peter Ottomas, David Ottomas, Sharla Ottomas, Tommy Ottomas
Zodiac sign Cancer Cancer
Aspiration Family Family
Lifetime want Become Captain Hero Become Captain Hero
Turn-ons Fatness Fatness
Fitness Fitness
Turn-off Vampirism Vampirism
Hair color TS2 Blonde Hair Blonde
Eye color TS2 Blue Eyes Light Blue
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Seasons Icon The Sims 2: Seasons
Playability Family Bin
Neighborhood Weather

Samantha Ottomas is a pre-made playable adult Sim from the Ottomas family, which is added to the family bin of every neighborhood that is updated with the secret sub-neighborhood Weather from The Sims 2: Seasons expansion pack. Samantha lives with her mother in-law Dora, her husband Peter, and their three children, David, Sharla, and Tommy.

At the start of the game, she is on her second trimester of pregnancy with twins. Due to a bug, the twins may end up with a random and/or biologically impossible father, such as a totally random Sim or a pet. This is addressed in the Seasons patch. Samantha and her family can be placed in whichever neighborhood the player chooses.

She has the Family Aspiration, while her husband has the Romance Aspiration. Yet, and fortunately for the couple, Samantha's husband seems perfectly content with only her, hinting that the two may be deeply in love. When first played Samantha is 22 days from being an elder. Her husband has 21 days left, despite having three children already. This is only possible through the use of cheats, Elixir of Life or creating a family in Create a Sim.

Samantha is employed in the Education career at Level 4 as an Elementary School Teacher. This makes her only one promotion away from being able to purchase the Education career reward. Samantha's character data can be found on The Sims Castaway Stories using SimPE.

According to her memories, David became a teenager after Tommy was born. This is inconsistent with Peter's memories that show David becoming a teenager before Tommy was born. This was probably a mistake by the developers.

Samantha Ottomas' unborn children may have an incorrect father in the family tree. The myths section of the game guide on avoiding corruption provides more information on this bug. Players who have the Ultimate Collection or the Super Collection already have the Seasons patch, and thus do not have to worry about this bug.


Skill Cooking Cooking 3
Skill Charisma Charisma 3
Skill Logic Logic 1
Skill Creativity Creativity 1
Skill Cleaning Cleaning 2

Image Name Relationship level
Peter Ottomas Peter Ottomas Married
Dora Ottomas Dora Ottomas Best Friend
David Ottomas David Ottomas Friend
Sharla Ottomas Sharla Ottomas Friend
Tommy Ottomas Tommy Ottomas Friend

Sloppy 4 Neat
Shy 5 Outgoing
Lazy 6 Active
Serious 5 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice

Politics Politics 2
Crime Crime 5
Food Food 3
Sports Sports 5
Work Work 6
School School 10
Money Money 0
Entertainment Entertainment 6
Health Health 6
Paranormal Paranormal 5
Weather Weather 5
Toys Toys 7
Environment Environment 5
Culture Culture 5
Fashion Fashion 5
Travel Travel 5
Animals Animals 5
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 5

Image Memory Type
Met -Sim- Met Peter Positive
Became Best Friends with -Sim- Made Best Friends with Peter Positive
Had Very First Kiss with -Sim- Had Very First Kiss with Peter Positive
Had Very First Kiss with -Sim- Kissed Peter for the First Time Positive
Fell in Love with -Sim- Fell in Love with Peter Positive
Got Engaged to -Sim- Got Engaged to Peter Positive
Got Married to -Sim- Got Married to Peter Positive
Did WooHoo with -Sim- Did WooHoo with Peter Positive
Had -Sim- Had David! Positive
Grew Up David Grew Up Well Positive
Had -Sim- Had Sharla! Positive
Had -Sim- Had Tommy! Positive
Grew Up David Grew Up Well Positive
Learned to Walk from -Sim- Taught Sharla to Walk Positive
Learned to Talk from -Sim- Taught Sharla to Talk Positive
Potty Trained Potty trained Sharla Positive
Grew Up Sharla Grew Up Well Positive


Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Samantha Ottomas
French Sabine Fontaine
German Susanne Ottomas
Italian Samantha Ottoniello
Spanish Samanta Otomán
Dutch Suzanne Otjes
Danish Sarah Ottomansen
Swedish Samanta Ottomas
Norwegian Samantha Ottomansen
Finnish Sanelma Ottavainen
Russian Саманта Оттоман
Portuguese Samanta Ottomas
Japanese サマンサ オットマス
Polish Samanta Otomana
Chinese (simplified) 萨曼莎 奥托马
Chinese (traditional) 莎蔓莎 歐特馬斯
Thai ​ซา​แมน​ธา​ อ็อตโตมัส
Korean 사만사 오토마스
Czech Samanta Otomanová
Hungarian Samantha Ottomas
Brazilian Portuguese Samanta Orly
The Ottomas family
Dora - Peter - Samantha - David - Sharla - Tommy - Unborn twins