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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Handheld)
Roxanna Moxie
Roxanna Moxie
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
You'd be hard pressed to find another person as talented, fearless, and crazy as this local carnie, Roxanna Moxie.
Education and employment
Career Circus Ringmaster
Hair color Skin-blue Sims 3 Dark blue
Eye color TS2 Red Eyes Red
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Social standing
Rep group Artsie
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Miniopolis
What's up! As I am sure you already know, I'm Roxanna Moxie. Yes, THE Roxanna Moxie... entertainer, chanteuse, and speaker of over 6 animal languages.
—Roxanna Moxie, The Urbz: Sims in the City

Roxanna Moxie (sometimes called Roxie) is an Urb found in The Urbz: Sims in the City for handheld.


Roxanna is the ringmaster of the local carnival and queen of the Artsies.

Roxanna has a fondness for animals, the strange, and the dangerous. Some of her hobbies include mud wrestling, underwater crocodile wrestling, blind base jumping, napalm motocross, caber tossing, okie noodling, and sky diving. She used to be a trapeze artist and has starred in at least one movie called Eight and a Half Monkeys, in which she was the 'loopy one'.

Roxanna frequents the Carnival, Glasstown and Sim Quarter. She can be found in Club Xizzle between 6am and 12pm.

High Society is Roxanna's first mission appearance; after the player asks whether or not she knows any curators, they give her 300 simoleons for traveling expenses in order to bring the curator to Miniopolis.

During Carnivale!, Roxanna informs the player that she is planning on opening her carnival, but needs to add some more entertainment. She asks the player to capture a dancing nutria from an island near the Sim Quarter, give her 5000 Simoleons and find a tightrope walker —revealed to be Misty Waters— for the carnival's successful opening.

If the player is an Artsie when Reality Show becomes available, Roxanna will ask the player to represent the Artsies for the reality show taking place on Paradise Island. After this, she makes no other mission appearances.

Gaining a certain amount of Rep points with the Artsies unlocks their rep mission, which requires getting the highest promotion in the Comedy Club minigame, baking a strawberry tiramisu, and recycling 100 pieces of trash. As trash stops spawning at the end of the game, all 100 pieces must be collected and sold prior to completing the final mission. Achieving all of the requirements gives the player two extra Artsie Rep points.


Interest Dialogue
Urbz Interest Aliens Talk about Aliens Coming soon! The most horrendous, stupendous, tremendous visitors our planet has ever known! Invaders from VENUS! +3
Urbz Interest Art Talk about Art I make art doing things most people consider a sign of insanity. +2
Urbz Interest Bayou Talk about the Bayou Ever since the albino alligator disappeared, there's been no good reason to visit the bayou. -1
Urbz Interest Books Talk about Books Nah. Ten minutes on a burning tightrope can teach you more in one second than any book can. -1
Urbz Interest Carnival Talk about the Carnival The carnival is my home, my family... my dysfunctional wonderful family! +3
Urbz Interest Cars Talk about Cars Cars are too commonplace. I'd rather own a skateboard or a helicopter. -2
Urbz Interest TheLounge Talk about the Lounge I could deal cards faster than those tin buckets down at the Casino! Maybe I should. -1
Urbz Interest Miniopolis Talk about Miniopolis Props to Miniopolis for allowing our carnival to stay a while. We've been kicked out of so many other cities. +1
Urbz Interest CoffeeShop Talk about the Coffee Shop Is it just me or is the coffee in this city way too weak? I want my java strong enough to eat through metal. -2
Urbz Interest Computers Talk about Computers There's nothing threatening about computers. They bore me with their pleasant beeps and whistles. -2
Urbz Interest Construction Talk about Construction Back in the day, I was in a killer performance group called the Survival Research League. +2
Urbz Interest Cooking Talk about Cooking When I eat dessert I need something potentially dangerous. That's why I like chocolate decadence. It's an unhealthy mix of 2 cups of chocolate and 1 cup of flour. Watch out! +3
Urbz Interest Cosmos Talk about Cosmos Imagine the kind of shows I could do on the moon with so much less gravity. Oh man! +1
Urbz Interest Crime Talk about Crime No, of course nothing we do is illegal. Dangerous maybe, but illegal? Never! -2
Urbz Interest Dancing Talk about Dancing I was never happy with my dancing classes until I took a "Tango With Tigers" course. +2
Urbz Interest BadPun Tell a Bad Pun Good one, [Player]! You sound like you've been hanging out with too many Carnies. +1
Urbz Interest Exercize Talk about Excercise If running around a carnival rounding up freaks, taming lions, and playing games isn't exercise, nothing is. +1
Urbz Interest Market Talk about the Market The farmer's market is where I buy most of my petrol and spiked jewelry. +2
Urbz Interest HomeDecor Talk about Home Decor Somehow my home decor always manages to cause me problems. Take my flaming circus hoop for example... sigh. 0
Urbz Interest Games Talk about Games I invented a great game called "Dodge the Spinning Dagger"... want to play? +2
Urbz Interest Graveyard Talk about Graveyard Sometimes I spend the night in the graveyard, just to clear my mind. +1
Urbz Interest Hobbies Talk about Hobbies Let's see... underwater crocodile wrestling, blind base jumping, and napalm motocross. +2
Urbz Interest Health Talk about Health If I had a Simoleon for every time my doctor told me to take life easy, I'd spend it on bungee jumping. 0
Urbz Interest Home Talk about Home I live in a tree house I built myself. I'd invite you over, but you probably aren't strong enough climb up there. +1
Urbz Interest Hygiene Talk about Hygiene I get dirty doing this job, and I sweat, sure. No point trying to look nice for all the squares. -2
Urbz Interest Jail Talk about Jail I try to stay away as often as I can, thanks. +1
Urbz Interest Law Talk about the Law Like most cities, Miniopolis won't let me take wild animals out for walks. -2
Urbz Interest Jobs Talk about Jobs The carnival has all sorts of games and prizes to be won. Are you good at darts? The derby? Slots? Cups? Well, are ya? -1
Urbz Interest Simoleons Talk about Simoleons I don't do what I do for the money... heck, I do what I do in spite of the lack of money! +2
Urbz Interest Movies Talk about Movies You may have seen my bit part in "Eight and a Half Monkeys". Yeah, I was the loopy one. +1
Urbz Interest Museum Talk about the Museum Museums are sort of... painfully slow. Don't you think? -2
Urbz Interest Music Talk about Music Nothing gets my heart pumping faster than a good marching beat. Ba bada-ba bada-ba Cha! +2
Urbz Interest Nature Talk about Nature Human nature is fine by itself. But it takes a good Carnival to make us see what else life has to offer. 0
Urbz Interest Newspaper Talk about the Newspaper Lincoln gives us good rates on advertising so long as we give him free game tokens. 0
Urbz Interest Ninjas Talk about Ninjas Sounds like someone is trying to be more eccentric than me. I don't like this ninja already. -3
Urbz Interest Politics Talk about Politics The governor is trying to get mud wrestling banned within city limits just because I'm so good at it! -2
Urbz Interest River Talk about the River Some of the most talented animals in the world can be found on that river. +1
Urbz Interest RepGroups Talk about Rep Groups I run with a crowd of artists, but I don't mean any Artsie crowd. I mean THE Artsie crowd. And I'm the boss, baby. +2
Urbz Interest Shopping Talk about Shopping I love buying clothes. But not just anywhere. Costume shops are my favorite haunts. +2
Urbz Interest Science Talk about Science As a former trapeze artist I am quite happy messing with the laws of physics. +2
Urbz Interest Sleep Talk about Sleeping Who has time for sleep? My job is too interesting for me to miss a second! -2
Urbz Interest Sports Talk about Sports I'm not into traditional sports, but I do enjoy caber tossing, okie noodling, and sky diving. +1
Urbz Interest Supernatural Talk about the Supernatural You call it "magic", I call it "skill". But the result is the same: jaws dropping everywhere. -2
Urbz Interest Television Talk about TV Television just isn't exciting enough for me. Not unless I'm juggling a couple. +1
Urbz Interest Theatre Talk about Theatre Theater of the absurd, theater of cruelty... call it what you like, the people LOVE it. +4
Urbz Interest Travel Talk about Travel Working at a carnival is the perfect job for people who want to travel without going somewhere cool. +2
Urbz Interest University Talk about the University I don't have a university degree, but I do have common sense. And you can't buy that. 0
Urbz Interest Weather Talk about the Weather This town needs a good thunderstorm! I'm tired of playing with static electricity. -1
Urbz Interest Work Talk about Work If you're not about to faint out of sheer fright, I'm not doing my job. 0
Urbz Interest TheWorld Talk about the World I've been all over this planet and Miniopolis is by far the most normal place around. -2
Urbz Interest Annoy Annoy Daaaang! I've heard a dying elephant sing a prettier song. Shush! -3
Urbz Interest Apologize Apologize No sweat, okay? I don't hold grudges. 0
Urbz Interest Brag Brag Ah, get over yourself. -2
Urbz Interest CallName Call Name You knock-kneed, bladder bag! -3
Urbz Interest CheerUp Cheer Up You could be right, you could be wrong, but there's never any harm in singing a song. +2
Urbz Interest Complain Complain Hey, here's a cork for your whine. -2
Urbz Interest Compliment Compliment Thank you, thank you, kind soul. This outfit is the best match I could find for the images in my mind! +2
Urbz Interest Entertain Entertain What on earth are you trying to be? Leave all the entertaining to me! -2
Urbz Interest Intimidate Intimidate I've had my head covered in chocolate and shoved in a lion's mouth, dude. You don't scare me. -2
Urbz Interest Insult Insult It's a pleasure being called crazy by someone as square as you. 0
Urbz Interest Joke Joke Ha ha! You got the makings of a clown, [Player]! +2
Urbz Interest Gossip Gossip Did you hear that Dusty fainted during try outs for our stunt show? I guess he's afraid of scorpions. -1
Urbz Interest GiveOpinion Give an Opinion Opinions are like mouths: everyone has one, and that's one too many! -1
Urbz Interest Secret Tell a Secret Is that really such a big deal? I thought you were going to tell me something juicy. -1
Urbz Interest Tease Tease I may look funny, but you look positively generic. -1
Urbz Interest Cry Cry Hey now... what's wrong? 0
Urbz Interest RudeGesture Rude Gesture Is that your age or your IQ score? -8
Urbz Interest Flirt Flirt You beast! But I've got a better idea: mud wrestling! +3
Urbz Interest JibbaJabba Jibba Jabba Hey, you're no rube! You're really with it, a true Zanie like me! +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Reject) If you wrap those arms around me, I'm keeping them and getting rid of you. -2
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Reject) Oh boy, you're really asking for it. -2
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Accept) Look at this thing. That's great. Thanks, [Player]. Varies
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Reject) No thanks. If I took it, I'd probably end up destroying it for one of my shows. N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Accept) Be a good sport and deliver this top hat to [Sim] for me, okay? N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Reject) Try back later. I don't have anything for you now. N/A
Urbz Interest MoveIn Move In (Reject) I'm much happier in my carnival tent, thanks. N/A
Urbz Interest Other Silent Treatment [Player], I'm not that keen to talk to you today. Got it? N/A

Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12:00 AM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
1:00 AM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
2:00 AM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
3:00 AM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
4:00 AM Carnival Carnival Carnival Glasstown Carnival Carnival Carnival
5:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
6:00 AM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown
7:00 AM Fortune Shack The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter Fortune Shack
8:00 AM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
9:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown
10:00 AM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
11:00 AM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
12:00 PM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
1:00 PM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
2:00 PM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
3:00 PM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
4:00 PM Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival Carnival
5:00 PM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown
6:00 PM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
7:00 PM The Sim Quarter Crawfish Shack Crawfish Shack The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
8:00 PM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
9:00 PM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown The Sim Quarter
10:00 PM Carnival The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
11:00 PM Carnival The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter

Gift Items
Book of Poetry
Book of Poetry
Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers
Box of Chocolates
Box of Chocolates
Comic Book
Comic Book
Accept Accept Accept Accept
Gold Ring
Gold Ring
Jailhouse Teddy
Jailhouse Teddy
Olde Salty Action Figure
Olde Salty Action Figure
Red Rose
Red Rose
Accept Accept Accept Accept
Rep Items
Artsie Trade Magazine
Artsie Magazine
Richie Trade Magazine
Richie Magazine
Streetie Trade Magazine
Streetie Magazine
Nerdie Trade Magazine
Nerdie Magazine
Accept Reject Reject Reject
Artsie Trophy
Artsie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Accept Reject Reject Reject
Other Giftable Items
Personal Painting
Personal Painting
Accept Accept Reject



  • In The Urbz for Nintendo GameCube, a female player can wear her outfit for free. To get this outfit, go to Blankwood Towers and access the free wardrobe that looks like a purple GameCube. When inside, her outfit will appear.

Other languages[]

Language The Urbz: Sims in the City
English Roxanna Moxie
French Roxanna Moxie
German Roxanna Moxie
Italian Roxanna Moxie
Spanish Roxanna Moxie