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The Sims 3: Barnacle Bay
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Rose Rome
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Elder Elder
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Rose is a flamboyant yet mysterious figure who often lurks around the more isolated parts of the island. Some say that she has the power to see into the future of Sim's lives. There are rumors that she digs through people's trash at night.
Family Rome family
Marital status Single
Romances Willy McKellar Romantic interest
Traits Trait Flirty small Flirty
Trait Green Thumb small Green Thumb
Trait Mooch small Mooch
Trait Schmoozer small Schmoozer
Trait Lucky small Lucky
Lifetime wish LTW Renaissance Sim Renaissance Sim
Favorites Fav Electronica Electronica
Fav Hot Dog Hot Dogs
Fav Yellow Yellow
Hair color Haircolor1-TS3 Blonde
Eye color Eye-brown Brown
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Social standing
Celebrity status
3 stars
Other information
Game TS3BB Icon The Sims 3 Store
Playability Playable
World Barnacle Bay

Rose Rome is a pre-made elderly Sim who lives in Barnacle Bay. She has been described as an elderly gypsy, and some Sims believe she can see into the future of Sims' lives. She wears an outfit that is similar in style to Ginia Kat's, although it's more colorful.

In Wren's biography, it states that she is Wren Rome's great-great-great-niece, but technically they aren't related by family. Most likely, EA did not want to create several ancestors for Rose and stated that for storytelling purposes.

