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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 4
Rodrigo De Pablo
Rodrigo De Pablo
Gender Male Male
Age Age yadult selected Young Adult
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Sim
Family De Pablo Family
Marital status Dating
Romances Cordelia Thebe Girlfriend
Household Princess Cordelia household
Roommates Cordelia Thebe, Chaz MacFreeling, Long John Buttercups, Bob The Butler, Matilda The Cook
Traits Trait TS4 Clumsy Clumsy
Trait TS4 Paranoid Paranoid
Trait TS4 Good Good
Trait TS4 Alluring Alluring
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Soulmate Soulmate
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Body shape Thin Average
Other information
Game TS4 Icon The Sims 4
Playability Gallery

Rodrigo De Pablo is a pre-made Sim in The Sims 4. He can be found in the Gallery with his roommates, Cordelia Thebe, Chaz MacFreeling, Long John Buttercups, Bob The Butler and Matilda The Cook, where they were uploaded by Maxis.[1] It is said that Princess Cordelia enjoyed the company of pirates, possibly implying that Rodrigo and the other pirates in the household are intended to be her love interests.

Rodrigo is stated to be Princess Cordelia's third pirate boyfriend in the description of the 'Captain Rodrigo De Pablo Couch'. He and Cordelia spent their time together on a submarine named 'Eppsilon', as revealed by the cask named after him.

There are four buy mode items named after him: a cask, dining chair, ottoman, and couch. He is very accident-prone and all of the item descriptions involve seperate stories of him becoming injured. According to his message in a bottle, Rodrigo's boat, the Peggy Leg, was sunk in an incident involving kelp, a Mersim, and a dolphin. This ties in with him having the clumsy trait.

