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The Sims 3: Ambitions
Renee William-Brown
Renee William-Brown
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Recently divorced from her husband, Renee is beginning to embrace the single life. There's no doubt that it's been hard for her, but she's looking ahead for positive opportunities.
Education and employment
Career W dayspa Spa Package Seller
Family Jones-Brown family
Parents Unknown
Siblings None
Marital status Divorced
Romances Lenny Smith-Jones Ex-husband
Children Jenni Jones-Brown Daughter
Traits Trait Over-Emotional small Over-Emotional
Trait Neurotic small Neurotic
Trait Hates the Outdoors small Hates the Outdoors
Trait Loser small Loser
Trait Commitment Issues small Commitment Issues
Lifetime wish LTW Jack of All Trades Jack of All Trades
Favorites Fav Roots Roots
Favorites food frenchtoast French Toast
Fav Sea Foam Sea Foam
Hair color Haircolor1-TS3 Blonde
Eye color Eye-blue Blue
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Thin Skinny
Other information
Game TS3A Icon The Sims 3: Ambitions
Playability Playable
World Twinbrook

Renee William-Brown is a pre-made playable adult Sim who lives in Twinbrook, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 3: Ambitions. She lives with her ex-husband Lenny Smith-Jones and their daughter Jenni Jones-Brown. When the household is first played, she is 10 days away from aging up into an elder.

Renee plays the role of a desperate woman, as shown by the majority of her personality - she is over-emotional, a loser, has commitment issues and is neurotic. Her divorce from Lenny may have been caused by a combination of her paranoia and their commitment issues; when put back together, however, they are often said to be good for each other. Unbeknownst to Renee, her unborn grandchild, who is the child of Jenni and her lover, Goodwin Goode, will be born a couple of days after the game starts.

Renee has no relationships outside of her family. She is friends with her daughter but strongly dislikes her ex-husband, though if an effort is made to fix their relationship, it can be mended, but if left alone, their mutual dislike usually gets worse. She has one point in the charisma skill and is employed as a Spa Package Seller in the spa specialist part-time job. She carries a book in her inventory.


W Charisma Charisma 1
W Charisma Charisma 1
The Jones-Brown family
Lenny - Renee - Jenni - Unborn baby