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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Console)
Pork Chop
Urb PorkChop ol
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
Life's all about good friends, good grub and good times! Let's kick it into gear and LET IT RIDE!
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Eye color TS2 Blue Eyes Blue
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Thin Skinny
Social standing
District Gasoline Row
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (console)
Playability Townie
Neighborhood Urbzville


—Pork Chop

Pork Chop is an Urb residing in Gasoline Row in Urbzville from The Urbz: Sims in the City for console. Pork Chop, as his friends call him, is the oddest of the mix. No one really knows his history or age, or even cares to. He certainly has the most colorful stories—real or fictional!

He likes Chrome domes, Fresh asphalt, and anything that gets grit under the nails. He dislikes financial advisers, Rubber duckies, and Cubby hole organizers. Getting to know him will result in being taught the social moves: "Body Bonk".

Comix: Gasoline Row[]

In comix "Outlaw Angst" by Peter Bagge, Pork Chop is telling one of his infamous stories to Jet Rockit, who is clearly annoyed by it, as a newcomer named Jayde is being tested by Duke Headbutt. Jayde succeeds in cooking up sausages that Pork Chop happily consumes. When Sharkey Spitz becomes upset with Jayde, as it appears she has a crush on Duke. Jayde defuses this situation by preforming the social move "Body Slam" on her, which gains her instant favor with the group. Pork Chop exclaims that "As far as I'm concerned you're In!".

He is even more impressed when Jayde builds a motorcycle from a tricycle.


  • In the comix, it is revealed that all of Pork Chip's war stories are completely made up.

