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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2: Bon Voyage
Pong King
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Child Child
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Education and employment
School School Public School
Grade C
Family King family
Zodiac sign Virgo Virgo
Aspiration Grow Up Grow Up
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Eye color TS2 Grey Eyes Grey
Skin color Skin-medium Medium
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Bon Voyage Icon The Sims 2: Bon Voyage
Playability Tourist
Neighborhood Exotic Destinations

Pong King is a pre-made child tourist residing in the Exotic Destinations secret sub-neighborhood shipped with The Sims 2: Bon Voyage. He is usually seen while visiting hotels and community lots from foreign destinations. Pong travels with Tamara, Alan, and Debbie King, but even if they appear to be a family, they aren't related. Pong has to travel by plane when invited by other Sims.

He can be made playable by befriending and aging him up with another child [TS2:FT], and sending him off to college [TS2U]. Pong has the same facial structure as Orlando Centowski. As far as personality, he is very neat, somewhat active, and a little bit nice, but he is very shy, and quite serious. He is mostly interested in Animals.


Image Name Relationship level
StephanGo Stephan Go Just Met
AngelGo Angel Go Acquaintance
AmarHamilton Amar Hamilton Acquaintance
Marylena Hamilton (tourist) Marylena Hamilton Acquaintance
AlanKing Alan King Just Met

Sloppy 9 Neat
Shy 2 Outgoing
Lazy 6 Active
Serious 3 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice

Politics Politics 3
Crime Crime 2
Food Food 4
Sports Sports 6
Work Work 4
School School 6
Money Money 1
Entertainment Entertainment 0
Health Health 4
Paranormal Paranormal 7
Weather Weather 4
Toys Toys 6
Environment Environment 1
Culture Culture 2
Fashion Fashion 4
Travel Travel 6
Animals Animals 8
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 4

Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Pong King
French Pong Leroy
German Pierre König
Italian Pong King
Spanish Pitu Reyes
Dutch Pim de Koning
Danish Storm Larsen
Swedish Petter Kent
Norwegian Peder Dagali
Finnish Ukko Könni
Russian Понг Кинг
Portuguese Pong King
Japanese ポン キング
Polish Pafnucy Król
Chinese (simplified) 鹏 金
Chinese (traditional) 彭 金
Thai พงษ์ คิง
Korean 퐁 킹
Czech Pong King
Hungarian Pong King
Brazilian Portuguese Pong Reis