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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Handheld)
Polly Nomial
Polly Nomial
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
Research Assistant and part time think-tank pundit, Polly Nomial is geeky, pretentious, and nauseatingly brilliant.
Hair color TS2 Red Hair Orange
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Social standing
Rep group Nerdie
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Miniopolis
Salutations. My name is Polly Nomial. I'm a research assistant for the Professor at Miniopolis University. Have you any pressing questions to ask me or are you simply engaging in idle chit-chat?

Polly Nomial is an Urb residing in Miniopolis. She is the leader of the Nerdies. Her name is a pun on polynomial.


Life leading up to The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)[]

Polly is the leader of the Nerdies in The Urbz: Sims in the City for handheld and can usually be found in the Miniopolis University, Café Z-Bach, and other areas of Urbania and Sim Quarter.

The first mission appearance Polly makes is during Daddy Bigbucks and the Xizzle Factory, where she is convinced by the player- though only if their relationship with her is at 50- to help rebuild the Xizzle Factory.

Later on, during Back To The Drawing Board, Polly is, once her relationship is at 70, convinced by the player to reveal a secret lab hidden underneath Daddy Bigbucks' office in King Tower: the lab in question is only accessible between 3-4 in the morning, and the player is arrested for trespassing if they try to enter at any other time.

Once you gain enough rep points with the Nerdies, Polly gives you a mission where you have to get to the highest level in the Dr. Max Stat mini game, create a petrified wood chess piece, and sell 15 giant bog frogs at the jail. Completing this mission gives you an extra Nerdie rep point.


Interest Dialogue
Urbz Interest Aliens Talk about Aliens The incidence of an extraterrestrial invasion would certainly bewilder me. +1
Urbz Interest Art Talk about Art Is there an objective application of aesthetics to nerdy eye-glasses? +3
Urbz Interest Bayou Talk about the Bayou That despicable place is purported to be habituated by a plethora of mythical monsters. 0
Urbz Interest Books Talk about Books I would sooner amputate my nose than allow the pilfering of one of my academic tomes. +2
Urbz Interest Carnival Talk about the Carnival I rankle at the thought of those miscreants roaming our thoroughfares. -2
Urbz Interest Cars Talk about Cars I am dismayed at the rampant employment of automobiles for short- range locomotion! -2
Urbz Interest TheLounge Talk about the Lounge For the keen speculator the Casino's fiscal dividends are considerable. 0
Urbz Interest Miniopolis Talk about Miniopolis I have spent the bulk of my life living in the Miniopolis municipality. -3
Urbz Interest CoffeeShop Talk about the Coffee Shop The physiological effects of caffeine on sapiens are not to be discounted as irrelevant. +2
Urbz Interest Computers Talk about Computers The advent of the data processor represents the apex of human achievement! +2
Urbz Interest Construction Talk about Construction The fabrication of architectural wonders is not as exciting as the designing of them. +2
Urbz Interest Cooking Talk about Cooking To apply quantities of kilojoules to unrefined animal tissue is not an experience I relish. 0
Urbz Interest Cosmos Talk about Cosmos It is my life's mission to one day circumnavigate the earth in a interstellar craft. +3
Urbz Interest Crime Talk about Crime Our local law enforcement agency has been loath to implement DNA testing into its repertoire. -3
Urbz Interest Dancing Talk about Dancing Under the hypnotic influence of a steady beat, corporeal gyrations are an embarrassment to behold. -2
Urbz Interest BadPun Tell a Bad Pun Your lewd, scatological misappropriations of language for comedic effect are dull at best. +3
Urbz Interest Exercize Talk about Excercise It is with some chagrin that I admit to the neglect of my physical well being. -3
Urbz Interest Market Talk about the Market An unparalleled locality at which you may obtain premium quality sundries. +2
Urbz Interest HomeDecor Talk about Home Decor My latest domestic accoutrement is a decorative slide rule. +1
Urbz Interest Games Talk about Games Increased random elements in any game have an equalizing force on all players. +2
Urbz Interest Graveyard Talk about Graveyard There the recently deceased are interred to repose for the greater part of eternity. Leave it alone. -3
Urbz Interest Hobbies Talk about Hobbies Reading old dictionaries from bygone epochs is my favorite diversionary activity. +2
Urbz Interest Health Talk about Health I have quite a hardy constitution despite all the time I spend indoors. +1
Urbz Interest Home Talk about Home I have a formally functional if somewhat Spartan domicile, which is all I require. +1
Urbz Interest Hygiene Talk about Hygiene To ward off septic contagions it is best to perform ablutions with hot, treated water. 0
Urbz Interest Jail Talk about Jail I would rather sleep in a black hole than be incarcerated in a penitentiary. +1
Urbz Interest Law Talk about the Law A well functioning judiciary yields benefits innumerable. +2
Urbz Interest Jobs Talk about Jobs If you ever assist Dr. Moore with his lawn gnome operations, remember this: you don't have to line up all the germs in a straight line. -3
Urbz Interest Simoleons Talk about Simoleons I am rather adept at abstaining from the deleterious financial harms of overt conspicuous consumption. +3
Urbz Interest Movies Talk about Movies Motion pictures are axiomatic at a rate of twenty four-frames per second. +3
Urbz Interest Museum Talk about the Museum To preserve our cultural memory it is important to support your local historical relic repository. +1
Urbz Interest Music Talk about Music Though the foundations of music are mathematical, I still find it hard to enjoy. 0
Urbz Interest Nature Talk about Nature The remarkable resilience of the biosphere is equaled only by our relentless attempts to subdue it. 0
Urbz Interest Newspaper Talk about the Newspaper I am too preoccupied with scholarly matters to consult a daily periodical. -2
Urbz Interest Ninjas Talk about Ninjas That is but a phantasm, a fable borne from your overzealous imagination. 0
Urbz Interest Politics Talk about Politics It is our civic duty to bathe in the daily tide of political life, however lame it may be. -1
Urbz Interest River Talk about the River Don't talk to me about that festering tributary! -2
Urbz Interest RepGroups Talk about Rep Groups I am what you may refer to as the head stateswoman of the General Nerdie Assembly. +3
Urbz Interest Shopping Talk about Shopping I abhor excessive displays of conspicuous consumption. -2
Urbz Interest Science Talk about Science I have devoted my life to the application of scientific method to phenomena heretofore unconsidered. +2
Urbz Interest Sleep Talk about Sleeping A profoundly important passtime! +2
Urbz Interest Sports Talk about Sports What you call athletic merrymaking is nothing more than a brutish charade to me. -2
Urbz Interest Supernatural Talk about the Supernatural The supernatural, being by definition outside the natural world, is not worthy of scientific inquiry. -2
Urbz Interest Television Talk about TV Growing up in my parent's domicile, we called it the idiot box. -2
Urbz Interest Theatre Talk about Theatre Burlesque, cabaret, drama, satire... all just pitiful display of irrational tomfoolery. 0
Urbz Interest Travel Talk about Travel I embarked on a junket some years ago to promote the university. Since then I haven't left the city. +2
Urbz Interest University Talk about the University I am currently pursuing my third PhD researching the feasibility of time travel. +3
Urbz Interest Weather Talk about the Weather Meteorologically speaking, Miniopolis is not a very active place. But the warmth is nice. +2
Urbz Interest Work Talk about Work I pursue no traditional vocational trade. I am an academic. -3
Urbz Interest TheWorld Talk about the World I have a tender view of this azure marble we call the earth. +3
Urbz Interest Annoy Annoy Why do you goad me so with your exasperated whining? -5
Urbz Interest Apologize Apologize And I endorse your humble mea culpa. +2
Urbz Interest Brag Brag Disabuse yourself of the notion that you are something singular... dork. -2
Urbz Interest CallName Call Name What do you gain by tossing such vicious invectives? -3
Urbz Interest CheerUp Cheer Up Verily, good tidings come to those who hope. +2
Urbz Interest Complain Complain Why all this sniveling and yammering? -2
Urbz Interest Compliment Compliment Your nebbish felicitations do mean a lot to me. +3
Urbz Interest Entertain Entertain You have a beguiling sense of dramatic timing. +2
Urbz Interest Intimidate Intimidate A nonentity such as yourself cannot coerce a genius such as myself into anything but laughter. -1
Urbz Interest Insult Insult I take vehement exception to your guileless effrontery! -5
Urbz Interest Joke Joke Your brand of low-brow buffoonery makes me titter with glee. +2
Urbz Interest Gossip Gossip I do not engage in scurrilous rumor mongering. -2
Urbz Interest GiveOpinion Give an Opinion Your hypothesis is compelling but your argument is an unworkable tautology. 0
Urbz Interest Secret Tell a Secret I am flattered you have taken me into your confidence so lackadaisically. +1
Urbz Interest Tease Tease Your taunts and barbs perforate my hide! -5
Urbz Interest Cry Cry Why dwell in lachrymose despair when your time on earth is limited? -1
Urbz Interest RudeGesture Rude Gesture What a curiously crude gesticulation! -4
Urbz Interest Flirt Flirt Your furtive advances will not go unheeded, my dear. +3
Urbz Interest JibbaJabba Jibba Jabba Jabba dabba do! +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Reject) I feel I should decline your request to embrace. -2
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Reject) I am not one to osculate so freely! -2
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Accept) An unsolicited gift? How magnanimous of you. Varies
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Reject) I have no use for baubles of that description. N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Accept) Indeed. Would you deliver this astronaut pen to [Sim], post-haste? N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Reject) I am not in need of any assistance at this time. N/A
Urbz Interest MoveIn Move In (Reject) No, I do not require a moneyed cohabitator. N/A
Urbz Interest Other Silent Treatment You have squandered the opportunity to speak with me today. N/A

Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12:00 AM Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya
1:00 AM Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya
2:00 AM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
3:00 AM
4:00 AM
5:00 AM
6:00 AM University University University University University University University
7:00 AM University University University University University University University
8:00 AM University University University University University University University
9:00 AM University University University University University University University
10:00 AM University University University University University University University
11:00 AM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
12:00 PM The Sim Quarter Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya
1:00 PM Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya
2:00 PM Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya
3:00 PM Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya Café Multiplaya
4:00 PM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
5:00 PM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
6:00 PM University University University University University University University
7:00 PM University University University University University University University
8:00 PM University University University University University University University
9:00 PM University University University University University University University
10:00 PM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter
11:00 PM The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter

Gift Items
Book of Poetry
Book of Poetry
Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers
Box of Chocolates
Box of Chocolates
Comic Book
Comic Book
Reject Accept Reject Reject
Gold Ring
Gold Ring
Jailhouse Teddy
Jailhouse Teddy
Olde Salty Action Figure
Olde Salty Action Figure
Red Rose
Red Rose
Accept Reject Reject Accept
Rep Items
Artsie Trade Magazine
Artsie Magazine
Richie Trade Magazine
Richie Magazine
Streetie Trade Magazine
Streetie Magazine
Nerdie Trade Magazine
Nerdie Magazine
Reject Reject Reject Accept
Artsie Trophy
Artsie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Reject Reject Reject Accept
Other Giftable Items
Personal Painting
Personal Painting
Accept Reject Reject


Other languages[]

Language The Urbz: Sims in the City
English Polly Nomial
French Polly Nômes
German Eva Grips
Italian Polly Nomio
Spanish Poli Nomio