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For the Bridgeport movie studio lot in The Sims 3: Late Night, see Film studio.

Plumbob Pictures

Plumbob Pictures

Sub-neighborhood · Featured in: The Sims 4: Get Famous
Plumbob Pictures
TS4 EP6 Official Screenshot 6
Name Plumbob Pictures
Game TS4 EP6 GF Icon The Sims 4: Get Famous

Plumbob Pictures is a hidden neighborhood in Del Sol Valley that functions as the workplace for the Actor active career. The studio lot changes daily depending on what is being filmed there.



Plumbob Pictures Studio
Type Lot TS4 Generic Acting Studio
Lot size 50x50
N° of floors 1
Bathrooms 2
World Del Sol Valley
Game The Sims 4: Get Famous

The studio's main feature is a big stage in the middle that has a different layout and set of props for each production. In front of it are various cameras and filming equipment, as well as a chair for the director. Further back is a snack table where film crew and actors can mingle, and microphones and mirrors for actors to practice their lines.

Other rooms in the studio include a dressing room with a stylist on duty, a hair and makeup room with a makeup artist manning a styling station, and two small bathrooms.

Neighborhood amenities[]

None of the typical neighborhood amenities are present, aside from a few benches and trash cans near the front of the lot.

