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The Sims 3: Supernatural
Pip Goodfellow
Pip Goodfellow
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Fairy icon Fairy
While Flora is the brains behind the Goodfellow's shenanigans, Pip is most definitely the muscle behind her mischievous pranks. His light hearted nature and ability to talk himself in or out of any situation makes him the perfect Fairy prankster. As a lifelong Fairy, he's always been fascinated by the Human Sim culture and loves to read books by Human authors. So taking a part time job at the bookstore was a natural choice for him. A very influential Fairy with friends all over town, Pip was able to pull off the ultimate prank of an adoption mix-up involving Linda Rodger's newly adopted daughter.
Education and employment
Career W bookstore Book Genre Sorter
Family Goodfellow family
Parents Flora Goodfellow
Marital status Married
Romances Dahlia Goodfellow Wife
Children Fawn GoodfellowAdopted Daughter
Traits Trait Good Sense of Humor small Good Sense of Humor
Trait Bookworm small Bookworm
Trait Genius small Genius
Trait Charismatic small Charismatic
Trait Schmoozer small Schmoozer
Hidden traits Trait Fairy small Fairy
Zodiac sign LibraLN Libra
Lifetime wish LTW Master of the Arts Master of the Arts
Favorites Fav Pop Pop
Fav Fish and Chips Fish and Chips
Fav Spiceberry Spiceberry
Hair color Haircolor5-TS3 Black
Eye color Eye-hazel Hazel
Skin color Tan skin-TS3 Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3SN Icon The Sims 3: Supernatural
Playability Playable
World Moonlight Falls

Pip Goodfellow is a pre-made playable Fairy residing in Moonlight Falls, the world shipped with The Sims 3: Supernatural. He lives with his mother Flora, wife Dahlia and adopted daughter Fawn. Pip has 8 skill points in charisma and loves to read.

Pip knows almost everyone in town and has a better relationship with them than he does with most of his family, knowing 25 people outside his family and having a distant friend relationship or higher with all of them.


W Charisma Charisma 8
W Charisma Charisma 8

Image Name Relationship level
Alice Fitzgerald Alice Fitzgerald Best Friends Forever
Rainflower Ivy Rainflower Ivy Best Friend
Dahlia Goodfellow Dahlia Goodfellow Spouse
James Hoppcraft James Hoppcraft Good Friend
Gladsten Farmwell Gladsten Farmwell Good Friend
Flora Goodfellow Flora Goodfellow Good friend
Annie Nix Annie Nix Good Friend
Doreen Caliente Doreen Caliente Good Friend
Dwayne Wolff Dwayne Wolff Good Friend
Ayden Van Gould Ayden Van Gould Good Friend
Branch Timbley Branch Timbley Good Friend
Haley Sumari Haley Sumari Good Friend
Annalove Ivy Annalove Ivy Good Friend
Mara Nix Mara Nix Friend
Rick Durwood Rick Durwood Friend
Alfred Hoppcraft Alfred Hoppcraft Friend
Waylon Wolff Waylon Wolff Friend
Serena Durwood Serena Durwood Friend
Fawn Goodfellow Fawn Goodfellow Friend
Wilhemina Wolff Wilhemina Wolff Friend
Gator Wolff Gator Wolff Friend
Erica Wolff Erica Wolff Friend
Dayvid Musgrave Dayvid Musgrave Friend
Miriam Hoppcraft Miriam Hoppcraft Distant Friend
Tristan Van Gould Tristan Van Gould Distant friend
Zoe Durwood Zoe Durwood Distant Friend
Zack Durwood Zack Durwood Distant Friend
Emelie Van Gould Emelie Van Gould Distant friend
