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The Sims: Vacation The Sims 2: Seasons The Sims 3: Seasons The Sims 4 The Sims 4: Seasons

TS2S Gallery 1
Sims dressed in outerwear in The Sims 2: Seasons.

Outerwear[TS2:S][TS3:S], winterwear[TS:V], or hot weather and cold weather[TS4][TS4:S] are clothing categories that Sims dress in to stay comfortable during extreme temperatures.

The Sims: Vacation[]

Wearing winterwear is normal in the snowy area of Vacation Island, but Sims who wear it in other areas of the Island may become uncomfortable. Wearing it outside of Vacation Island does not appear to have any effect.

Sims, both adult and child, can buy winterwear for §100 from the SlopeStyle Skiwear Rack. Children can also buy it from the Rags-A-Muffin Garmenteria. If The Sims: Hot Date is present, adults can buy it from the Ploomie's Garment Rack.

The Sims 2: Seasons[]

The Sims 2: Seasons renames winterwear to "outerwear". Outerwear is available for all life stages from toddler through elder, for a cost of §300. If the outside temperature is cold enough, Sims will usually, but not always, change into outerwear when going outside. Visitors, walk-bys, and townies may also appear in outerwear. Outerwear will not keep Sims from getting cold, but Sims wearing it will not get cold as quickly. Wearing outerwear when the temperature is above the "comfortable" zone will cause Sims to get hot more quickly.

The Sims 3: Seasons[]


A Sim dressed in outerwear in CAS.

As in The Sims 2, Sims automatically change into outerwear on cold days when they go outside in The Sims 3: Seasons. Wearing outerwear will delay freezing to death, but it does not make Sims immune to the cold.

Players can also direct player Sims to put on outerwear on any dry-land occasion, even in the middle of summer.

Notably, some jackets and similar clothes from other expansion packs, even ones released before Seasons, are assigned as available in the Outerwear clothes category if Seasons is installed. This includes outfits from the base game, World Adventures, Late Night, Generations, The Sims 3: Pets, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future, High-End Loft Stuff, Fast Lane Stuff, and Town Life Stuff.

The Sims 4: Seasons[]


Sims dressed in Cold Weather outfits.

The Hot Weather and Cold Weather clothing categories were added in patch 68. The Sims 4: Seasons adds functionality to them, with Hot Weather clothing protecting Sims against high temperatures, but leaving them vulnerable to low temperatures. The opposite is true for the Cold Weather category. Sims automatically switch to the appropriate clothing when they go outside, depending on the current temperature.

Hot Weather and Cold Weather clothing categories appear in base game and can be edited in CAS but have no in-game functionality without Seasons installed.

Similar to The Sims 3, various outfits from other content packs are categorized as Hot Weather or Cold Weather where appropriate. However, like every other clothing category in CAS, the player can remove the default filters to use any outfit for those categories.
