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The Sims 4
Olivia Kim-Lewis
Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis headshot
Gender Female Female
Age Age child selected Child
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Sim
Education and employment
School TS4 Grade School Icon Grade School
Grade C
Family Spencer-Kim-Lewis family
Parents Eric Lewis, Alice Spencer-Kim
Traits Trait TS4 Goofball Goofball
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Painter Extraordinaire Artistic Prodigy
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Warm tone 15
TS4 Icon Thin
TS4 Icon Slider
TS4 Icon Fat
Other information
Game TS4 Icon The Sims 4
Playability Playable
World Willow Creek

Olivia Kim-Lewis is a pre-made Sim in The Sims 4 who resides in the Spencer-Kim-Lewis family household in Willow Creek. She resides with her parents Eric and Alice, her maternal grandfather Dennis, and her paternal grandmother Vivian. She is one of only two premade children in The Sims 4 base game.

Olivia is a child, 13 days away from becoming a teen. She is a 'C' grade student and has one skill point in the creativity, mental, motor and social child skills. She has the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. Her mother did not change her maiden name after marrying her father, resulting in Olivia's surname being hyphenated. There were originally no drawing tables or musical instruments in the house when first played, so there was nothing to fuel her aspiration. Patch 174 overhaul fixes this.


Skill TS4 Motor Motor 1
Skill TS4 Social Social 1
Skill TS4 Motor Motor 1
Skill TS4 Social Social 1

Alice Spencer-Kim headshot Alice Spencer-Kim Family Mother, Friend Friend
Eric Lewis headshot Eric Lewis Family Father, Friend Friend
Vivian Lewis headshot Vivian Lewis Family Grandmother, Friend Friend
Dennis Kim headshot Dennis Kim Family Grandfather, Friend Friend
Alice Spencer-Kim headshot Alice Spencer-Kim Family Mother, Friend Friend
Eric Lewis headshot Eric Lewis Family Father, Friend Friend
Vivian Lewis headshot Vivian Lewis Family Grandmother, Friend Friend
Dennis Kim headshot Dennis Kim Family Grandfather, Friend Friend



  • As of patch 42, Olivia's name has been changed from Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis to Olivia Kim-Lewis to avoid an issue with her surname being too long for Create a Sim. Before this patch, the player would have to shorten her name themself if they edited her family in CAS, otherwise the game would not allow any changes to be made.