Oceanography Chance Cards
1) Fish Chummer
It's just another day on the job when <Sim> suddenly realizes that he/she doesn't have any more fish to chum. The current amount of chum will probably feed the animals for half a day, and <Sim> was never given instructions on what to do if he/she ran out of fish. Should <Sim> go out and buy more fish to chum or use artificial fish food instead?
Buy Some Fish
Success: Promoted to Dolphin Tank Cleaner
% chance
Failure: -§150
% chance
Use Artificial Food
Success: +§200
% chance
Failure: Get Fired
% chance
2) Dolphin Tank Cleaner
While going about his/her daily routine, <Sim> comes across an especially strange dolphin. It nuzzles up to him/her and quickly seems to form a friendship. It then swims to the cage entrance which leads to the ocean and gently bumps its head on the glass. It seems to want to be free. Should <Sim> obey its wishes or keep it in?
Obey the Dolphin
Success: +§300
% chance
Failure: Get Fired
% chance
Keep it In
Success: Promoted to Sea Lice Research Assistant
% chance
Failure: -§215 (a day's pay)
% chance
3) Sea Lice Research Assistant
Bored of watching sea lice do nothing hour after hour, <Sim> decides to take a short break and play solitaire on the office computer. He/She looks back after finishing the game and the sea lice are gone! Where could they have gone? More importantly, what is <Sim> going to do? Tell his/her boss the truth or replace the sea lice and pretend nothing happened?
Tell the Truth
Success: Promoted to Dive Master
% chance
Failure: -§295 (a day's pay)
% chance
Replace Sea Lice
Success: +§300
% chance
Failure: Get Fired
% chance
4) Dive Master
<Sim> surfaces from an uneventful dive to find a lovely mermaid sleeping on the rocks near his/her boat. Up until this moment, <Sim> had never believed in mermaids but his/her eyes don't lie. Should he/she report this beauty to the media or should he/she leave the creature in peace?
Report it
Success: Promoted to Underwater Demolitionist
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Sea Lice Research Assistant
% chance
Leave it
Success: Promoted to Underwater Demolitionist
% chance
Failure: -1
% chance
5) Underwater Demolitionist
An underwater treasure awaits beyond a grouping of sturdy rock and <Sim> needs to decide what the best way to demolish the rock would be. Should he/she use C4, which is controlled but weaker, or dynamite, which is stronger but more volatile?
Success: +§500
% chance
Failure: -§450 (a day's pay)
% chance
Success: +1
% chance
Failure: -1
% chance
6) Marine Biologist
During a research expedition, <Sim> discovers a new species of algae under some rocks. It's a great find and the new algae must be named. Should <Sim> name it after himself/herself or after his/her head of research?
Success: Promoted to Whale Tracker
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Underwater Demolitionist
% chance
Head of Research
Success: +§1,000
% chance
Failure: -§800
% chance
7) Whale Tracker
It's a calm, crisp day on the high seas, yet <Sim> feels anxious for some strange reason. He's/She's tagged seven calves today, which is close to a record, but still finds himself/herself scanning the horizon for the intangible source of his/her anxiety. Out of nowhere, a massive white whale comes abow to the ship and, just as quickly, speeds off into the horizon and disappears. <Sim> searches for any other crew members who might have witnessed the anomaly, but none are on deck. Should he/she set sail in pursuit, or chalk the vision up to exhaustion?
Chase the Whale
Success: Promoted to Deep Sea Fisherman
% chance
Failure: -1
% chance
Forget It
Success: +§2,000
% chance
Failure: -§1,000
% chance
8) Deep Sea Fisherman
<Sim> is 5 miles off the coast, trolling for Yellowfin, when the nets hit a snag. Normally he'd/she'd send one of the junior seamen down to deal with this, but he/she decides a quick dip might be just what he/she needs to cure the boredom. He/She suits up and plunges down and on his/her way down, runs into a peculiar fish that seems to be following him/her. All of a sudden, in strange bubbly fashion, the fish begins to speak to him/her, telling of times when fish were free to roam the waters and when Sims let them be. It pleads with <Sim> to leave it free and its brethren alone. Should <Sim> take heed of the omen and abandon her fishing, or capture the fish for the scientific discovery that it is?
Give Up Fishing
Success: Promoted to Protector of Whales
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Whale Tracker
% chance
Capture the Fish
Success: +§4,000
% chance
Failure: -§2,000
% chance
9) Protector of Whales
A recent government conference has proposed legislation, likely to pass, they would allow drilling within certain areas of the ocean that would drive away many whales from their breeding grounds. <Sim>'s division is strictly disallowed from using any funds to lobby for or against the legislation, but <Sim> really wants this legislation to fail. Of course, <Sim> could bribe a few key people to get the necessary votes. It's not the most savoury option, but should <Sim> do it?
Bribe Them
Success: Promoted to Hand of Poseidon
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Deep Sea Fisherman
% chance
Let it Pass
Success: +§8,000
% chance
Failure: -§3,000
% chance
10) Hand of Poseidon
Poseidon is having some brotherly trouble with Zeus and Hades and decides to play a prank on them. He wants <Sim> to distract them by running naked through the town, buring effigies of Zeus and Hades. <Sim> is concerned about this plan. He/She is both concerned about possible retribution from the brothers and about being seen as a crazy person. Still, Poseidon has never let him/her down before. Should he/she do it?
Run Naked
Success: +§15,000
% chance
Failure: -1
% chance
Skip this Assignment
Success: +§20,000
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Protector of Whales
% chance