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The Nighthowl Saloon is a Wild West inspired saloon in Deadtree. It is run by Hoot Howell and his younger sister, Annie.

In the saloon, the player can buy drinks, and can participate in the mini-game, Howlin' Hoedown, from 2pm to 10pm. Howlin' Hoedown is where the player, and other NPCs in the bar linedance to country songs. The player's stinkiness and energy urgencies will be affected. The player will earn more money as they get promoted, and the actions get more complicated. This saloon also has a piano.

One of Roberta Rossum's legs can be found in the saloon. It is used as a leg for one of the tables by the entrance.

The Nighthowl Saloon is also an important location for three missions: discovering the identity of the Nightbeast (who is actually Annie), discovering Virginya Feng's secret (she is a vampire), and finding Roberta Rossum's leg.

Sims who reside in the Nighthowl Saloon[]

