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The Sims Wiki
For the personality quality in The Sims and The Sims 2, see Personality.

The Sims 3 The Sims 3 (Nintendo DS) The Sims 3 (Nintendo 3DS)

For the trait in The Sims 4, see Neat (The Sims 4).
Trait neat

Neat is a physical trait in The Sims 3. It conflicts with Slob and is first available at childhood.

Neat Sims always find time to clean, regardless of their mood. They are easily devastated by filthy surroundings, but will never leave a mess behind.


  • Neat Sims will always clean up messes they have made.
  • Neat Sims actually have fun while cleaning, and the objects will be cleaner than normal.
  • Neat Sims will clean even while being in a bad mood.
  • Neat Sims will clean the entire house following a single prompt.
  • NPCs with this trait are attracted to the following lot assignments: Laundromat [TS3:A].
  • Sims with the neat trait cannot use dirty objects.
  • Sims with the neat trait will clean up without you telling them to.
  • Neat Sims will feel disgusted when carving a pumpkin.

Unlocked interactions[]

  • Neat Sims have the "Clean House" interaction which will cause the Sim to clean the whole house like a maid.

Player notes[]

  • Neat Sims will have more potent negative moodlets from being in dirty rooms.
  • Neat Sims will always wash their hands after using a toilet if there is a sink nearby.
  • Neat Sims receive wishes to clean certain parts of the house.
  • When staying over at another household, waking up from sleeping in a bed may cause the "Rude Guest" Woodley upon the host Sim(s) as the guest Neat Sim will always make the bed.

Premade neat Sims[]

See also: Category:Neat Sims