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The Sims 4: High School Years
Molly Prescott
Molly Prescott
Gender Female Female
Age Age teen selected Teen
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Human
Education and employment
School TS4 High School Icon High School
Grade C
Career TS4 Career Chess Team Member Chess Team Fresh Recruit
Family Prescott family
Parents Mei Prescott
Siblings Amy Prescott Sister
Marital status Single
Traits Trait TS4 Music Lover Music Lover
Trait TS4 Genius Genius
Trait TS4 Muser Muser
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Musical Genius Musical Genius
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Warm tone 7
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game TS4 EP12 High School Years Icon The Sims 4: High School Years
Playability Playable
World Copperdale

Molly Prescott is a pre-made teen Sim that lives in Copperdale, the world that shipped with The Sims 4: High School Years. She appears in several trailers, renders, and promotional screenshots for the expansion pack, being shown to be a troublemaker who often gets in trouble. She lives with her mother Mei Prescott, the principal of Copperdale High School, her sister Amy Prescott and her grandfather Tai Lum. At school, she is a member of the Chess team.

Molly is a teen, 21 days away from becoming a young adult. There is a small attic space in her home with a guitar in it. She has a passion for music and this is likely her own little retreat in the home where she can get away and play her music. While Molly is friends with Sidney Price, she dislikes his sister, Savannah, and is rivals with her.

Her Romance and Mess Around preferences are both women, indicating that she is a lesbian. However, she is not exploring romantically.


Skill TS4 Guitar Guitar 4
Skill TS4 Logic Logic 5
Skill TS4 Mischief Mischief 3

Mei Prescott Mei Prescott Family Mother, Friend Friend
Tai Lum Tai Lum Family Grandfather, Friend Friend
Amy Prescott Amy Prescott Family Sister, Friend Friend
Ash Harjo Ash Harjo Good Friend Good Friend
Sidney Price Sidney Price Friend Friend
Savannah Price Savannah Price Acquaintance Acquaintance
Mei Prescott Mei Prescott Family Mother, Friend Friend
Tai Lum Tai Lum Family Grandfather, Friend Friend
Amy Prescott Amy Prescott Family Sister, Friend Friend
Ash Harjo Ash Harjo Good Friend Good Friend
Sidney Price Sidney Price Friend Friend
Savannah Price Savannah Price Acquaintance Acquaintance

Skill TS4 Guitar
Guitar Likes
TS4 Like Rocket Science
Rocket Science Likes
Skill TS4 Violin
Violin Likes
TS4 Like Blue
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TS4 Like Green
Green Likes
TS4 Like Pink
Pink Likes
TS4 Like Alternative Music
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TS4 Like Classical Music
Classical Likes
TS4 Like Pop Music
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TS4 Like Preppy Fashion
Preppy Likes
Skill TS4 Video Gaming
Video Gaming Dislikes
TS4 Like Black
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TS4 Like Spooky Music
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TS4 Like Country Fashion
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