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The Sims Wiki
The Sims Bustin' Out (Handheld) The Urbz: Sims in the City (Handheld) The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS) The Sims 2 (GBA)
For the townie in The Sims 3 (Nintendo DS), see Misty Waters (Beacon Bay).

Misty Waters
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
When not attending college classes, Misty spends her time earning her keep as SimValley’s best and strongest lifeguard.
Education and employment
Career Athletics career Lifeguard
Marital status Dating
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Skin color Skin-medium Medium
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game Bo logo The Sims Bustin' Out (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood SimValley
Misty Waters
Misty Waters
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
One-time lifeguard, Misty Waters is now a fitness guru and the manager of King Tower's state-of-the-art fitness center.
Education and employment
Career Athletics career Fitness Guru
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Eye color TS2 Green Eyes Green
Skin color Skin-medium Medium
Body shape Fit Fit
Social standing
Rep group Richie
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Miniopolis
Misty Waters
Misty Waters
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Lifeguard turned successful fitness guru, Misty is in Strangetown to live large.
Education and employment
Career Athletics career Fitness guru
Siblings Murky Waters Twin sister
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Eye color TS2 Blue Eyes Blue
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Strangetown
Misty Waters
Misty Waters (GBA)
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
One-time lifeguard turned fitness guru, Misty is in Strangetown to live large and scout locations for her new business.
Education and employment
Career Athletics career Fitness guru
Siblings Murky Waters Twin sister
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Eye color TS2 Blue Eyes Blue
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game The Sims 2 (GBA)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Strangetown
Hello, I'm Misty Waters. I finally escaped the drudgery of SimValley and came here to Miniopolis to open my own fitness center. Stop by some time. You look like you could use some exercise.

Misty Waters is an adult Sim found in the handheld versions of The Sims Bustin' Out and The Urbz: Sims in the City, and The Sims 2 for Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance.


Leading up to The Sims Bustin' Out (handheld)[]

Misty Waters is SimValley's official lifeguard. She can usually be found at the beach, in Nicki Knack's Bric-a-Brac, or the Flex Dome Fitness Center.

Leading up to The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)[]

After moving to Miniopolis, she becomes a fitness instructor and opens her own gym, Waters' Gym, in the basement floor of the King Tower, which is where she can usually be found. Occasionally, she can be found wandering the streets of Glasstown, on the docks of the Sim Quarter, on Paradise Island, and, in the DS version, on the shores of Splicer island.

Misty mentions that she has joined a rugby club, although it's not as active as she wants to be. She is a Richie, (although two years ago she would not have believed it) and is the member of the Richies that can be the player's roommate.

In Carnivale! the player must look for a tightrope walker for Roxanna Moxie's carnival. The player tracks down Misty Waters. who agrees, as she used to work at a circus, but she will only do it under the condition that the player finds her a date to the premiere of Daddy Bigbucks' film, "Tycoon! Tycoon! The Daddy Bigbucks Story." The player makes her a match with Luthor L. Bigbucks.

Leading up to The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS)[]

In The Sims 2 for Nintendo DS, Misty Waters is a hotel guest with no relevance to the plot. Her secret is that she has an evil (or, rather, devious) twin named Murky Waters. Unlocking this secret unlocks Jebediah S. Jerky's concept art.

Leading up to The Sims 2 (GBA)[]

Misty Waters plays a minor role a few episodes. She can usually be found in the sauna in the casino.

She appears in the first mission It All Begins and complains to the player how there's no place to swim that's not helplessly irridated. She describes herself as a "person trainer, occasional model, and spender of large sums of money."

In Blackout!, Penelope Redd tells the player to obtain some radiation-proof skin cream from Misty. Misty will agree to do so, but only if the player manages to cough up 1000 simoleons, as the skin cream is top of the market. She repeatedly comments on how the player needs more than just one bottle of skin cream.

She is part of the hidden want in The New Scent, where she is considering selling something as strong as Kayleigh Wintercrest's new perfume to many of the ladies in Strangetown. The player will have to ask Ara Fusilli, Ava Cadavra, and Penelope Redd about it, who will all refuse the offer.

Misty is one of the bidders on the dinosaur bones in Triassic Trouble, where is is looking to make an extremely expensive chair out of the dinosaur's rib cage. The player will have to give her an expensive Golden Chair, costing around 3,000 simoleons, in order to trade it for her rib chair. She will accept it due to it being part of the Bigbucks Gold collection.

During The Doomed Earth, the player can ask Misty Waters about a telescope, to which she'll say that Tank Grunt has a telescope (and that it should probably be taken away from him). If the player talks to Tank, then he will deny having a telescope. At this point, the player needs to talk to Misty again, who will say that he has been using the telescope to watch Ara, and if the player could get a guy to flirt with her, Tank will storm out, and the player can steal his telescope.

Misty's secret in The Sims 2 for GBA is unlocked by reaching maximum intimidation with her.[1]


Personality type
This Sim has a Bubbly personality type in The Sims Bustin' Out (handheld). This Sim will react with a +1 to all interactions for each of the following that applies to the player character:
  • 7 or more Playful points.
  • 7 or more Active points.
This Sim will also pay the player §80 multiplied by the current story level (subtracted by one) after receiving an errand on time.
Interaction Dialogue
NPC Responses
Annoy -5 I'm not going to dignify that with an answer.
Apologize -3 That just sounds like an excuse for not caring.
Brag +1 That's great, just don't bet your life on it.
Call Name -3 You're mean!
Cheer Up +3 You know what? That's an excellent thing to keep in mind.
Complain -3 Would you rather the world end tomorrow?
Compliment +2 Thanks! I thought no one cared!
Joke +2 Ha ha! Stop you're killing me! Ha ha!
Flirt -1 You're embarrassing me!
Insult -3 If I wasn't required to keep my eye on the swimmers, I'd throw sand in your face.
Intimidate -2 I've gone one on one with sharks. Do you really think you can scare me?
Gossip +2 Really? I'm always out here, so I never hear any good gossip.
Discuss Interests +2 That's good. You've got to keep your mind active.
Tell Secret +2 Are you serious? That's very interesting.
Tease -2 Hey, cut it out. I don't have time for this.
Tickle +4 Cut that out!
Hug (Accept) N/A
Hug (Reject) -5 You might hurt yourself.
Friendly Kiss (Accept) N/A
Friendly Kiss (Reject) -5 That's sweet, but not right now. I'm on duty.
Passionate Kiss (Accept) N/A
Passionate Kiss (Reject) -5 No way, little man. I'd hurt you.
Accept Gift N/A Awesome, thanks!
Reject Gift N/A No thanks... someone else could use that more than I could.
Give Errand (Accept) N/A Sure! I promised I'd give <Sim> this whistle. Would you mind delivering it for me?
Give Errand (Reject) N/A I don't have anything for you to do right now.
Recieve Errand (On Time) Thanks! Here's a <amount> Simoleon tip for your trouble.
Recieve Errand (Late) Well, well, well. I was wondering when you'd bring that. Thanks a bunch.
End Conversation N/A Stay safe!
Reject Roommate 0 Move in with you? My boyfriend would feed you to the sharks.
Angry N/A Don't start with me! I'm not talking to you anymore.
Interaction Player Dialogue
Chapters 2 and 3
Annoy -5 Have you ever given CPR to a dog? What's the grossest thing you've ever seen? Can you swim?
Apologize -3 Sorry for messing up your nice beach. Excuse my poor listening skills. Sorry for staring at you inappropriately. I can't help it.
Brag +1 I can hold my breath for two minutes. I could swim around the world if I tried. I have never been sunburned.
Call Name -3 Airhead!
Cheer Up +3 Wherever you go, there you are! This is going to be another happy day! The sun glinting off the sea is a beautiful sight.
Complain -3 The ocean is too cold to swim in. I hate the smell of the ocean. Sand keeps getting into my shoes!
Compliment +2 Your calm presence on the beach is soothing. You're the most physically fit person I've ever seen. I feel safe with you watching over me.
Joke +2 Did you hear the joke about the two deflated beach balls? Did you hear the joke about the lifeguard with braces? What do you get when you cross a surfer with a seal?
Flirt -1 Can I help you put suntan lotion on?
Insult -3 You're nothing but shark bait. Swimmers have it better. You couldn't save a drowning kitten.
Intimidate -2 I bet I can swim farther out than you. I'm telling your boss that you talk on your phone while working. How would you like a kick in the backside!
Gossip +2 I think Claire's crazy, because she said it used to rain upwards in SimValley. I hear the mayor has a secret island retreat. I heard Vernon was late to work two days in a row and got fired!
Discuss Interests +2 I love collecting goldfish. I'm an avid swimmer. There's nothing better than building sandcastles in the summer.
Tell Secret +2 Psst! I heard VirtuChem Labs is breeding gill people! Psst! There's a sea monster who eats people when the stars are right. Psst! I only have one swimsuit.
Tease -2 Your bathing suit is smaller than a handkerchief! Your hair is all messed up. You don't look like you could rescue anyone.
Tickle +4 Tickle, tickle!
Hug This kid needs a big hug.
Friendly Kiss I've always wanted to kiss a woman who could benchpress me.
Passionate Kiss Kiss me like I'm drowning, sugar!
Give Gift N/A I've got something to give you!
Ask for Errand N/A Can I run an errand for you?
End Conversation N/A Goodbye!
Interaction Player Dialogue
Chapter 4
Annoy -5 How much further can you see when you're in one of those lifeguard seats? Do you watch that cool TV show about lifeguards? Don't you hate that salty feeling you get from the ocean?
Apologize -3 Sorry for the passive way I handle things. Sorry for asking so many questions. Sorry for staring at you inappropriately. I SWEAR I can't help it.
Brag +1 I can eat all I want and never gain weight. I'm in such good shape that statues are jealous of me. I could be a professional athlete if I wanted to.
Call Name -3 Ditz!
Cheer Up +3 You are the only one skilled enough to do this job. Think of all the lives you have saved! You are beloved by everybody who matters.
Complain -3 The weather is too hot here. I can't go near the water because I'm afraid of sharks. Why can't oceans be made of pudding?
Compliment +2 Your laughter is so joyful. You are such a beautiful woman. If I started a beach volleyball team, I'd ask you to be my partner.
Joke +2 Want to hear the funny sound my bathing suit makes when it's wet? How many lifeguards does it take to change a light bulb? Did you hear the joke about the starfish who wanted an extra arm?
Flirt -1 You look like you need a massage. I can help with that, you know.
Insult -3 Where did you get that ugly swimsuit? Joggers have it better. You look like you should work out more.
Intimidate -2 The city is going to replace you with a waterproof robot. You want to arm wrestle? Hey is that a GIANT SQUID!?
Gossip +2 I heard Olde Salty's popsicles are made out of real dolphins! I hear the mayor is using our tax money illegally! I heard Vera dyes her hair!
Discuss Interests +2 I have a theory about the shark that got Olde Salty. I just love swimming in the ocean! I just read the latest 'Lifeguard Quarterly.'
Tell Secret +2 Psst! I heard VirtuChem Labs is training gill people to ride giant seahorses! Psst! I heard the mayor doesn't even live here! Psst! The biker got tipsy last week and said he saw a ghost!
Tease -2 You always look so bored. Don't you have any other clothes? If you needed help, who would rescue you?
Tickle +4 Can I see if your belly is ticklish?
Hug Gimme a big hug, baby!
Friendly Kiss I'm going swimming. Can I have kiss for good luck?
Passionate Kiss Want to practice mouth-to-mouth on me?
Give Gift N/A I've got something to give you!
Ask for Errand N/A Can I run an errand for you?
End Conversation N/A Goodbye!
Interaction Player Dialogue
Chapter 5
Annoy -5 I don't know if that color looks good on you. Do you feel like a queen sitting in your seat? Who would save you if you started drowning?
Apologize -3 Sorry for always sneaking around. Please excuse my overbearing confidence. Sorry for never learning to breathe properly.
Brag +1 Some people just call me 'The Dolphin.' I can go into the water 10 minutes after eating and feel fine. Even fish admire my graceful swimming style.
Call Name -3 Whistle twirler!
Cheer Up +3 Things are pretty sweet right now. Thanks to you more Sims in SimValley are swimming. Swimming is good fun exercise.
Complain -3 Swimwear fashion is always so funny looking. I hate everything to do with water. There are too many fish in the sea.
Compliment +2 That's a great swimsuit. I've seen you surf and I think you're the greatest. Sometimes you're my role model, when I have a role model.
Joke +2 What's the difference between a shark and Daddy Bigbucks? Did you hear the joke about the lifeguard with a fear of land? Did you hear the joke about the whale who refused to sing?
Flirt -1 I think you saved my life... love life that is.
Insult -3 You soggy, sea-weed faced, loony! I'd rather be saved by a rabid cow. You smell like rotting seaweed.
Intimidate -2 I'm going to fill your suit with sand. I'm training to take over your job, Misty. I hear O. Phil McClean has a PhD in marine biology.
Gossip +2 I hear Nicki Knack is secretly a genius. I hear the Mayor is scared of me. I hear Lottie Cash is finally broke.
Discuss Interests +2 I have a fondness for bonfires and beach parties. I love swimming with a snorkel. I like reading about creatures living deep in the ocean.
Tell Secret +2 Psst! I can't remember anything before coming to SimValley. Psst! I don't have a BEST friend. Psst! I am confused.
Tease -2 Do you know the lifeguard theme song? Help! Someone needs to rescue your career! Wouldn't you swim faster if you shaved your head?
Tickle +4 I'll bet you're ticklish!
Hug How about a hug?
Friendly Kiss I have always wanted to kiss a lifeguard.
Passionate Kiss Can you give me mouth to mouth?
Give Gift N/A I've got something to give you!
Ask for Errand N/A Can I run an errand for you?
End Conversation N/A Catch ya later!

Interest Dialogue
Urbz Interest Aliens Talk about Aliens Of all the pictures I've seen of aliens, they really look like they could use some protein. -1
Urbz Interest Art Talk about Art Naturally I collect classical Greek sculptures. I love their finely sculpted muscles and handsome faces. +2
Urbz Interest Bayou Talk about the Bayou I have been trying to get the city to pave over that bog and build a running track. No luck. -2
Urbz Interest Books Talk about Books Don't you find the concept of an exercise book a bit of a paradox? 0
Urbz Interest Carnival Talk about the Carnival I got my start in the circus doing death defying stunts. I probably still have it in me somewhere. +2
Urbz Interest Cars Talk about Cars Sure I own 4 classic cars, but I never use them. Cars are for looking, not for driving. +2
Urbz Interest TheLounge Talk about the Lounge I've never been there. I get seasick pretty easily. -1
Urbz Interest Miniopolis Talk about Miniopolis It's nice to live in a city where everyone walks. Take SimCity™¸ for example. Ha! Flab central. +2
Urbz Interest CoffeeShop Talk about the Coffee Shop It's a bad habit <player>. Don't you know coffee stunts muscle growth? -2
Urbz Interest Computers Talk about Computers If you want a good finger work out, sure, I guess computers are good for your health. 0
Urbz Interest Construction Talk about Construction There no better job for muscles than building a skyscraper. Like Ewan... what a looker! +4
Urbz Interest Cooking Talk about Cooking I enjoy dessert now and then, sure. In fact, I know a great recipe for lemon tart. All you need is vanilla, lemon, and sugar. +3
Urbz Interest Cosmos Talk about Cosmos If it goes on forever, you'll be contemplating it forever, so what's the point? -1
Urbz Interest Crime Talk about Crime It's not a crime to disqualify your opponent in a body building competition by hitting... okay, yes it is. -2
Urbz Interest Dancing Talk about Dancing Head over to Club Xizzle if you want to be hypnotized while you exercise. +3
Urbz Interest BadPun Tell a Bad Pun I don't find this sort of humor compelling. -1
Urbz Interest Exercize Talk about Excercise It's all about technique, <player>. Proper technique! +5
Urbz Interest Market Talk about the Market I really recommend you pick up a set of free weights there. I saw some on sale a while back. +2
Urbz Interest HomeDecor Talk about Home Decor I misplaced a Miss Urbverse trophy last year. It bummed me out, but no worries... I have four more. +1
Urbz Interest Games Talk about Games If you own a giant leather medicine ball, you're set for life. +3
Urbz Interest Graveyard Talk about Graveyard Quiet! I just can't stand the thought of lying still for that long! I need to be active! -3
Urbz Interest Hobbies Talk about Hobbies Hobbies? Gosh. I guess I do like to sit down on a sofa every once and a while and just think. +1
Urbz Interest Health Talk about Health The gym is like my second home! I just wish it didn't smell like dirty socks. And the treadmill doesn't make a very good bed, either. +3
Urbz Interest Home Talk about Home Okay, so I take four showers a day. That's only fair to the people around me. +3
Urbz Interest Hygiene Talk about Hygiene Personally, I think I keep more people healthy than doctors do. 0
Urbz Interest Jail Talk about Jail Those poor prisoners. They don't even have a chin up bar to keep their arms in shape. +1
Urbz Interest Law Talk about the Law There should be a law that requires people to walk 15 miles a day. +1
Urbz Interest Jobs Talk about Jobs Shooting hoops down in Urbania is probably the healthiest money you'll make all year. -3
Urbz Interest Simoleons Talk about Simoleons No matter what you make, you couldn't afford to hire me as your personal trainer. +2
Urbz Interest Movies Talk about Movies People use movies to substitute fake experience for what they'd like to do in real life. -1
Urbz Interest Museum Talk about the Museum Until they get a statue of this body in that museum, they can't say they know anything about art. -3
Urbz Interest Music Talk about Music Music with a solid beat is great for exercising, but it's always better when it's disco. +3
Urbz Interest Nature Talk about Nature Nature gave me this body and I'm not letting anything take it away. +3
Urbz Interest Newspaper Talk about the Newspaper No, I don't have any coupons in the paper you cheapskate. -3
Urbz Interest Ninjas Talk about Ninjas If you ever find this ninja maybe you could tell him or her that I'd love to have them teach a class. +1
Urbz Interest Politics Talk about Politics I just heard the phrase "flex her political muscles" but I don't think it had anything to do with me. +1
Urbz Interest River Talk about the River Swimming is the best kind of exercise, but not when you're in danger of being poisoned. -3
Urbz Interest RepGroups Talk about Rep Groups Two years ago I never thought I'd be mixing with the Richies. But now I am a Richie and it feels goooooood. +1
Urbz Interest Shopping Talk about Shopping You can get good exercise when shopping so long as you keep moving, even when you're buying something. +2
Urbz Interest Science Talk about Science I suppose fitness training is a kind of science, so just call me Doctor Waters. +2
Urbz Interest Sleep Talk about Sleeping I'm on the Edison sleep plan: 4 hours awake, 15 minutes of sleep. All day, every day.[2] +2
Urbz Interest Sports Talk about Sports I just joined a rugby league, which is fun, though it's not as physical as I'd hoped. +2
Urbz Interest Supernatural Talk about the Supernatural Running from ghosts is probably good exercise. Have you seen any lately? +1
Urbz Interest Television Talk about TV Unless you're watching my fitness program, turn off your idiot box. It will only make you squishy. -3
Urbz Interest Theatre Talk about Theatre The only time I work with actors is when a director wants to make another stupid gladiator movie. -4
Urbz Interest Travel Talk about Travel I travel quite a bit for my job, but it's always too far to jog. That's unfortunate. -2
Urbz Interest University Talk about the University Judging by most of the students I've seen, I'd say studying makes you soft and flabby. -2
Urbz Interest Weather Talk about the Weather I've had so many students pass out from the heat that I am considering installing an air conditioner. +1
Urbz Interest Work Talk about Work Look for my chain of fitness centers to open up around the country. I think I'll call it "Waters' Torture". +3
Urbz Interest TheWorld Talk about the World I've been all over the world and it depresses me to admit that this is one of the flabbiest cities around. -3
Urbz Interest Annoy Annoy Stop it! If you make that deflating tire sound one more time, I'll knock you out! -4
Urbz Interest Apologize Apologize Normally I'd tell you to drop and give me twenty push ups, but I'll let it go this time. 0
Urbz Interest Brag Brag I'll admit it, sure. You do have pretty big ankles. Way to go! +1
Urbz Interest CallName Call Name Yeah? Well you're a simpering noodle head! -3
Urbz Interest CheerUp Cheer Up I never looked at it that way. The more flab there is in this town, the more potential clients I have. +3
Urbz Interest Complain Complain Aw. If life is that tough, why don't you write a sad song about it? -4
Urbz Interest Compliment Compliment Yes, if muscles were brains I'd be a genius. +3
Urbz Interest Entertain Entertain Wow. I've never seen someone who could make their stomach look like a hippo. +3
Urbz Interest Intimidate Intimidate You're about as intimidating as an unwashed sweatband. -4
Urbz Interest Insult Insult Can it, pipsqueak. You think calling me a muscle bound bimbo actually hurts my feelings? -4
Urbz Interest Joke Joke Ha ha ha! Is that really what your football coach said to your volleyball team? +3
Urbz Interest Gossip Gossip I think you're right. Dusty definitely seems to be pulling in his stomach when I walk by. +2
Urbz Interest GiveOpinion Give an Opinion Yes, there's definitely such thing as being TOO big. When you can see veins in your head, that's enough. -2
Urbz Interest Secret Tell a Secret I don't want to be responsible for your secrets. Go tell one of the carnival animals. -2
Urbz Interest Tease Tease Nobody has called me Tubby since the fifth grade! Where did you hear that! -5
Urbz Interest Cry Cry Did that hurt? Huh? Did it? You little baby? Did I hurt you? You want to arm wrestle? -2
Urbz Interest RudeGesture Rude Gesture Is that some new kind of workout? -8
Urbz Interest Flirt Flirt Yes, my feet are tired... Oh, you sly boy. +3
Urbz Interest JibbaJabba Jibba Jabba Like, wow! That reminds me of my surfing days. Radical! +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Reject) You don't really want me to crush you like an aluminum can, do you? -2
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Accept) N/A +3
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Reject) If you try that again I'll fatten your lip with my forehead. -2
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Accept) Thank you. What a kind gesture... or is it a bribe? Ah, it doesn't matter. Varies
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Reject) I don't have any need for something like that. N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Accept) As a matter of fact, I need you to take this romance novel to <Sim> right away. Thanks! N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Reject) I don't have any chores for you right now, sorry. N/A
Urbz Interest MoveIn Move In (Accept) Sure I'll move in with you. You can be my spotter when I'm bench pressing.
Urbz Interest MoveIn Move In (Reject) Thanks, but your house just doesn't cut it. You don't even have a sauna, do you? N/A
Urbz Interest Other Silent Treatment I'm not talking to you today. Didn't you get the message? N/A

TS2GBA IntimidationConversation
Secret Unlock Method
This Sim's secret is unlocked through reaching maximum intimidation with this Sim in The Sims 2 for GBA.
Conversation Offset
Friendly Conversation Intimidate Conversation Romance Conversation
+10% 0% -10%*
*This sim can only be romanced by male Sims.


Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12:00 AM Club Rubb Club Rubb Club Rubb Club Rubb Club Rubb Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
1:00 AM Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
2:00 AM Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
3:00 AM Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
4:00 AM
5:00 AM Flex-Dome Fitness Center Upstairs Flex-Dome Fitness Center Upstairs Flex-Dome Fitness Center Upstairs Flex-Dome Fitness Center Upstairs Flex-Dome Fitness Center Upstairs
6:00 AM Flex-Dome Fitness Center Upstairs Flex-Dome Fitness Center Upstairs Flex-Dome Fitness Center Upstairs Flex-Dome Fitness Center Upstairs Flex-Dome Fitness Center Upstairs
7:00 AM Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
8:00 AM Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
9:00 AM Someshine Sands Beach Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac Someshine Sands Beach Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
10:00 AM Someshine Sands Beach Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac Someshine Sands Beach Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
11:00 AM Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
12:00 PM Outside Dockside Diner Outside Dockside Diner Outside Dockside Diner Outside Dockside Diner Outside Dockside Diner Fish-n-Chips Fish-n-Chips
1:00 PM Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Boat Docks Boat Docks
2:00 PM Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac Someshine Sands Beach Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac Someshine Sands Beach Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
3:00 PM Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac Someshine Sands Beach Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac Someshine Sands Beach Nicki Knacks' Bric-A-Brac Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
4:00 PM Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach
5:00 PM Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Someshine Sands Beach Boat Docks
6:00 PM Dockside Diner Dockside Diner Dockside Diner Fish-n-Chips Dockside Diner Dockside Diner Fish-n-Chips
7:00 PM SimValley General Hospital SimValley General Hospital
8:00 PM Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb
9:00 PM Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb
10:00 PM Club Rubb Club Rubb Club Rubb Outside Club Rubb Country Café Country Café Dr. Turing Memorial Park
11:00 PM Club Rubb Club Rubb Club Rubb Club Rubb Country Café Country Café Dr. Turing Memorial Park

Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12:00 AM Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island
1:00 AM Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island
2:00 AM Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island
3:00 AM Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island
4:00 AM Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island
5:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown
6:00 AM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym
7:00 AM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym
8:00 AM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym
9:00 AM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Glasstown
10:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Glasstown
11:00 AM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Waters' Gym Waters' Gym The Sim Quarter
12:00 PM Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Glasstown Waters' Gym Waters' Gym The Sim Quarter
1:00 PM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym The Sim Quarter
2:00 PM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Glasstown
3:00 PM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym
4:00 PM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Glasstown Waters' Gym Waters' Gym
5:00 PM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Glasstown Glasstown Waters' Gym
6:00 PM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym The Sim Quarter The Sim Quarter Waters' Gym
7:00 PM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Glasstown Glasstown The Sim Quarter Waters' Gym
8:00 PM Waters' Gym Waters' Gym Waters' Gym The Sim Quarter Glasstown Glasstown Waters' Gym
9:00 PM Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Waters' Gym
10:00 PM Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Waters' Gym
11:00 PM Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Paradise Island Waters' Gym

Gift Items
Book of Poetry
Book of Poetry
Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers
Box of Chocolates
Box of Chocolates
Comic Book
Comic Book
Reject Accept Accept Reject
Gold Ring
Gold Ring
Jailhouse Teddy
Jailhouse Teddy
Olde Salty Action Figure
Olde Salty Action Figure
Red Rose
Red Rose
Accept Accept Accept Accept
Story Items
Blueprints Chickens Crowbar Family Album
Reject Reject Reject Reject
Fishing Pole Flyer Helmet Less Than Grand Painting
Reject Accept Reject Reject
Object D'Arte Urn Various Books Velocirooster
Reject Reject Reject Reject

Gift Items
Book of Poetry
Book of Poetry
Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers
Box of Chocolates
Box of Chocolates
Comic Book
Comic Book
Accept Accept Accept Reject
Gold Ring
Gold Ring
Jailhouse Teddy
Jailhouse Teddy
Olde Salty Action Figure
Olde Salty Action Figure
Red Rose
Red Rose
Accept Accept Reject Accept
Rep Items
Artsie Trade Magazine
Artsie Magazine
Richie Trade Magazine
Richie Magazine
Streetie Trade Magazine
Streetie Magazine
Nerdie Trade Magazine
Nerdie Magazine
Reject Accept Reject Reject
Artsie Trophy
Artsie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Richie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Streetie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Nerdie Trophy
Reject Reject Reject Reject
Other Giftable Items
Personal Painting
Personal Painting
Accept Reject Reject


Misty Waters poster
  • One of the secret locations in The Urbz is in jail, behind a poster of Misty.
    • There is another poster of Misty in the Nerdie Rep group clubhouse.
  • She owns four Miss Urbverse trophies - she used to have five, but she lost one.
    • Not only she won Miss Urbverse, but she placed placed first in the Glasstown Ironwoman Carnival Sportathon three years running.
  • People used to call her "Tubby" in elementary school.
    • This could be the reason for her almost-obsessive interest in exercise.
  • There is an unused episode in The Sims 2 for GBA that would have featured Misty named "Misty-Eyed Party," where the description reads "Misty finds herself plagued with bad luck after she fails to send out a chain email. See if you can shift her luck and get her birthday party back on track." Nothing else exists of the episode.
  • Coincidently, there is a beaver character called Misty Waters in Sylvanian Families. But it is unknown if Misty Waters is named after her.


Other languages[]

Language The Sims Bustin' Out The Urbz: Sims in the City The Sims 2 (GBA) The Sims 2
(Nintendo DS)
English Misty Waters Misty Waters Misty Waters Misty Waters
Dutch Nina Natter Nina Natter
French Barbara Scooley Barbara Scooley Barbara Scooley Barbara Scooley
German Wilma Welle
Italian Marina Mari
Spanish Nieves Pesas Nieves Pesas Nieves Pesas


  1. The intention was for male characters to unlock her secret through romance and female characters to unlock her secret through intimidation, but due to a programming error, her secret is unlocked through intimidation for both genders of player.
  2. Thomas Edison is said to have napped while holding a ball in each hand, presuming that, as he fell asleep, the orbs would fall to the floor and wake him. This way he could remember the sorts of thoughts that come to us as we are nodding off, which we often do not recall. Scientific American.