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An astronaut in The Sims 3.

The military career track available in The Sims, The Sims 2, and The Sims 3. In The Sims 4: StrangerVille, military returns as a semi-active career.

The Sims[]

The military career track from the original The Sims is notable for having the highest pay at ranks 1-6 but the lowest pay at ranks 7-10 of any career track in the base game. Of the 20 career tracks in the base game, Livin' Large, and Unleashed, it is notable for having the highest pay at ranks 1-5 and the second-lowest pay at ranks 8-10 (with only slacker paying less). It is also one of the easiest to get to the top of due to its low friend requirement (8 friends to reach general). The high pay when money matter most, and ease of climbing the promotion ladder when promotions are hardest to get, contribute to offering one of the smoothest gameplay experiences in the whole game. Military is also home to the highest-paying jobs with friend requirements of zero (Counter-Intelligence at §500/day), one or less (flight officer, §550/day), and two or less (flight officer again).

Military Career Levels
1) Recruit
Buzz cuts and boot camp. I don't know but I've been told, scrubbing latrines gets mighty old. Better maintain prime physical shape to advance from the trenches. Cooking and Repair skills also help you pass KP and cleanup detail to earn your stripes. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
06:00 - 12:00
Friend Requirement 0
2) Elite Forces
Special training as a commando brings you more prestige, and as an added incentive you will be earning special hazard pay. Physical skills are important so get your body pumped up and strong. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
07:00 - 13:00
Friend Requirement 0
3) Drill Instructor
Now that you're an experienced vet, the base commander has "volunteered" you to impart your wisdom to a squad of green, malleable recruits. Charisma is important here, as you'll need to drill fear, loyalty, and discipline into those jar-heads. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 2 Logic 0 Creativity 0
08:00 - 14:00
Friend Requirement 0
4) Junior Officer
You finally gained entrance to the Officer's Club. No resting on your laurels though, you must keep your body in top physical condition if you want to advance. Cooking 0 Mechanical 1 Charisma 2
Body 2 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 0
5) Counter Intelligence
Tracking the enemy with the latest equipment is your whole life right now. You know enough about the enemy strategy for them to really want to kill you--so you have to stay one step ahead of them for your sake and that of your troops. Work on your mechanical skill to keep those highly sensitive machines in top working order and logic skills to interpret all the data you're downloading. Cooking 1 Mechanical 1 Charisma 2
Body 4 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 0
6) Flight Officer
Somebody has to drop those troops, deliver that cargo, and guard the air space over Sim City. There's a pay grade advance here, but earning your wings will require additional training with a flight simulator program at the base. Mechanical skill is a must and logic is not far behind. Cooking 1 Mechanical 2 Charisma 4
Body 4 Logic 1 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 1
7) Senior Officer
You survived your Airborne tour and made it to "the brass". You're well respected and your counsel is often sought. More logic training will make you a better strategist and charisma will improve your speeches. Work on these if you want to move on to Commander. Cooking 1 Mechanical 3 Charisma 5
Body 4 Logic 3 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 3
8) Commander
Your great leadership accomplishments have brought you to the post of Commander. No more dodging bullets and crawling under barbed wire. But don't get all soft and flabby because it's been whispered that you're being considered as a potential candidate for astronaut. You'll have to show exceptional mechanical and body skills to get that honor. Cooking 1 Mechanical 6 Charisma 6
Body 4 Logic 5 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 5
9) Astronaut
One of the highest achievements for a military lifer like yourself. Fame and fortune climb with each mission into space, and you're in the best physical shape of your life. Keep working on your skills if you want to become one of the most influential people in the country. Cooking 1 Mechanical 9 Charisma 6
Body 8 Logic 6 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 6
10) General
Your logistical genius has earned you the rank of general, the top of the top brass. Your day is filled with government officials requesting your wise counsel and a book deal for your memoirs is looking good. Is your home life as successful as your professional life? Cooking 1 Mechanical 10 Charisma 8
Body 10 Logic 9 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 8

A General will eventually change careers and become a SWAT Team Leader in the Law Enforcement career track.

Military Chance Cards
1) Recruit
No chance cards for this level.
2) Elite Forces
A grueling week of maneuvers finally takes its toll on you and your body. Lose 1 Body point. Negative
Body -1
3) Drill Instructor
No chance cards for this level.
4) Junior Officer
Under your leadership your squad night-drops behind enemy lines and captures the enemy HQ to win your division's war games. You enjoy a rise in Creativity and Charisma. Positive
Charisma +1 Creativity +1
5) Counter-Intelligence
No chance cards for this level.
6) Flight Officer
No chance cards for this level.
7) Senior Officer
No chance cards for this level.
8) Commander
No chance cards for this level.
9) Astronaut
You've been chosen to train for the first manned mission to Mars. Charisma rises sharply and you receive a §5,000 bonus. Positive
Earned Money +§5,000 Charisma +2
10) General
Military downsizing has forced you into an early retirement. You don't really enjoy fishing so you find a job in law enforcement as a SWAT Team Leader. Your in-depth knowledge of strategy and tactics should serve you well here. Negative
Change to the Law Enforcement career track as a SWAT Team Leader.

The Sims Bustin' Out (console)[]

In The Sims Bustin' Out, this career track is known as paramilitary.

Paramilitary Career Levels
1) Latrine Cleaner
This job stinks! You get up at crack of dawn, shovel you-know-what for hours, then douse it all in gasoline and burn it up. You know what that smells like? It sure isn't victory... Just work hard and hope you get noticed.
Workplace: Mom's house

Bonus: None
Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
10:00 - 14:00
Friend Requirement 0
2) Boot Polisher
You're good at cleaning toilets? Good! Now you get to scrape dung off boots! That's military meritocracy... Brush up on your LOGIC skills or you'll be brushing boots forever.
Workplace: Dudley's Trailer

Bonus: §650
Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
08:00 - 12:00
Friend Requirement 0
3) Drill Instructor
Now it's YOUR turn to do the yelling! You turn fat, lazy, stupid recruits into lean, mean, killing machines. Just make sure those maggots are more scared of you than the enemy by BODY building.
Workplace: Dudley's Trailer

Bonus: §800
Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 2 Creativity 0
09:00 - 14:00
Friend Requirement 0
4) Paratrooper
The base got boring quick! Now you're getting dropped behind enemy lines and taking hostile fire almost every day, and that's just in a fake war game! Keep building your muscles for the real thing though.
Workplace: Toane's Gym

Bonus: §900
Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 2 Logic 3 Creativity 0
06:00 - 12:00
Friend Requirement 0
5) Chopper Pilot
Your dreams of flying have come true! Ferrying supplies, dropping Rangers off on missions, hunting terrorists in some God-forsaken desert waste - it's all exciting! But don't forget your FRIENDS, they're really all you've got.
Workplace: Toane's Gym

Bonus: §1,000
Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 4 Logic 5 Creativity 0
06:00 - 12:00
Friend Requirement 0
6) Covert Ops
Now this is what the military is all about! You get to travel the world, see exotic places, meet interesting people, learn about politics, get DIRECTLY involved in solving political with's great!
Workplace: Shiny Things Labs

Bonus: §1,100
Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 2
Body 4 Logic 6 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 1
7) Secret Agent
Workplace: Shiny Things Labs

Bonus: §1,160
Cooking 0 Mechanical 1 Charisma 2
Body 5 Logic 7 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 2
8) Code Breaker
VELVET DE82904E BF899B8B DE82904A BCA99B83 GOLDMINE DEA90332 BCA 99B84 DEA903E2 §NameLocal:3 BCA99B84 DEA9033A BCA99884 [6 AM]
Workplace: The Octagon

Bonus: §1,200
Cooking 0 Mechanical 4 Charisma 2
Body 5 Logic 8 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 5
9) Intelligence Director
Your mission is to support the president, the security council and all the officials who make and execute national security by providing accurate, comprehensive, and TOTAL information awareness.
Workplace: The Octagon

Bonus: §1,400
Cooking Mechanical 7 Charisma 2
Body 8 Logic 9 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 6
10) War Minister
Finally, they've got someone with actual combat experience running the military! YOU! But your battles only take place at dinner parties, fund raisers, and press conferences now. Fight the political battle by keeping your powder, and your humor...dry.
Workplace: Malcolm's Mansion

Bonus: §2,000
Cooking 0 Mechanical 8 Charisma 4
Body 10 Logic 10 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friend Requirement 6

The Sims 2[]

The career reward object is an obstacle course. It is awarded at level 4 (Junior Officer), and it enhances Sims' ability to improve the Body skill. If The Sims 2: Apartment Life is installed, Jocks are likely to work in this career. The college majors associated with this career are History and Political Science.

Military career Military Career Levels
1) Recruit
Buzz cuts and boot camp. I don't know but I've been told, scrubbing latrines gets mighty old. Better maintain prime physical shape to advance from the trenches. Not only will you be stronger, but your uniform will look even better on you than it does now. Body 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0 Friend Requirement
S M T W T F S Wage: §350/day
07:00 - 13:00
Pension: §125/day
Bonus: None
2) Elite Forces
Special training as a commando brings you more prestige, and as an added incentive you will be earning special hazard pay. Physical skills are important so get your body pumped up and strong. Body 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0 Friend Requirement 0
S M T W T F S Wage: §455/day
07:00 - 13:00
Pension: §162/day
Bonus: §910
3) Drill Instructor
Now that you're an experienced vet, the base commander has "volunteered" you to impart your wisdom to a squad of green, malleable recruits. Charisma is important here, as you'll need to drill fear, loyalty, and discipline into those jar-heads. Body 1 Mechanical 1 Charisma 0 Friend Requirement 0
S M T W T F S Wage: §560/day
07:00 - 13:00
Pension: §200/day
Bonus: §1,120
4) Junior Officer
You finally gained entrance to the Officer's Club. No resting on your laurels though, you must keep your body in top physical condition if you want to advance. Body 1 Mechanical 2 Charisma 1 Friend Requirement 0
S M T W T F S Wage: §630/day
07:00 - 13:00
Pension: §225/day
Bonus: §1,260
5) Counter Intelligence
Tracking the enemy with the latest equipment is your whole life right now. You know enough about the enemy strategy for them to really want to kill you—so you have to stay one step ahead of them for your sake and that of your troops. Work on your body and mechanical skills to keep those highly sensitive machines in top working order. Body 4 Mechanical 2 Charisma 2 Friend Requirement 0
S M T W T F S Wage: §700/day
08:00 - 14:00
Pension: §250/day
Bonus: §1,400
6) Flight Officer
Somebody has to drop those troops, deliver that cargo, and guard the air space over SimCity. There's a pay grade advance here, but earning your wings will require additional training with a flight simulator program at the base. Mechanical skill is a must and body skill is not far behind. Body 5 Mechanical 4 Charisma 3 Friend Requirement 1
S M T W T F S Wage: §770/day
09:00 - 15:00
Pension: §275/day
Bonus: §1,540
7) Senior Officer
You survived your Airborne tour and made it to "the brass". You're well respected and your counsel is often sought. More charisma training will improve your speeches and working out will help you maintain your fitness level. Work on these areas if you want to move on to Commander Body 6 Mechanical 5 Charisma 3 Friend Requirement 3
S M T W T F S Wage: §812/day
08:00 - 14:00
Pension: §290/day
Bonus: §1,624
8) Commander
Your great leadership accomplishments have brought you to the post of Commander. No more dodging bullets and crawling under barbed wire. But don't get all soft and flabby because it's been whispered that you're being considered as a potential candidate for astronaut. You'll have to show exceptional mechanical and body skills to get that honor. Body 7 Mechanical 5 Charisma 5 Friend Requirement 4
S M T W T F S Wage: §840/day
09:00 - 15:00
Pension: §300/day
Bonus: §1,680
9) Astronaut
One of the highest achievements for a military lifer like yourself. Fame and fortune climb with each mission into space, and you're in the best physical shape of your life. Keep working on your skills if you want to become one of the most influential people in the country. Body 10 Mechanical 6 Charisma 5 Friend Requirement 5
S M T W T F S Wage: §1,094/day
09:00 - 15:00
Pension: §312/day
Bonus: §2,188
10) General
Your organizational genius has earned you the rank of general, the top of the top brass. Your day is filled with government officials requesting your wise counsel and a book deal for your memoirs is looking good. Is your home life as successful as your professional life? Body 10 Mechanical 8 Charisma 7 Friend Requirement 6
S M T W T F S Wage: §1,138/day
10:00 - 16:00
Pension: §325/day
Bonus: §2,276

Military career Military Career Levels
1) Paintball Attendant
An aspiring military mind has to get its start somewhere, and what better place is there than a paintball arena? Guns, ammo, camouflage, squeegees . . . Well, at least you don't have to clean the latrines, because at the paintball arena they're still just called restrooms! Body 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0 Friend Requirement 0
S M T W T F S Wage: §57/day
15:00 - 18:00
Bonus: None
2) Recruit Training Corps
Well, paintball had its ups and downs, but it was never quite what you expected when you signed up for the military. So, here's where it all begins: The ranks of the Recruit Training Corps. Learn to follow the rules, eat your meals, and lace up your boots, and you'll be a full-fledged recruit in no time. Body 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 1 Friend Requirement 1
S M T W T F S Wage: §77/day
18:00 - 22:00
Bonus: §154
3) Recruit
Buzz cuts and boot camp. I don't know but I've been told, scrubbing latrines gets mighty old. Better maintain prime physical shape to advance from the trenches. Not only will you be stronger but your uniform will look even better on you than it does now. Body 1 Mechanical 0 Charisma 1 Friend Requirement 2
S M T W T F S Wage: §100/day
15:00 - 18:00
Bonus: §200

Military career Military Chance Cards
1) Recruit
The sun has been relentless, and earlier in the day <Sim>'s drill sergeant forced the squad to run ten miles in the sweltering heat without any laces in their standard issue swamp boots, because one of the recruits had been unable to do up his laces in the amount of time mandated by the field manual. Now <Sim> has been asked to choose the proper method of discipline for a recruit who has been caught sneaking donuts into his footlocker. <Sim> must decide between placing the solider on kitchen duty, or restricting the soldier's rations to water and vitamin supplements. Kitchen Duty
Success: Cooking +1 85% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§350 (a day's pay) 14% chance
Success: Charisma +1 14% chance
Failure: Fired Get Fired 85% chance
2) Elite Forces
The elite forces are having their annual punch and pie picnic cotillion at a local park just outside the city limits. <Sim> was asked to bring chips and dip for the potluck - but forgot and showed up empty handed. The rest of the squad is pretty disappointed at him/her, and he's/she's thinking he/she should probably do something to make it up to them. He/She could draw upon his/her elite forces training and go on a stealth mission behind enemy lines to one of the other squad's potluck tables, with the hopes of "occupying" some much needed appetizers, or he/she could enter himself/herself into the intersquad dance competition and try to earn his/her squad some much needed respect. Stealth
Success: Body +1 85% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§100 14% chance
Success: Charisma +1 Earned Money +§5 14% chance
Failure: Charisma -1 85% chance
3) Drill Instructor
<Sim>'s been delivered a set of especially "green" recruits that are wetter behind the ears than a big-eared donkey in a rainstorm. He's/She's had them for two days and most of them still can't lace up their boots. Half of them still complain about having to iron their pants, and at least a third of them still seem to be thinking for themselves. <Sim>'s tried to teach them all the cadences he/she learned while he/she was a recruit. He's/She's tried putting them on ration restrictions and kitchen duty, but the regular ways just don't seem to be working, so it's take for phase 2. <Sim> can either force the recruits to march in their underwear, or take away their rifles and make them carry baguettes instead. Underwear
Success: Creativity +1 15% chance
Failure: Charisma -1 84% chance
Success: Promotion Promoted to Junior Officer 84% chance
Failure: Demotion Demoted to Recruit 15% chance
4) Junior Officer
<Sim> has been placed in command of a 30-soldier brigade of highly trained soldiers. Since it is peacetime, his/her unit enjoys a regimented yet regular life - that is, until rioting breaks out in his/her unit's deployment region. The Mayor of SimCity is trapped within City Hall along with several foreign dignitaries who were on a state visit, and rioters have set fire to the building. <Sim> is forced to think fast - he/she can direct his/her troops to storm the building by foot, or conduct an airdrop and have them infiltrate City Hall from above. Advance on Foot
Success: Earned Money +§500 15% chance
Failure: Charisma -1 Got Fined -§1,000 84% chance
Use Parachutes
Success: Promotion Promoted to Counter Intelligence 84% chance
Failure: Body -2 15% chance
5) Counter Intelligence
The enemy has made recent headway with its latest attempt to crack the SimCity Security Systems Database. <Sim> has been assigned to launch targeted counter-intelligence measures, but with the highly classified nature of all information within the agency, <Sim> finds himself/herself in the embarrassing position of not knowing exactly who the "enemy" is. He/She tosses a few subtle questions out while in the lunch line, but begins to get the distinct feeling that no one in the bureau has any idea who or what it is that they are fighting against. However, orders are orders, and <Sim> is going to have to come up with something. He/She could play it new school, unleashing a horde of his newly coded "double-agent" firewall replicator network probes, or he/she could keep it old school and go with a barrage of wire taps and traces. Network Probes
Success: Mechanical +2 15% chance
Failure: Fired Get Fired 84% chance
Success: Earned Money +§2,000 84% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§4,900 (a weeks pay) 15% chance
6) Flight Officer
Growing weary of all the "Peacetime" restrictions - no dog-fighting with commercial airliners, no buzzing private control towers, no launching laser guided missiles into peaceful civilian protests - <Sim> and his/her fellow Flight Officers decide to make a little fun for themselves. They hop in a couple of fighter jets and head out to international waters, where the rules get a bit more "fuzzy" when it comes to 'who blew up who first with a heat-seeking computer aided anti-aircraft missile'. Within minutes, <Sim> spots a pair of bogeys who are clearly far from home, maybe even as far as RedCity - but wherever they're from, things are about to get a whole lot more interesting. Should <Sim> engage the enemy, or attempt to establish radio contact and warn the unidentified aircraft that they are trespassing in SimCity controlled air? Engage
Success: Earned Money +§3,000 15% chance
Failure: Mechanical -2 84% chance
Contact Base
Success: Body +1 84% chance
Failure: Charisma -1 15% chance
7) Senior Officer
While out on a routine inspection patrol in the rocky SimCity foothills, a lieutenant in <Sim>'s division encounters a rare species of poisonous frog. <Sim> spots the danger immediately and calls out a warning, but is too late, and the soldier drops to the ground unconscious. The ailing Sim is rushed back to base camp. During the confusion, the frog manages to slip away unnoticed. <Sim> knows that importance of identifying the poison in order to improve the soldier's chance of recovery. As an experienced soldier, <Sim> is quite capable of finding and safely capturing the frog, but it might take too long. If he/she orders the rest of his/her unit to help him/her find the frog, he's/she's not sure that they'll be able to capture it safely. Should <Sim> attempt a potentially lengthy search by himself/herself, or should he/she have his/her squad help out? Search Alone
Success: Body +1 Charisma +1 15% chance
Failure: Charisma -1 Mechanical -1 84% chance
Whole Squad
Success: Earned Money +§5,000 84% chance
Failure: Demotion Demoted to Flight Officer 15% chance
8) Commander
One dreary morning, <Sim> receives a confidential memo informing him/her that several recruits have been accused of leaking sensitive government information to enemy factions. While this would ordinarily be a cut-and-dry case (court marshal and dishonorable discharge, plus jail time), one of the accused is the son of a high-ranking, powerful General. Over the course of the day, <Sim> is "informed" that perhaps it might be best if he/she quietly pardoned the offenders and let them off the hook. <Sim>'s conscience is torn, should he/she stick to the rules and risk the General's wrath, or should he/she take the easy way out? Book 'em
Success: Promotion Promoted to Astronaut 85% chance
Failure: Charisma -1 Body -1 14% chance
Pardon 'em
Success: Got a Big Bonus +§30,000 14% chance
Failure: Demotion Demoted to Senior Officer Got Fined -§10,000 85% chance
9) Astronaut
<Sim> and his/her crew have been training to command the first remote probe to land on the surface of Venus, but recent satellite images have revealed what may be the final stages of a mobile launch platform in the heart of RedCity. This could be bad for <Sim>'s career; it appears as though RedCity may beat him/her in the space race. But <Sim> has a secret weapon: It's a mission that would use similar technology as the Venus lander, but will transform the module into a submersible to explore the vast uncharted depths of the ocean floor. <Sim> could put the Venus mission on overdrive and attempt to land the module prematurely, or <Sim> could scrap the mission and put "Operation Unknown Ocean" into full effect. Explore Venus
Success: Promotion Promoted to General 15% chance
Failure: Fired Get Fired 84% chance
Explore Ocean
Success: Got a Big Bonus +§50,000 84% chance
Failure: Got Fined -§25,000 15% chance
10) General
It's a quiet day in <Sim>'s posh, oak-paneled office suite when his/her private phone springs to life. Picking it up, <Sim> is mildly astonished to recognize the President's voice on the other end of the phone line. Apparently, there is credible evidence that a major satellite may be breaking orbit irregularly, putting it at a crash risk with several highly populated areas. It's a serious concern, and the President wants <Sim>'s advice as a certain of land, air and space. Should they make an emergency shuttle launch to intercept the satellite, or should they attempt to use their sophisticated missile system to vaporize the falling satellite into harmless debris? Intercept
Success: Earned Money +§20,000 15% chance
Failure: Demotion Demoted to Astronaut Mechanical -2 Charisma -2 84% chance
Success: Got a Big Bonus +§55,000 84% chance
Failure: Fired Get Fired 15% chance
For more information on chance cards in The Sims 2, see Chance card.

The Sims 2 (console)[]

Military is a career track in The Sims 2 (console).

Military career Military Career Levels
1) Latrine Cleaner
-No Description- Body 0 Logic 0 Cleaning 0 Friend Requirement 0
07:00 - 13:00
2) Boot Polisher
You're good at cleaning toilets? Good! Now you get to scrape dung off boots! That's military meritocracy...brush up on your BODY skills or you'll be brushing boots forever. Body 1 Logic 0 Cleaning 0 Friend Requirement 0
09:00 - 15:00
3) Drill Instructor
Now it's YOUR turn to do the yelling! You turn fat, lazy, stupid recruits into lean, mean, killing machines. Just make sure those maggots are more scared of you than the enemy and teach them military "logic" with repeated hole digging and filling. Body 2 Logic 0 Cleaning 0 Friend Requirement 0
15:00 - 23:00
4) Paratrooper
The base got boring quick! Now you're getting dropped behind enemy lines and taking hostile fire almost every day, and that's just in a fake war game! Keep building your muscles for the real thing though and remember...the friends you make now are friends for life. Body 2 Logic 1 Cleaning 0 Friend Requirement 1
09:00 - 15:00
5) Chopper Pilot
Your dreams of flying have come true! Ferrying supplies, dropping Rangers off on missions, hunting terrorists in some God-forsaken desert waste - it's all exciting! But keep your mind sharp by studying the logic of tactics and're being groomed for something big. Body 3 Logic 1 Cleaning 0 Friend Requirement 2
10:00 - 16:00
6) Covert Ops
Now this is what the military is all about! You get to travel the world, see exotic places, meet interesting people, learn about politics, get DIRECTLY involved in solving political with's great! Body 3 Logic 4 Cleaning 2 Friend Requirement 2
09:00 - 15:00
7) Secret Agent
Body 4 Logic 5 Cleaning 4 Friend Requirement 3
09:00 - 15:00
8) Code Breaker
VELVET DE82904E BF899B8B DE82904A BCA99B83 GOLDMINE DEA90332 BCA99B84 DEA903E2 BCA99B84 DEA9033A BCA99B84 [SIX AM] Body 4 Logic 6 Cleaning 6 Friend Requirement 4
11:00 - 18:00
9) "Cleaner"
Your mission is to support the president, the security council and all officials who make and execute national security policy by providing accurate, comprehensive, and TOTAL information awareness. Raise your cleaning you can "clean" documents...and opponents... Body 7 Logic 9 Cleaning 7 Friend Requirement 6
08:00 - 16:00
10) War Monger
Finally, they've got someone with some actual combat experience running the military! YOU! But your battles only take place at dinner parties, fund raisers, and press conferences where you can spin them the "benefits" of perpetual war. Fight the political battle by keeping your powder, and your humor...dry. Body 10 Logic 9 Cleaning 8 Friend Requirement 7
10:00 - 16:00

The Sims 3[]

W military career

Military is a career track in The Sims 3. This career track seems to be influenced more by an Air Force compared to other games (astronaut is the highest level, and there are several pilot titles.)

How to apply: Directly at workplace, newspaper, computer, or upload resume.[TS3:UL]

Performance options:

Promotion levels[]

W military career Military Career Levels
1) Latrine Cleaner
The recruiter might have fudged the truth a bit, because the role of the Latrine Cleaner is not satisfying, or even sanitary. Try to eke out a grin as the Lieutenant stops by to see your progress, because you might otherwise be transferred from the mess to something worse.

Wage: §40/hour Bonus: N/A
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §80
07:00 - 14:00
04:00 - 11:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Athletic Athletic 0-3
2) Mess Hall Server
Out of one mess and into another! Swap out your biohazard gear for a hairnet and give the troops their rations. Start hitting the weight bench so that you can flash your biceps for the Lieutenant when he comes by for his mush—the military is always looking for in-shape individuals!

Wage: §44/hour Bonus: §480
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §100
07:00 - 15:00
04:00 - 12:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Athletic Athletic 1-5
3) Grunt
Thanks to your hard work the military has found a new role for you. Head out to the training fields and give us fifty, grunt! We never know when the General will come by for inspections, so work hard, keep your uniform clean, and practice your parade drills!

Wage: §49/hour Bonus: §528
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §110
07:00 - 15:00
04:00 - 12:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Athletic Athletic 1-5
Handiness Handiness 0-3
4) Squad Leader
As a Squad Leader, you’ll start drawing salutes from the underlings. It also means your superiors expect more out of you and your squad. Train hard, inspire the troops, and make sure your superiors know your name when promotion time comes around.

Perk: Can Salute other Sims, and other Sims in the lower ranks of the military career may autonomously salute around the Sim.
Wage: §94/hour Bonus: §588
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §150
07:00 - 14:00
05:00 - 12:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Athletic Athletic 3-7
Handiness Handiness 1-5
5) Flight Officer
Officer status brings new stripes and new responsibilities. The mechanics down in the hangars will need you to know how to handle a wrench, whereas the brass up top still want you in tip-top shape. You just might be writing checks your body can’t cash, Flight Officer.

Wage: §108/hour Bonus: §1,128
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §170
07:00 - 14:00
05:00 - 12:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Athletic Athletic 4-8
Handiness Handiness 3-6 Boss Boss
6) Wingman/ Wingwoman
Do your duty and the military will stand by you, but that’s easier said than done. You have a loaner aircraft under your command that no average Sim can fly, and a superior officer that needs your support. Never, ever, leave your Wingman.

Wage: §145/hour Bonus: §936
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §190
07:00 - 13:00
05:00 - 11:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Athletic Athletic 5-9
Handiness Handiness 4-7 Boss Boss
7) Fighter Pilot
The extensive training has paid off and you’ve been rewarded with top-of-the-line jet, your name on its side, and your own Wingman to look after you. The military life is getting more exciting every day, but with that excitement comes danger and the unknown. Watch your six up there!

Wage: §167/hour Bonus: §1,740
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §220
07:00 - 13:00
06:00 - 12:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Athletic Athletic 6-9
Handiness Handiness5-8 Boss Boss
8) Squadron Leader
The entire squadron looks up to you, respects your judgment, and trusts you to bring them home safely. You’ve been promoted to Squadron Leader in the hopes you’ll continue this work, improve efficiency, and turn the men and women of Alpha Dingo Squadron into the best in the world.

Wage: §192/hour Bonus: §2,004
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §250
07:00 - 13:00
07:00 - 13:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Athletic Athletic 7-10
Handiness Handiness 6-9 Boss Boss
9) Top Gun
You can execute the Immelman Turn and barrel roll better than any of the plots in the squadron. In fact, there isn’t a maneuver you cannot execute. The brass want to bring you in as a Top Gun instructor to spread the knowledge, impress the public with demonstrations, and spread your wings for the good of the people.

Perk: Other Sims not in the military career may autonomously salute around the Sim.
Wage: §265/hour Bonus: §2,304
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §290
07:00 - 12:00
08:00 - 13:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Athletic Athletic 8-10
Handiness Handiness 7-10 Boss Boss
10) Astronaut
The space race is on and you’re the top contender. You’re the best, the brightest, and the only Sim who can lead our great society to the unknown depths of space. Strap yourself in to the rocket and prepare for 25 Gs of ripping fun. You’re a hero!

Wage: §334/hour Bonus: §3,180
Days: S M T W T F S Pension: §430
07:00 - 01:00
13:00 - 01:00
Performance Factors
Mood Mood Athletic Athletic 8-10
Handiness Handiness 7-10 Boss Boss


Late Night Latrines
Received: At Work
Goal: Work overtime for 2 hours.
Reward: Increased relationship with coworkers.
Text: The latrines are overflowing! Apparently the Corps of Engineers "forgot" to drain them last week, which leaves a whole pile of mess squarely in the lap of your platoon. Luckily, you're not on duty tonight. But if you stick around, your squad mates would really, REALLY, appreciate the help.
Military Contracts
Received: At Work
Goal: Visit City Hall to complete by X time on Y day
Reward: Performance Increase
Location: City Hall
Text: The commanding officer of the base needs you to deliver these instructions to City Hall on the double! The business is about to build our new prototype sub-atmospheric lunar reconnaissance vehicle, but they cannot get started without these instructions! Your job performance will increase as a result of you doing your duty.
No Whining!
Received: At Work
Goal: Read Military Book "Dealing with Whining Engines and Pilots".
Reward: Boss and Performance go up.
Location: Return to Work to complete.
Text: Engines and pilots whine like milk-starved kittens and that fact simply won't change. It's time to read "Dealing with Whining Engines and Pilots" so you can adapt your strategy and soar in a whine-free stratospher. Aside from the obvious benefits, your relationship with your boss will improve and your job performance will increase as well.
The R.H.A.T Race
Received: At Work
Goal: Attempt the R.H.A.T before X time on Y Day.
Reward: High chance at raise and a job performance boost.
Location: Military Base
Text: The time for you to attempt your Really Hard Athletic Test (R.H.A.T) has come! Soldiers who pass the R.H.A.T are eligible for additional benefits, but it takes tip top morale and a great physical condition to succeed in this hairy endeavor. Go to the Military Base during your free time to take the R.H.A.T and you just might earn a raise and a job performance boost.
Note: You can fail this even after completing the goal. It's repeatable and will continue happening until you pass it.
Congratulations on the Promotion
Received: At Work
Goal: Invite <sim> to a party by X time on Y day.
Reward: Boosts friendship with Co-workers.
Location: Your House
Text: A peer of yours, <Sim>, was recently promoted. The other members of the squad think it is only fitting that you throw a party for <Sim> in the near future to celebrate the accomplishment. It'll be a huge boost for squad morale and you'll really look great in the eyes of the squad.
Escaping the Pit
Received: At Work
Goal: Read "Getting Out of the Pit"
Reward: Increase job performance and relationship with Boss
Text: There comes a time in every soldier's life when wallowing in the pit should no longer be acceptable. For helpful hints, tips, and strategies on escaping this military training cliché, read "Getting Out of the Pit." It's sure to improve your job performance and relationship with your boss.


  • The children and grandchildren of Sims in this career will have the hidden trait "Can Salute" which is available when they are at Level 4.

The Sims 4: StrangerVille[]

Military returns as a semi-active career in The Sims 4: StrangerVille.

TS4 Career Military Military Career Levels
Description: "Physical fitness and discipline will be the keys to success in the Military career. Rising through the ranks will not come easy unless you can demonstrate your physical prowess as well as your ability to recruit and be a leader. Will you pursue the path of a Grand Marshal, or will you follow a more secretive path to uncover what others might be hiding?"
1) Raw Recruit
As a Raw Recruit <sim first name> will need to build their physical fitness in order to rise through the ranks of the Military Career. Wage: §26/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 2 Fitness Skill
Daily Task:
Work Out
Bonus: Tech Team Excellence Award Pension: Unknown
2) Private Fourth Class
Privates are the back bone of the day to day work around the base. <sim first name> must carry out any and all tasks given to them. Wage: §34/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 3 Fitness Skill
Daily Task:
Work Out
Bonus: §581; Medal Display Case; Bravery Heart Pension: Unknown
3) Lacking Corporal
Corporals are the key to base security. <sim first name> will begin to train and master sparring techniques in order to defend any threats to the base. Wage: §54/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 4 Fitness Skill
Daily Task:
Go Jogging
Bonus: §756; Medal of Questioning Pension: Unknown
4) Sergeant Minor
Sergeant Minors have mastered the art of Sparring. <sim first name> can demonstrate their mastery while competing with others in hand to hand combat. Wage: §71/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 5 Fitness Skill
Daily Task:
Spar With Others
Bonus: §869; Construction Engineering Reward Pension: Unknown
5) Warrant Officer
Warrant Officers have demonstrated they know their way around all combat drills and exercises. Keep improving your physical fitness and <sim first name> will soon be able to order platoons. Wage: §96/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 6 Fitness Skill
Daily Task:
Work Out
Bonus: §1,130; Eagle Eye Award Pension: Unknown

TS4 Career Military Covert Operator Military Career Levels - Covert Operator Branch
Description: "The Covert Ops Branch is the part of the Military that no one talks about. You will be required to undergo secret tasks, by planting bugs and listening in on the unsuspecting. You will need to interrogate any and all suspicious individuals. No one can be trusted, and everyone is up to something. Are you up for the task?"
6) Evidence Eraser
As an Evidence Eraser <sim first name> is required to clear all evidence of top secret case files. If any of that evidence slipped out into the public there would be mass panic. Wage: §104/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 6:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 4 Logic Skill
Daily Task:
Practice Chess
Bonus: §1,299; Air Award Pension: Unknown
7) Conspiracy Squelcher
Conspiracy Squelchers are the front lines in stopping all talks of conspiracies around town. If there is any talk of discussion of the strange phenomena it is <sim first name>'s duty to put a stop to it. Wage: §119/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 6:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 6 Logic Skill
Daily Task:
Monitor Other Sims
Bonus: §1,689; Listening Device; Medal of Supreme Bravery Pension: Unknown
8) Clandestine Investigator
Clandestine Investigators have proven they are able to to undergo secret covert missions. <sim first name> must investigate the strange happenings around town, and will be required to plant bugs to listen in on the unsuspecting. Wage: §179/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 6:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 8 Logic Skill
Daily Task:
Search the Stars
Bonus: §1,790; Ranking Rug; Medal of Discipline Pension: Unknown
[REDACTED] Wage: §297/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 6:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Max Logic Skill to Level 10
Daily Task:
File Reports
Bonus: §3,149; Tactical Genius Medal Pension: Unknown
10) Sim-In-Black
Sim-In-Black is highest honor in the entire Covert Ops branch. There are only a few Sim-In-Blacks in the world and <sim first name> is now one of the few. Wage: §422/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 6:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Daily Task:
Plan 10 Moves Ahead
Bonus: §4,567; Medal of Courage Pension: Unknown

TS4 Career Military Officer Military Career Levels - Officer Branch
Description: "In the Officer Branch you will continue to earn medals while you rise through the formal ranks of the Military. The Officer path will see you earning the highest rank possible and becoming a Grand Marshal. To build your leadership skills you will be tasked to order others and build to peak physical fitness. No Grand Marshal can be outdone by a Raw Recruit!"
6) Fourth Lieutenant
Lieutenants have proven they can master all physical challenges and are now fit to Order platoons and train them to the best of their ability. Wage: §104/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
Daily Task:
Practice Speech
Bonus: §1,299; Military Grade Flagpole; Air Award Pension: Unknown
7) Courageous Captain
Captains are the most battle hardened veterans anyone could hope to be. <sim first name> is the focal point of any company and must do whatever it takes to make sure the company can succeed. If <sim first name> fails, their company can be in jeopardy. Wage: §119/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
Daily Task:
Give Orders
Bonus: §1,689; Medal of Supreme Bravery Pension: Unknown
8) Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonels are tasked with commanding battalions to ensure a safe and successful mission. The coordination and tactical mastery of each mission will fall to <sim first name>. If they fail the mission fails. Wage: §179/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
Daily Task:
Practice Giving Orders
Bonus: §1,790; Modified B64 Training Bot; Medal of Discipline Pension: Unknown
9) Brigadier
Brigadier is responsible for tasking missions out to the various platoons. <sim first name> is no longer tasked with field duty, but the role of Brigadier is to ensure the missions that platoons take on are safe and well planned out. Wage: §297/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Max Charisma Skill to Level 10
Daily Task:
Share War Stories
Bonus: §3,149; Tactical Genius Medal Pension: Unknown
10) Grand Marshal
Grand Marshal is the highest position in the Military. <sim first name> has proven excellent field tactics and the ability to lead and order effectively. <sim first name> can wear their medals proudly knowing they are the highest ranking official in the entire Military. Wage: §422/hour Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Unknown
Promotion Tasks:
Daily Task:
Recruit Sims
Bonus: §4,567; Medal of Courage Pension: Unknown

Sims in the Military Career[]

