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Michael Bachelor
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Michael is just out of college and he doesn't know what to do with his life. Can you help Michael succeed?
Family Bachelor family
Marital status Single
Zodiac sign Libra (sign) Libra
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Skin color Skin-medium Medium
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game The Sims Icon The Sims
Playability Family Bin
Neighborhood Neighborhood 1
Michael Bachelor
Michael Bachelor (The Sims console)
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Family Bachelor family
Marital status Single
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims (console)
Playability Family Bin
Neighborhood Willville
Michael Bachelor
Michael Bachelor
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Elder Elder
Life state Ghost Ghost
Family Bachelor family
Parents Simis Bachelor, Jocasta Bachelor Both Deceased
Siblings Bella Goth Sister
Marital status Married
Romances Dina Caliente Wife
Zodiac sign Leo Leo
Aspiration Knowledge Knowledge
Hair color TS2 Grey Hair Grey
Eye color TS2 Blue Eyes Light Blue
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Icon The Sims 2
Playability Deceased
Cause of death Old Age
Neighborhood Pleasantview
Michael Bachelor
Michael Bachelor (The Sims 3)
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Teen Teen
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Michael, the ideal son, has lots of friends at school and loves to be outside, playing any sport.
Education and employment
School Object rabbithole school High School
Grade B
Family Bachelor family
Parents Simis Bachelor, Jocasta Bachelor
Siblings Bella Bachelor Sister
Traits Trait Loves the Outdoors small Loves the Outdoors
Trait Schmoozer small Schmoozer
Trait Athletic small Athletic
Trait Friendly small Friendly
Favorites Fav Pop Pop
Fav Hot Dog Hot Dogs
Fav Green Green
Hair color Haircolor3-TS3 Brown
Eye color Eye-brown Brown
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game TS3 Icon The Sims 3
Playability Playable
World Sunset Valley
Not to be confused with Michael Bachelor (hidden).

Michael Bachelor is a pre-made playable Sim in The Sims and The Sims 3. His family is one of the three famous starter families in The Sims. In The Sims 2, he is the late husband of Dina Caliente and the older brother of the missing Bella Goth. As his last name suggests, he is a bachelor in all but one of the games he appears in.


Life leading up to The Sims 3[]

In The Sims 3, Michael is a teen living with his parents, Jocasta and Simis, and his younger sister, Bella. He is dressed in a "jock" style and he has the Schmoozer and Athletic traits. His other two traits are Loves the Outdoors and Friendly. Michael's wishes are mostly about athleticism and improving relationships. His skin is lighter than it was in older Sims games. His eyes are also brown, while in The Sims 2, they are light blue. He can be seen at school and the local gym. His bio states he has lots of friends at school, but it can be assumed that they don't live in Sunset Valley as at the start of the game, his only friend outside of his family is Mortimer Goth. He has a love for the outdoors, so he doesn't mind helping Jocasta in the garden. He has 1 skill point in Athletic. When the family is first played, Michael is 13 days from being a young adult.

Life leading up to The Sims[]

In The Sims, Michael is similar to the character of "The Graduate" as he recently graduated from college and doesn't know what to do with his life. He starts in Neighborhood 1's family bin. He wears blue jeans, blue and white sneakers and a blue-grey Sim State University shirt. His last name was meant to match his state, which is unmarried and living alone. It should be noted that in this very first game, his relations to Bella Goth are not mentioned and he was treated as a separate character from her family.

It is possible that Michael in The Sims was not originally supposed to be related to Bella in the first place, but to be a separate character. Assuming this theory is true, the revelation of Bella's original surname, and her relationship to Michael, would later be coined by Maxis for The Sims 2 to explain what had happened to some of Pleasantview's notable built-in characters, as the game was a sequel to The Sims. However, Michael and Bella both use the "Asian" head skins and have tan skin, so it's possible they were always meant to be related.

Also, Michael's appearance and biography in The Sims suggest a young man in his early twenties, yet the 25 years between the The Sims 3 and The Sims would make him in his late 30s at least. While it's possible for him to have gone to college and graduated later in life, it doesn't really fit with his original portrayal as someone just starting out in life. Even ignoring The Sims 3, there are still plotholes caused by Michael's age: in the original game, Michael should be in his early or mid-20s. Yet by the sequel, set 25 years later, he has died of old age. Based on his age in the original game, this means he died of "old age" at around 50. Even including The Sims 3, he would have died of old age at around 65. Usage of the Elixir of Life either to prolong or shorten his life could explain this. According to SimEnhancer, Michael was the third Sim created in Neighborhood 1.

In The Sims 3, he is Bella's older brother. However, in The Sims, when he has just graduated college, Bella is already married with a daughter (and appears to be slightly older than him). This might suggest that he went to community college first and took a while to graduate, whereas Bella did not go to college, married Mortimer, and had Cassandra by the time Michael graduated. There also is the idea that he might have used the Elixir of Life to stay young (while Bella grew older) and was prematurely aged later on, but it is most likely a simple continuity error.

Life leading up to The Sims (Console)[]

In The Sims (console), Michael has black Mohawk hair, black glasses, blue shirt, brown pants and brown sandals. He is in the family bin alone and without a home. The player must build him one in order to be played. His sister, Bella Goth, lives with her husband Mortimer and daughter Cassandra in 5 Sim Avenue. Yet again, his relation to Bella is not stated and he remains a separate character from her line of the family.

Life leading up to The Sims 2[]

In The Sims 2, Michael is a deceased elder and is revealed to be Bella Goth's older brother. Before his death, he married Dina Caliente, sister of Nina Caliente. According to Dina's memories, she had her first kiss with Michael when she was a teen, which would not be possible in normal gameplay due to their difference in ages. His urn sits on a coffee table in the Caliente sisters' condo.

When resurrected, Michael recognizes Dina as family, and can perform exclusive interactions such as "family kiss" in addition to romantic interactions. Bella will appear in his relationship panel, but he will be unable to call her. Michael's facial structure is identical to that of the 2nd face template in Create a Sim, except the slightly customized upper lip. But the difference is so small that it normally can only be proven through Body Shop. Oddly, when trying to view his DNA page in SimPE, it will appear blank. This oddity also happens with Michael's sister Bella and Darleen Dreamer. If the Prints Charming Fingerprint scanner is used in a barely-played Pleasantview, his fingerprints can be found commonly throughout the town.[citation needed] The prints of other dead or missing Sims can also be found, but Michael's are by far the most prevalent, being easily found in every playable house and some of the empty ones. Even though Michael is thin, his fitness level indicates that he is supposed to be fit. This is also the case with his sister Bella. When resurrected and aged down to another life stage, Michael's hair will be blonde like his mother Jocasta's was before she became an elder.

The two Michael Bachelors[]

For some reason, there are two Michael Bachelors. One wears a purple and white track suit and has medium skin with 14 days left in the Elder stage. The other has tan skin, wears a black shirt, and has 101 days left as an Elder. The Michael with tan skin has relations with Dina Caliente, Bella Goth, Simis Bachelor, Jocasta Bachelor, Alexander Goth and Cassandra Goth, while the medium-skinned Michael's relations were partially removed. The Michael with tan skin has the Knowledge aspiration, while the other has the Popularity aspiration. The Michael with tan skin also has the Leo zodiac sign, and no personality points, while the other has the Aries zodiac sign and the personality points 5, 8, 6, 3, 3. In SimPE, both Michael's are ticked as ghosts.

The medium-skinned Michael is the one seen in the Caliente family album, and his relationship with Nina was very high (around 95 lifetime relationship). Since Nina is seen crying at Michael and Dina's wedding, it is possible that she had a crush on him, or perhaps they were close friends and she was crying tears of joy. For memories, medium-skinned Michael has four memories: [invisible] Reputation Aspiration, [invisible] Token- Sim- Initialized, and two [invisible] Token - I Am Dead(s). The tan Michael has three memories: [Invisible] Token-Sim-Initialized, and two [invisible] Token - I Am Dead(s).

W inventing career
Resurrection tip
This Sim can be resurrected with the Tombstone of Life and Death.


W athletic skill Athletic 1
W athletic skill Athletic 1

Jocasta Bachelor (The Sims 3) Jocasta Bachelor Good Friend Good Friend
Bella Bachelor (The Sims 3) Bella Bachelor Good Friend Good Friend
Cutie Mortimer Mortimer Goth Friend Friend
Simis Bachelor (The Sims 3) Simis Bachelor Friend Friend
Jocasta Bachelor (The Sims 3) Jocasta Bachelor Good Friend Good Friend
Bella Bachelor (The Sims 3) Bella Bachelor Good Friend Good Friend
Cutie Mortimer Mortimer Goth Friend Friend
Simis Bachelor (The Sims 3) Simis Bachelor Friend Friend

Sloppy 2 Neat
Shy 8 Outgoing
Lazy 2 Active
Serious 6 Playful
Grouchy 7 Nice

Sloppy 0 Neat
Shy 0 Outgoing
Lazy 0 Active
Serious 0 Playful
Grouchy 0 Nice
Sign / personality mismatch
A Sim with this personality would normally be a Cancer.


Other Languages[]

Language The Sims The Sims 2 The Sims 3
English Michael Bachelor Michael Bachelor Michael Bachelor
Brazilian Portuguese Marcelo Navarro Miguel Solteirus Miguel Solteirus
Chinese (Simplified) 迈克尔 巴奇勒
Chinese (Traditional) 麥可 貝曲爾 麥可 巴克羅 麥克 巴奇勒
Czech Michael Bakalář Michael Bakalář
Danish Michael Bachelor Michael Ungkaal Michael Ungkaal
Dutch Vincent Vrijevogel Vincent Vrijevogel Vincent Vrijevogel
European Portuguese Miguel Solteirão Miguel Solteirão
Finnish Mikael Vapaala Mikael Vapaala Mikael Vapaala
French Michel Coeuraprendre Michael Galantome Michael Galantome
German Marco Junggesell Michael Junggesell Michael Junggesell
Hebrew מייקל בצ'לור מייקל בצ'לור מייקל בצ'לור
Italian Luca Bianco Luca Bianco Luca Bianco
Japanese マイケル 独身
(Michael Dokushin)
マイケル バチェラー
(Michael Bachelor)
Korean 마이클 바첼러 마이클 바첼러
Norwegian Mikael Bastiansen Mikael Bastiansen
Polish Marek Kawaler Michał Kawaler Michał Kawaler
Russian Maykl Kholostyakki
(Майкл Холостякки)
Maykl Kholostyakki
(Майкл Холостякки)
Maykl Kholostyakki
(Майкл Холостякки)
Spanish Miguel Soltero Miguel De la Soledad Miguel De la Soledad
Swedish Mikael Ungkarl Michael Ungkarl Mikael Ungkarl
Thai ไม•เคิล แบช•เชอ•เลอร์
TS4 star trophy icon
Featured article
This article is a featured article. Its layout and content is an example of excellence on The Sims Wiki.

Dates featured: June 15–30, 2012.

The Bachelor family
Milton - Enriqueta - Simis - Jocasta - Michael - Bella - Simella - Aunt Lily