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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2
Mercutio Monty
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Teen Teen
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Good-natured and warm, Mercutio is the joker of his family. Can his good humor smooth the feuding family's ruffled feathers?
Education and employment
School School Public School
Grade C
Career Culinary career Drive Through Clerk
Family Monty family
Parents Claudio Monty, Olivia Monty Both Deceased
Siblings Romeo Monty Younger Brother, Unborn baby Monty Deceased
Marital status Single
Romances Hermia Capp Crush
Zodiac sign Sagittarius Sagittarius
Aspiration Popularity Popularity
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-medium Medium
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Icon The Sims 2
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Veronaville

Mercutio Monty (Speaker Icon Listen  /mərˈkjuːʃi ˈmɒnti/) is a pre-made teenage Sim, living in Veronaville, one of the neighborhoods shipped with The Sims 2. He is the grandson of Patrizio and Isabella Monty, the son of the deceased Claudio and Olivia Monty, the older brother of Romeo Monty, and the deceased Unborn baby Monty. His cousins are Beatrice and Benedick Monty.

Mercutio is enemies with Tybalt Capp because of the Monty/Capp family feud. He is friends with Puck Summerdream, but both have crushes on Juliette's and Tybalt's sister, Hermia Capp, which might be a problem. Hermia's and Tybalt's cousin, Miranda Capp, also has a crush on Mercutio; however, the feeling isn't mutual.

When the Monty household is first played, the player is prompted by a text box to have Romeo invite Juliette Capp over. If done, Juliette will arrive along with Tybalt and insult Mercutio. The insult will trigger a fight between Mercutio and Tybalt, which will likely end in Mercutio's defeat due to his disadvantage in body skill points. After the fight, regardless of the outcome, Romeo will lecture Tybalt, who will then kick the outdoor flamingo decoration before leaving. Meanwhile, when the Summerdream household is first played, the family is having a party where both Hermia and Mercutio are present, and a text box will prompt the player to make Puck and Hermia have their first kiss with each other. If Mercutio witnesses this, he will be furious at both of them.

Mercutio works part-time as a Drive Through Clerk from the Culinary career track. Although Culinary part-time jobs from Drive Through Clerk (level 2) and up require at least 1 cooking point, Mercutio has 0 cooking points. This may have been an error by the game's creators or a sign that his career was obtained with the help of relatives. If expansion packs are installed before the Monty family is first played, the player will be notified that Mercutio has skipped work and may be fired if he does it again. This is because the household gets reset following the installation of an expansion pack, resulting in Mercutio no longer being at work.

Although he is generally nice and jovial, Mercutio is doing poorly in school. He also has a negative memory for everything except being potty-trained by his mother, which is odd considering most Sims have quite a few good memories. If The Sims 2: FreeTime is installed, his predestined hobby will be nature. Mercutio is 6 days away from becoming an adult at the start of the game. He is voiced by Jack Conte as a teenager and, when he becomes an adult, will be voiced by David Boat.

Mercutio has medium skin, brown eyes, and messy black hair. He wears a biker's outfit, a black leather vest over a white T-shirt, and blue jeans that are torn on the knees. While Mercutio has brown eyes, he has the recessive allele for light blue eyes because of his father.

Mercutio's facial structure in his default headshot is quite different from his facial structure in-game. For one thing, his facial structure in-game features a much softer jaw, a thinner nose, larger eyes, and a wider mouth. This can be proven by changing his appearance in the mirror and then hitting the check mark button to refresh his thumbnail. Many other Sims in Veronaville share this inconsistency with him, including Patrizio and Romeo Monty, as well as Albany, Tybalt, and Hal Capp.

Strangely, if Mercutio's appearance is extracted with SimPE to Body Shop, he will be thin instead of fit. The reason for this is because he has the fitness texture for thin Sims instead of the one for fit Sims. This will become more apparent when he grows into an adult.

This implies that he was originally thin and his fitness level was subsequently modified with a program like SimPE. The only way for him to have the fitness texture for fit Sims without hacks is by having him overeat until he becomes thin, and then have him workout until he is fit again. This also happens with many other pre-made Sims in The Sims 2.

Mercutio is the witty friend of Romeo, and kinsman to the Prince, in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. He is killed by Tybalt, who is later killed by Romeo.


Skill Body Body 1
Skill Cleaning Cleaning 1
Skill Body Body 1
Skill Cleaning Cleaning 1

Hermia Capp Hermia Capp Romantic Interest Crush
Juliette Capp Juliette Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Miranda Capp Miranda Capp Friend Friend
Tybalt Capp Tybalt Capp Enemy Enemy
Antonio Monty Antonio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Beatrice Monty Beatrice Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Benedick Monty Benedick Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Bianca Monty Bianca Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Isabella Monty Isabella Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Patrizio Monty Patrizio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Romeo Monty Romeo Monty Best Friend Best Friend
Bottom Summerdream Bottom Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance
Oberon Summerdream Oberon Summerdream Friend Friend
Puck Summerdream Puck Summerdream Friend Friend
Titania Summerdream Titania Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance
Hermia Capp Hermia Capp Romantic Interest Crush
Juliette Capp Juliette Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Miranda Capp Miranda Capp Friend Friend
Tybalt Capp Tybalt Capp Enemy Enemy
Antonio Monty Antonio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Beatrice Monty Beatrice Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Benedick Monty Benedick Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Bianca Monty Bianca Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Isabella Monty Isabella Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Patrizio Monty Patrizio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Romeo Monty Romeo Monty Best Friend Best Friend
Bottom Summerdream Bottom Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance
Oberon Summerdream Oberon Summerdream Friend Friend
Puck Summerdream Puck Summerdream Friend Friend
Titania Summerdream Titania Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance

Sloppy 3 Neat
Shy 7 Outgoing
Lazy 3 Active
Serious 7 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice
Sign / personality mismatch
A Sim with this personality would normally be a Libra.

Politics Politics 0
Crime Crime 2
Food Food 6
Sports Sports 7
Work Work 0
School School 6
Money Money 7
Entertainment Entertainment 5
Health Health 5
Paranormal Paranormal 4
Weather Weather 3
Toys Toys 10
Environment Environment 8
Culture Culture 5
Fashion Fashion 4
Travel Travel 2
Animals Animals 10
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 6

Potty Trained Potty Trained by Olivia Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Badly Negative
Grew Up Grew Up Badly Negative
Sim Died Claudio Died Negative
Sim Died Olivia Died Negative
Sim Died Hero Died Negative
Potty Trained Potty Trained by Olivia Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Badly Negative
Grew Up Grew Up Badly Negative
Sim Died Claudio Died Negative
Sim Died Olivia Died Negative
Sim Died Hero Died Negative


Other Languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Mercutio Monty
Brazilian Portuguese Mercúcio Montez
Chinese (Simplified) 梅古特 蒙特
Chinese (Traditional) 莫卡迪歐 蒙堤
Czech Mercutio Monty
Danish Mercutio Mohpedreng
Dutch Marcello Hartverloren
European Portuguese Mercúcio Montes
Finnish Mercutio Monttupuu
French Mercutio Monty
German Victorio Monti
Hebrew מרקוטיו מונטי
Hungarian Mercutio Monty
Italian Mercuzio Montreschi
Japanese マーキュシオ モンティ
Korean 머큐시오 몬티
Norwegian Mercutio Montebello
Polish Merkucjo Montek
Russian Меркуцио Монтекки
Spanish Mercuccio Monchurresco
Swedish Mercutio Monty
Thai เมอร์•คิว•ชิ•โอ มอน•ตี้
The Monty family
Bassanio - Portia - Valentine - Silvia
Patrizio - Isabella
Claudio - Olivia - Mercutio - Romeo - Unborn baby
Antonio - Hero - Beatrice - Benedick