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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 4: Island Living
Mele Kahananui
Mele Kahananui HS
Gender Female Female
Age Age adult selected Adult
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Sim
Education and employment
Career TS4 Career Business Assistant Manager
Family Kahananui family
Marital status Married
Romances Alika Kahananui Husband
Traits Trait TS4 Materialistic Materialistic
Trait TS4 Outgoing Outgoing
Trait TS4 Neat Neat
Trait TS4 Business Savvy Business Savvy
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Mansion Baron Mansion Baron
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Body shape Thin Average
Other information
Game TS4 EP7 Island Living Icon The Sims 4: Island Living
Playability Playable
World Sulani

Mele Kahananui is a pre-made playable Sim residing on Sulani, the world shipped with The Sims 4: Island Living. She lives with her husband Alika.

Mele is an adult, 41 days away from becoming an elder. She works in the business career at level 4 (Assistant Manager) and has the Mansion Baron aspiration. She has four skill points in cooking and two in both charisma and gourmet cooking.

Unlike the humble, carefree nature of most of Sulani's residents, the Kahananui's seem to have completely opposite values and are more focused on materialistic luxuries. They have no children, but their home has two spare bedrooms with single beds. They can be spotted briefly in the official reveal trailer for Island Living.[1]


Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma 2
Skill TS4 Cooking Cooking 4
Skill TS4 Gourmet Cooking Gourmet Cooking 2

Alika Kahananui HS Alika Kahananui Spouse Spouse, Romantic Interest Sweethearts
Alika Kahananui HS Alika Kahananui Spouse Spouse, Romantic Interest Sweethearts

