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The Sims 4: High School Years
Mei Prescott
Mei Prescott
Gender Female Female
Age Age adult selected Adult
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Human
Education and employment
Career Copperdale High Principal
Family Prescott family
Parents Tai Lum
Marital status Widowed
Children Molly Prescott Daughter, Amy Prescott Daughter
Traits Trait TS4 Perfectionist Perfectionist
Trait TS4 Neat Neat
Trait TS4 Gloomy Gloomy
Trait TS4 Domestic Domestic
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Successful Lineage Successful Lineage
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Warm tone 7
Body shape Thin Average
Other information
Game TS4 EP12 High School Years Icon The Sims 4: High School Years
Playability Playable
World Copperdale

Mei Prescott (née Lum) is a pre-made Sim that lives in Copperdale, the world that shipped with The Sims 4: High School Years. She appears in several trailers, renders, and promotional screenshots for the expansion pack. Mei lives with her daughters Molly Prescott and Amy Prescott and her father Tai Lum.

Mei is an adult, 42 days away from becoming an elder. She has the Succesful Lineage aspiration and works as the principal of the Copperdale High School. She has five skill points each in logic, charisma and piano. Her pronouns are She/Her. Her Romantic and WooHoo preferences are both men and she is not exploring romantically. She has the swagger walk style.

As the principal, she can be seen walking around the high school and will react accordingly to how students behave. When playing as her, she will not initially have a career, as the career of school principal is an NPC role. If Mei is in the current household or has died, she won't appear in the high school and a randomly generated sim will be the principal instead.

Mei is a widow and single mother of Molly and Amy. After her husband's passing, she became more protective of her daughters and started to give them a lot of affection. Since she and her father Tai do not share the same last name, it can be inferred that Mei married into the Prescott family and that her maiden name is Lum. Having married into such a prestigious family, she may feel extra pressure to live up to her late husband’s name and is projecting that pressure onto her children.

Mei has the Gloomy trait, she still uses her late husband’s name and also still wears her wedding ring. All of this indicates that she is still grieving for him and hasn’t been able to move on yet.


Skill TS4 Charisma Charisma 5
Skill TS4 Logic Logic 5
Skill TS4 Piano Piano 5

Amy Prescott Amy Prescott Family Daughter, Friend Friend
Molly Prescott Molly Prescott Family Daughter, Friend Friend
Tai Lum Tai Lum Family Father, Acquaintance Acquaintance
Amy Prescott Amy Prescott Family Daughter, Friend Friend
Molly Prescott Molly Prescott Family Daughter, Friend Friend
Tai Lum Tai Lum Family Father, Acquaintance Acquaintance

Skill TS4 Cooking
Cooking Likes
TS4 Like Mixology
Mixology Dislikes
TS4 Like Piano
Piano Likes
TS4 Career Writer
Writing Likes
TS4 Like Brown
Brown Likes
TS4 Like Gray
Gray Likes
TS4 Like Red
Red Likes
TS4 Like Classical Music
Classical Likes
TS4 Like World Music
World Likes
TS4 Like Polished Fashion
Polished Likes

