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The Sims Wiki
Megumi Ito
Megumi Ito
Gender Female Female
Age Age yadult selected Young Adult
Life state TS4 non-occult Sim icon Sim
Education and employment
Career TS4 Career Business Senior Manager
Family Ito family
Marital status Married
Romances Naoki Ito Husband, Kado Akiyama Ex-Boyfriend
Children Kiyoshi Ito Son, Nanami Ito Daughter
Traits Trait TS4 Proper Proper
Trait TS4 Ambitious Ambitious
Trait TS4 Adventurous Adventurous
Trait TS4 High Metabolism High Metabolism
Trait TS4 Chopstick Savvy Chopstick Savvy
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Extreme Sports Enthusiast Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Body shape Thin Average
Social standing
Celebrity status
2 stars
Reputation TS4 Reputation Good Great
Other information
Game TS4 EP10 Snowy Escape Icon The Sims 4: Snowy Escape
Playability Playable
World Mt. Komorebi

Megumi Ito (伊藤 恵) is a pre-made playable Sim residing in Mt. Komorebi, the world shipped with The Sims 4: Snowy Escape. She lives with her husband, Naoki, her son, Kiyoshi, and her daughter, Nanami.

Megumi is a young adult, 26 days away from becoming an adult. She works in the business career. According to the family description, she is a gold medalist skier, raised in Senbamachi, who aims to give her children the same upbringing, but memories of an old flame might drive her to distraction. The family lives in a modern neighborhood, but their house is grand and historical.


Skill TS4 Fitness Fitness 7
Skill TS4 Logic Logic 4
Skill TS4 Skiing Skiing 10

Naoki Ito Naoki Ito Spouse Husband
Kiyoshi Ito Kiyoshi Ito Family Son
Nanami Ito Nanami Ito Family Daughter
Sachiko Nishidake Sachiko Nishidake Good Friend Good Friends
Kado Akiyama Kado Akiyama Ex Ex-Boyfriend
Naoki Ito Naoki Ito Spouse Husband
Kiyoshi Ito Kiyoshi Ito Family Son
Nanami Ito Nanami Ito Family Daughter
Sachiko Nishidake Sachiko Nishidake Good Friend Good Friends
Kado Akiyama Kado Akiyama Ex Ex-Boyfriend


  • If Get Famous is installed, Megumi will start as a Rising Star in fame, making her and her husband, Naoki, the first Sims not from Get Famous to have an initial fame.