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The Sims 3: Ambitions
Max Racket
Max Racket
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Elder Elder
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
The patriarch of the Racket family, Max is now enjoying the success of years of hard "work" in the family business. How will he spend his retirement?
Education and employment
Career W dayspa Clothes Folder
Family Racket family
Parents S. Windle Racket
Marital status Married
Romances Marigold Racket Married
Children Bill Racket Son, Dennis Racket Son, Dudley Racket Son
Traits Trait Kleptomaniac small Kleptomaniac
Trait Evil small Evil
Trait Coward small Coward
Trait Lucky small Lucky
Trait Mean Spirited small Mean Spirited
Lifetime wish LTW Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
Favorites Fav Classical Classical
Fav Cobbler Cobbler
Fav Blue Blue
Hair color Haircolor7-TS3 Grey
Eye color Eye-grey Grey
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game TS3A Icon The Sims 3: Ambitions
Playability Playable
World Twinbrook

Max Racket is a pre-made playable elder Sim who lives in Twinbrook, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 3: Ambitions. He lives with his wife Marigold, his children Bill and Dennis, his daughter-in-law Silver, and his grandchildren Shark and Lolly. His other son, Dudley, lives apart from the family. When the household is first played, Max is 76 days old.

The Rackets appear to be a long-line criminal clan, and Max, as the head of the family, is considered to be a renowned criminal. There isn't evidence on the surface, however, that shows his hard work of being a criminal; his lifetime wish is to become an expert kleptomaniac and steal others' property, which could mean that his actual crime is stealing from others. Additionally, he possesses the lucky and coward traits, which may mean that he was only able to get away with his crimes because of his luck. His wife Marigold, on the other hand, has evident proof of being a successful criminal, being a retired Super Villain. It is implied in her biography that Max may not actually be the true head of the crime family, and that Marigold is the one who really manages the "business".

Max is enemies with his children, friends with Shark and Silver and acquaintances with Lolly. Other than seven points in the Consignment hidden skill, he has no skills and is employed as a Clothes Folder in the Spa Specialist part-time job, despite his bio saying that he has retired. He carries a book in his inventory.


The Racket family
Max - Marigold - Dennis - Bill - Silver - Shark - Lolly - Dudley