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The Sims 3: World Adventures

Martial Arts
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Two Sims sparring

W learn martialarts skill

Martial arts skill is a skill introduced in The Sims 3 World Adventures. The trait Disciplined increases its learning rate.

Sims can train at the Phoenix Academy of Martial Arts in Shang Simla. However, Sims may purchase a training dummy, Board Breaker, and books to train at home. Sims get different color belts at different levels, just as real martial artists do, and apparently, Sims are using The Black Tiger-Kung Fu (or in this case Sim Fu) style.

When you achieved level 10, you will get a certificate:

"The Order of the Resolute Fist congratulates you, for achieving the very highest level of achievement in Martial Artistry. Please accept this handsomely framed certificate and display it with pride knowing others will see just how skilled you are."


At Level 5, Sims may also Meditate to increase the martial arts skill as well. Meditating for one hour will cause a "Meditative Focus" moodlet to appear. The positive moodlet starts with a duration of 15 minutes and increases as the Sim continues to mediate, maxing out at just over 4 hours of focus for around 2.5 hours of meditation; the Sim receives no further focus for continued meditation. If the Sim stops meditating and then restarts, the Meditative Focus moodlet will not begin increasing its duration again until the Sim has continued to meditate for an hour straight. When the Meditative Focus moodlet reaches 4 hours in duration, the Sim will glow with a green aura, levitate, and may choose to "Zeneport" to any location on the map, which will remove the focus moodlet and end the meditation. Receiving the Master of Meditation (MOM) challenge will also allow the Sim to teleport via "Tranquil Transference", which can be used at any time the Sim has more than 30 minutes of focus remaining, at the expense of 30 minutes of focus (i.e. 2 hours of focus allows 4 Transferences if no time is wasted between teleports). The animation for Tranquil Transference is nearly instant, as opposed to Zeneport, which required almost a half hour of slowly fading out, then back in, and standing back up. Once MOM is achieved, Zeneport is no longer possible, forcing the Sim to rely on Tranquil Transference.


At level 8, Sims will start to focus their chi into their attacks while sparring and perform some rigorous techniques like a flurry of jumping kicks or a single powerful roundhouse kick while airborne. Sims who have reached level 7 in the martial arts skill can teach other Sims as well.

Once a Sim develops their skill to level 1, they are able to spar with other Sims. By choosing the 'Spar' interaction on another Sim, Sims are able to build up their Martial Arts and Athletic skills in a friendly training session, which also steadily increases relationship.

After reaching level 4 in the skill, they can enter Shang Simla's Martial Arts ranked tournament. To set up a ranked match while in Shang Simla, pick up the phone and choose 'Challenge Spar Tournament Contender'. The next opponent on the ranking will be invited over to the lot that the player Sim is currently on, where they can choose 'Ranked Sparring Match'. After the match, the Sim may advance a rank, potentially up to the 5th and highest Grand Master rank in the tournament.

The match format is best-of-3 sets. The fighters have to stand a certain distance from each other. Hits with kicks and flat hands are permitted to the stomach, chest, and head. One such hit ends the set, so knockouts or technical knockouts never occur, and defensive moves are highly necessary. Fighters do not use protective gear, and fight barefoot with no helmet or toothguard, but are allowed to wear socks or stockings if they so wish.

Fighters cannot turn professional, so the amateur ranking list is the only organized competition within martial arts. There are no weight classes, and men-versus-women fights are allowed.

The mummies in Al Simhara all have their martial arts skill on level 10. Your Sim should learn Martial Arts before they go to Al Simhara to lower the risk of getting cursed by the Mummy.

When two Sims are engaged in unfriendly fighting with each other, having a skill point in Martial Arts is what's important; it doesn't matter how skillful a Sim is in Martial Arts. If one of the Sims has the Martial Arts skill of at least level 1, but the other Sim does not, the Sim with the Martial Arts skill always wins regardless of any factors that may increase the chance to win a fight. The chance a Sim wins a fight based on Athletic skill, traits, and other factors only apply if both or neither Sims have Martial Arts skill.


There are several challenges for martial arts which Sims can complete to unlock rewards.

Grand Master 
Reach tournament level 5 to attain the title of "Grand Master" and help other Sims improve their Martial Arts skills much more quickly.
Master of Meditation 
After 150 hours of meditation, your Sims can learn Tranquil Transference.
Sim Fu King 
After 75 sparring matches your Sim will be better at sparring and matches than usual.
Timber Terminator 
After breaking 150 boards of oak level or higher, your Sim will be able to obtain gems after breaking space rocks.


Level Ability
1 Spar
2 Break Foam board
3 Break Balsa Wood board
4 Enter tournaments, Break Oak board
5 Meditate
6 Break Thin Stone block
9 Break Space Rock block (Level 7 with disciplined trait)


A Sim's martial arts belt will change colors depending on their level of skill.

Skill Level Belt Color
1 White
2 Yellow
3 Orange
4 Green
5 Green
6 Blue
7 Blue
8 Brown
9 Black
10 Black & Gold


The Spa Restoration
Received: Random
Goal: 'Give Class' at the spa (takes 2 hours)
Reward: §1000
Location: Day Spa
Text: The Day Spa wants to hold another session with a good Martial Artist to teach Sims how to ease stress by emptying their minds.
Try the Tourney
Received: Random
Goal: Go to China, defeat a Sim in a ranked match, return home, and report to the stadium.
Reward: §800
Location: China
Text: There's a Martial Arts tournament in Shang Simla and the local association wants to bring home the team prize. They will sponsor a stipend and reward for anyone who wins a tournament match.
Complete Victory
Received: Random
Goal: Go to China, become Grand Master, return home, and report to the stadium (takes 2 hours)
Reward: §2000
Location: China
Text: In its continuing demand for local stardom, the Stadium Sports Association, has chosen you as the most promising delegate for the Platinum Belt Championships. It's a huge honor and there's a handsome reward for the winner.
The Ultimate Challenge
Received: Random
Goal: Break a Space Rock using the Board Breaker then report in at the stadium (takes 2 hours).
Reward: §1000
Location: Stadium
Text: The Stadium is sponsoring a contest to see if anyone can break the supposedly indestructible Space Rock on a Board Breaker.
Meditation Benefits
Received: Random
Goal: Gain Meditative Focus moodlet then enlighten a Sim
Reward: Cash and relationship boost
Location: Any
Text: A Sim has been trying to attain a greater understanding of life through hours of meditation but it hasn't worked yet. They've suggested that you might have the patience to sit it out and let them know if it's actually possible.


Icon Name Effect Cause Description Notes EP
Moodlet meditativefocus Meditative Focus
No Mood Effect
4 Hours
Meditating A clear mind and a centered chi will help you get things done better and faster. The ability to meditate is gained through the Martial Arts skill. This moodlets help your Sim perform actions and learn skills faster. &EP01
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Moodlet zenmood Zen
+20 Mood Mood
Scholar's Garden Only a place jam-packed with tranquility could promote such a powerful feeling of Zen. Namaste! Scholar's Garden in Shang Simla, China. Sims with the Zen moodlet would meditate better than normal. &EP01
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Moodlet hurthand Hurt Hand!
-25 Mood Mood
3 Hours
Snake charming basket, Board Breaker A wise Sim learns from a hurt hand, while others only feel pain. From snake charming basket which can be purchased in Egypt, or attempting to break boards above your skill level. Can be avoided by increasing Martial Arts and snake charming. This moodlet prevents you from breaking boards. Hidden Tomb doors have a chance to slam on a Sim's hand when forcing them open. &EP01
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Icon Name Lifetime Happiness Description Trigger EP
W learn martialarts skill
W learn s
Learn Martial Arts Skill 500 Your Sim seeks to learn something new to enrich and enlighten. Have your Sim refine a talent to perhaps pick up a new skill! &EP01
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W generic sim
W martialarts s
Spar with Someone 500 There is no better way to advance one's Martial Arts training than to spar against a worthy opponent! Your Sim wants to challange another Sim with Martial Arts skill to a friendly bout of sparring! &EP01
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W generic sim
W beatnextrankedmartialartsopponent
Beat Someone in a Ranked Sparring Match 1,250 Your Sim hopes to out-think and out-maneuver a competitor in a Ranked Sparring Match. Send your Sim to Shang Simla and use the phone to meet up with a Martial Arts opponent. &EP01
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W boardbreaker
W number 5 s
Break [#] More Boards 250 Few things are more impressive than breaking boards with bare fists! Your Sim wants to display true Martial Arts prowess by breaking some boards. Board Breakers can be purcashed in Shang Simla. &EP01
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W boardbreaker
W top level s
Break a Space Rock Block 1,000 Breaking blocks of wood is quite impressive, but breaking blocks made of space rocks, well now that's something not every Sim can do! Your Sim wants to experience the adrenaline rush that comes with breaking a space rock block! &EP01
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W learn martialarts skill
W improve s
Improve Martial Arts Skill 750 Learning is an exciting pursuit many Sims enjoy. Your Sim wants to improve a skill so they can do more things with the knowledge! Practice the skill until your Sim gains a level. &EP01
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W meditate
Meditate 250 Meditation is a mental discipline where the mind attempts to find a deeper state of relaxation. Your Sim wants to relax the body and let the mind wander by Meditating &EP01
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W meditate
W number 2 s
Meditate for [#] Hours Varies A deeper state of relaxation and awareness can be achieved through long periods of mediation. Your Sim wants to Meditate long enough to attain an excellent state of mental acuity &EP01
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W meditate
W number many s
Meditate for 48 Hours 10,000 A deeper state of relaxation and awareness can be achieved through long periods of mediation. Your Sim wants to Meditate long enough to attain an excellent state of mental acuity &EP01
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W learn martialarts skill
Practice Martial Arts Skill 350 Practice makes perfect! Your Sim wishes to practice a skill! &EP01
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W trainwithtrainingdummy
Train with Training Dummy 500 The Training Dummy is a formidable, yet silent opponent. Your Sim wants to practice a few new moves with a Training Dummy. Send your Sim to Shang Simla to use the local Training Dummies, or purchase one from the market to bring home. &EP01
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W win num martialartstournament row
W number 5 s
Win [#] Ranked Sparring Matches in a Row 3,000 To prove others there is no equal, your Sim wants to win multiple ranked sparring matches in a row! Send your Sim to Shang Simla, then call the next opponent in the Martial Arts &EP01
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W win martialartstournament
Win a Martial Arts Tournament 10,000 Your Sim craves the sweet victory achieved only by winning a Martial Arts Tournament. Send your Sim to Shang Simla, then call the next opponent in the Martial Arts circuit. &EP01
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W learn martialarts skill
W top level s
Master Martial Arts Skill 5,000 Mastering a Skill takes great patience and dedication, but your Sim aspires to be the best. Have your Sim practice the skill and complete Oppurtunities [sic] , and great things will happen. &EP01
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