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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2: Seasons
Marcel Haggerty
Marcel Haggerty
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Child Child
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Education and employment
School School Public School
Grade C
Family Haggerty family
Zodiac sign Leo Leo
Aspiration Grow Up Grow Up
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-tan Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Seasons Icon The Sims 2: Seasons
Playability Townie
Neighborhood Riverblossom Hills

Marcel Haggerty is a pre-made child townie residing in Riverblossom Hills, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 2: Seasons. He can be made playable by befriending and aging him up with another child[TS2:FT], and sending him off to college[TS2U]. Marcel is a C student enrolled in public school at the start of the game.

Like all townies in The Sims 2: Seasons, his relationships with other townies are usually randomized at the start of the game. Marcel has the same facial structure as Amin Turner. He has short black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. He wears a red T-shirt over a yellow long-sleeved shirt, khaki green shorts, and sandals.

As far as personality, Marcel is extremely outgoing, but he is somewhat sloppy, lazy, and serious, as well as being very grouchy. When it comes to his skills, he is well on the way towards maximizing creativity, but he doesn't have a very high level in anything else. He is mostly interested in Paranormal and Travel. He is also the only pre-made child townie in Riverblossom Hills to have pre-set interests. Marcel has a hidden pregnancy modifier token, which will increase his chances of having twins when he becomes an adult.[1]


Skill Cooking Cooking 2
Skill Mechanical Mechanical 1
Skill Charisma Charisma 2
Skill Body Body 3
Skill Logic Logic 1
Skill Creativity Creativity 7
Skill Cleaning Cleaning 3

Sloppy 4 Neat
Shy 10 Outgoing
Lazy 4 Active
Serious 4 Playful
Grouchy 3 Nice

Politics Politics 2
Crime Crime 1
Food Food 1
Sports Sports 4
Work Work 4
School School 5
Money Money 1
Entertainment Entertainment 6
Health Health 4
Paranormal Paranormal 9
Weather Weather 4
Toys Toys 6
Environment Environment 2
Culture Culture 3
Fashion Fashion 4
Travel Travel 8
Animals Animals 6
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 6

Other Languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Marcel Haggerty
French Marcel Duval
German Marcel Hufschmidt
Italian Marcello Lonza
Spanish Marcelo Hermosilla
Dutch Maarten Haveloos
Danish Mauritz Haraldsen
Swedish Manfred Hagtorn
Norwegian Markus Melhus
Finnish Juhani Myötäinen
Russian Марсель Хаггерти
Portuguese Marcelo Gaultier
Japanese マルセル ハゲルティ
Polish Marceli Ochłap
Chinese (simplified) 马 哈格蒂
Chinese (traditional) 馬索 海格里
Thai มาร์เซล เฮ็กเกอร์ตี้
Korean 마르셀 헤거티
Czech Marcel Slavík
Hungarian Marcel Haggerty
Brazilian Portuguese Marcel Ragerti

